O inverno da Lu Pessanha

Sempre digo que o mais bacana de ter um blog é a oportunidade de conhecer coisas novas todos os dias. Semana passada fui até BH para conhecer a Lu Pessanha, marca da cidade , que está fazendo um super sucesso e que já clicou a sua coleção com a blogger Nati Vozza. A Lu, que é uma querida, me convidou para um dia de fotos com os looks da sua coleção de alto inverno, que será lançada em sua loja no dia 9 de abril. A roupas são lindas (fez um mega sucesso no instagram) e com preço muito bacana. Me apaixonei por várias coisinhas. Vale destacar a saia de franjas verde água (a cor é de babar), o vestido com estapa de cachorro e o conjunto de oncinha cropped que é abusante!!!

Lu Pessanha tem showroom no Prado, em Belo Horizonte e está em várias multimarcas de todo país! Para saber mais é só clicar no site da Lu PessanhaGostaram do dia de modelo, meninas? Quero saber a opinião de vocês!

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111 respostas para “O inverno da Lu Pessanha”

  1. Não resta dúvidas que as roupas são Mara… mas e essa barriga!??!?!?!Pelo amor de Deus… coloca dicas de como ficar assim… Que inveja boa que estou de vc!!

  2. que fotos mais lindaas!!! MORRI de amores por todos os looks! o meu preferido foi o ultimo, ficou maravilhoso.. se eu morasse no Brasil ja ia querer saber como fazer pedido 🙂
    Lala, criei um blog recentemente e gostaria muito que vc visitasse quando tiver um tempinho.. tenho um carinho enorme por vc, seria importante pra mim! prometo que vai gostar 🙂 um beijo http://www.makemeupbymarcela.com

  3. Boa Tarde Lala! Preciso dessa bota e não consigo achar o contato dessa Loja Label em BH, sou de Brasilia, será que você poderia passar um site? telefone? ou alguma forma de entrar em contato com eles?
    Muito obrigada!
    Wanessa Ferraz

  4. Oi Lala!

    Sou tua fã, você é um exemplo de determinação!

    Desculpa fazer propaganda aqui nos comentários, mas eu tenho uma loja on-line e só trabalho com marcas de BH.

    E tenho em estoque para envio imediato a borá cede franjas da Label tanto essa de cano longo, quanto a de cano curto de varias cores e camurça legitimo.

    E tenho também a clutch de caveira, nas cores preta, rosê e menta.

    Você arrasa!


  5. Lala linda! Ajuda a divulgar meu trabalho!!!

    Olá, meu chamo Luana Balbine, sou blogueira do http://luanabalbine.com.br/ , apaixonada por moda, adoro customização, sempre dou um toque a mais nas peças, tenho intenção de lançar minha marca (Luana Balbine), sempre dou dicas de como compor looks super fashion, sem gastar muito, aliás da pra se vestir bem gastando pouco e que tal dar uma conferida no meu canal do YouTube (luanabalbine) lá tem dicas de roupas super bacanas com preços acessíveis!
    Além do mais sou colunista no site “Falar de moda”, um site super bacana que esta crescendo a cada dia!
    No instagram ( luanabalbine) ataco de espiã de fast fashion sempre trazendo tudo que há de novo no mundo fashion!!! Me deem esta oportunidade de compartilhar meu trabalho com vocês!

    Super beijo amores ♥

  6. Oii Lalá, tudo bom? Adorei essas roupas, uma peça mais linda que a outra, fiquei babando. Eu gostaria de saber se tem alguma loja virtual para estar adquirindo essas peças! Fico no aguardo da sua resposta!!!E Parabéns pelo blog que cada dia nos ensina muito!!Beijos.

  7. Lalá, você está linda, não consegui nem prestar atenção nas roupas, que barriga sarada! ahaha
    Tá tão bonita assim, por favor não fique igual a mulher do Belo!

    Beijos, sou sua fã.

  8. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life articles and blogs

  9. Temple of the Reclining Buddha, Sing Buri

    Reclining Buddha image with B. The largest in Thailand calculating the volume, which the body There is a length of 47 meters and 42 centimeters and has Buddhist characteristics in the art style. beautiful sukhothai with his face facing north , which is assumed that Thao U-Thong He was the creator of this Buddha image .
    09-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  10. Located in Nong Luang Subdistrict An old temple that has been renovated many times. Highlights worth seeing inside this temple include the chapel with its beautifully carved wooden doors. The gable and gable are wooden. The window is carved in a gilded Buddha history. the head of the stairs is a naga Meanwhile, the temple’s viharn, which is an old viharn, has a two-storey ceiling with air vents all around. Therefore, the air is cool inside and there is also “Phra Chao Tanjai” that is respected and believed by the villagers. that, regardless of whether they come to make a wish with anything, they succeed as they hoped

  11. Sarika Waterfall
    a large waterfall The river flows down from the cliffs in a row to 9 levels, the highest cliff is about 200 meters. Each layer has natural rock layers to support the water and become small pools around the waterfall’s tiers. Some are wide and the water is not very deep. causing the river to flow down beautifully, it is another famous waterfall in Nakhon Rak that should not be missed to visit But should visit during the rainy season, which will have a waterfall to see. If the moss during drought water will be very little.
    13-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  12. strengthen bones
    Green tea has properties to help prevent the process of bone loss. And reduce the risk of bone fractures from osteoporosis as well. A study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that women who drank three cups of green tea daily had a 30% lower risk of hip fractures from osteoporosis.
    ขิม 13/7

    Read more at https://ipro191.com/

  13. Sirindhorn Wararam Phu Prao Temple Also known as the fluorescent temple, this temple is not beautiful. Only at night But if you come to pay respect to the Buddha image during the day, it is beautiful in another way. It also has a beautiful view of the Mekong River as well.14-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  14. Cycling alone may seem too common. It is recommended to ride a bicycle on the railway while enjoying the beautiful scenery “Gangchon Rail Bike” which is located near Nami Island. You can continue to visit Nami Island. By cycling this is very easy. Just keep spinning You will get a beautiful view. along the cycling route It is recommended to go during the autumn leaves season. You will see beautiful red leaves along the way.
    18-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  15. บนพื้นที่ใจกลางตัวอำเภอโกสุมพิสัย จ.มหาสารคาม มีป่าขนาดเล็กริมแม่น้ำชีวางตัวอยู่ วนอุทยานโกสัมพี เดิมเป็นที่ดินสาธารณประโยชน์ แต่เมื่อขาดผู้ดูแลจึงมีการนำเสนอให้กรมป่าไม้ ซึ่งดูแลส่วนอุทยานแห่งชาติในเวลาดังกล่าว เข้ามารับผิดชอบ และจัดตั้งขึ้นเป็นวนอุทยาน เมื่อปี พ.ศ. 2519 จุดเด่นของวนอุทยานโกสัมพีคือเป็นแหล่งอาศัยของลิงแสมจำนวนมากกว่า 500 ตัว แบ่งเป็นสองฝูงใหญ่ นักท่องเที่ยวและชาวบ้านนิยมเข้าไปให้อาหารอย่างสนุกสนานเพราะลิงที่นี่ไม่ดุร้าย เราสามารถขับรถจากปากทางเข้าไปจนสุดทางออกหรือวนกลับมาตามถนนภายในวนอุทยานได้โดยไม่จำเป็นต้องลงจากรถก็ได้ by wila 23/07

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  16. We are often accustomed that Myanmar is a country with many ancient temples, ancient monuments and beautiful antiques. But when Myanmar opens to more tourists to visit The more we saw that this country was truly a jewel of Asia, with its nature still being preserved very well. whether it be the mountains or the sea which is as beautiful as anywhere in the world The key is near Thailand. comfortable travel Like this, I can’t wait to have to go and see it once
    31-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  17. “Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
    – Joseph Campbell

    ขิม 1/8 Read more athttps://ipro191.com/

  18. Khlong Prao Waterfall
    Khlong Prao Waterfall ” or “Tub Chang Waterfall”A large waterfall is located in the middle of the forest. There are a total of 5 floors. The specialty of visiting the waterfall here is. Visitors will have to start watching the waterfall from the last level until the first level. We will see the stream falling down the rocks scattered throughout the area04-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  19. Hinoki Land Chiang Mai Province
    Travel to Japan near Chai Prakan, who likes the atmosphere of Japan. Must be here. Hinoki Land, the first Hinoki wooden kingdom. and the only one in Thailand which does not have to go to Japan at all because he brought it to Chiang Mai and then Especially during this comfortable travel time. The weather must be good. suitable for traveling And it’s very photogenic.

    +++เดซี่ 8/8/64+++

  20. The Eiffel Tower is a towering iron tower, a symbol of France’s advancement in science. Come back to open the door to welcome tourists again. After being closed for more than 9 months, it opened for the first day on July 16, 2021, local time.

    The reopening will cut the number of visitors by half, from 25,000 a day to just 13,000. AFP reports that more than half of the people interested in booking tickets are French. Italians and Spaniards were 15% higher than the norm, with the rest being the United States and other European nations. There are few Asians and no English at all

    And with the epidemic of the Delta virus that is causing many areas to come back to spread again. President Emmanuel Macron has ordered everyone who uses public transport, whether it be trains or planes. Show Passport Vaccination Card This includes entering department stores, department stores, museums, galleries or other places with which the Eiffel Tower. The rule is planned to be implemented on July 21 onwards.
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  21. Shines on the sexy KPN raisin, beautiful girl, good voice, daughter of a famous former singer.
    Shining bright and sexy corners of a girl with a good voice. Raisin-Priyakorn Pangkun or Raisin KPN, in addition to being versatile This girl also has extraordinary charm and sexiness. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 13/8

  22. Phu Langka Forest Park
    in the late rainy season and early winter every year Phu Langka Forest Park is quite popular with tourists. Within the Phu Langka Forest Park area, there are many strangely shaped limestone mountains. It is the source of one of the most beautiful mists of Phayao City. The mornings are cold all year round014-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  23. Pompeii and Herculaneum

    In 79 AD, Vesuvius erupted violently and suddenly engulfed the bustling Roman city of Pompeii and covered it for over a thousand years in six meters of ash and pumice. The city remained solid in time until excavations that began in the 18th century opened up more than half of the buildings and public spaces. The eruption also engulfed Herculaneum, but this time in molten lava, not ash. So instead of raining and crushing the building with its weight, lava flowed in and filled the city from the ground up, supporting walls and ceilings as it rose and kept them in place. Also preserved in this seal are organic materials such as wood, textiles and food, completing the picture of life in the first century.
    20-08-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  24. his is another place where we can see beautiful views. without having to climb the mountain to get tired Because there is a cable car that can carry up to 101 passengers to the top of Mt. Tsurumi, the height of 1,375 meters in 10 minutes. From there, we can see the surrounding view of Beppu, Mt. Yufu and Kuju as well. For the best time. In the trip is When the cherry blossom trees are in full bloom

    ****เดซี่ 22/8/64


  25. If you come to Khao Kho, you can’t miss coming together at Phu Thap Boek. The best viewpoint of Phetchabun’s sea of ​​mist It’s cold here all year round. We can see the way of life of the hill tribe people still planting cabbage fields here in the midst of the cold weather and the mist.

    ****fias 26/8/64


  26. The priceless temple of Thailand and Rattanakosin It’s here Wat Phra Si Rattana Satsadaram or Wat Phra Kaew is a temple in the Grand Palace as well as Wat Phra Si Sanphet. which is a temple in the Royal Palace in the Ayutthaya period

    ****Fiastar 27/8/64


  27. Bo Kluea District, Nan Province
    At Bo Kluea, there is a road leading to a beautiful district. Accommodation in the middle of the river and calm nature It is famous for making salt on the mountain which is unique here. This salt well has been around since ancient times. The people here are very nice. Come and fall in love with simplicity But it’s definitely warm here


  28. Super poll Believers have politicians to manipulate violent mob.
    Super poll: 96.9% of people believe that politicians are controlling the mob, 86.8%, political parties are arguing with each other, 96.1%, urging all parties to calm the country
    Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 1/9Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

  29. The Prime Minister of Korat Subdistrict Administrative Organization confessed that he actually had 3 injections of Sinovac because he was afraid that his landscape would not rise.
    The Prime Minister of Nong Nam Daeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Korat confessed to smooth walk-in injection of “Sinovac” 3 needles, claiming he was afraid that the landscape would not rise.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 1/9Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

  30. Senior architect posted a clip to tease the rain falling on the city until he saw it. “Fountain on the pavement”
    “Job Chantharit” Senior Architect Post a clip of water waiting to drain. pouring out of the sewer tease the fountain on the pavement Designed by an anonymous artist Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 1/9

  31. Swarm in front of the detention center Wife pounded chili paste with boiled vegetables for her husband. The officers didn’t let him in. argue
    Young detainee revealed I admit that I was stressed because I had hoped that I would be able to eat delicious poached vegetable chili paste. made by his wife But the officials claimed that they were not allowed to bring it in. Afraid to eat and have diarrhea I personally think it’s impossible. Because Isaan people only eat chili paste since birth.Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 1/9

  32. approaching the election period Many discussion groups are inevitable to pick up political issues to exchange opinions. The thing that must be encountered is both the same and different opinions. Many people avoid talking about it. Because diversity is an integral part of human beings, RU OK believes that political opinions can be exchanged as healthy. The easiest is to start by questioning your own opinion in order to…
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  33. ‘Watch a movie, watch a drama, and look back at yourself’. This sentence probably shows a clearer picture when you see a movie and you find that The characters have backgrounds that are similar to ours. being treated like us And making the same decision as us, we found that often we and the images in the movies are linked as if they were mirrors of each other. RU OK and THE STANDARD POP picked up 8 Oscar-nominated movies. Let’s look at the angle…
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  34. Kantang Railway Station

    Kantang Railway Station old train station Located on the road in front of the camp Kantang Subdistrict, Kantang District, Trang Province is the last railway station of the Southern Railway on the Andaman Sea. Kantang Railway Station It is a single-storey wooden building in the shape of a hip joint. Paint mustard yellow, alternating brown. which is the main color pair that is familiar to the general train building The building is divided into 2 parts: the private building and the platform. There is a porch in front of the building, and the corners of the pillars are decorated with openwork patterns. Inside the station, there are still some belongings left in the past. Overall, it still maintains the original identity since the reign of King Rama VI as well. It is a railway station that is especially beautiful until it has been registered as an ancient monument by the Fine Arts Department.
    01/09/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

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