Inverno 2015 – O que usar com seu batom vinho

Os tempos mudaram mesmo! No fim dos anos 90 e começo dos 2000 os batons foram meio que deixados de lado, e a moda eram os tons nude com – no máximo – um acabamento com gloss. De uns tempos pra cá começaram a pipocar cores marcantes, desde o rosa forte, passando pelos laranjas mega ousados, vinhos intensos e chegamos ao limite do preto! A variedade é tanta que fica difícil de escolher!

Agora no inverno fica ainda mais gostoso explorar os tons escuros nas roupas, esmaltes e o mesmo se aplica aos batons. Os tons de vinho e marsala são super a cara do inverno e tendência máxima. Todo mundo tem o(s) seu(s) hoje em dia!!

Então para ajudar a pensar em alguns looks já com o batom vinho em mente, seguem algumas ideias:


Pra arrematar o visual, uma dica eterna é apostar no tradicional trench coat caqui. Ele é ultra chic e vai te dar “um ar de Cara Delevingne na campanha da Burberry” em qualquer situação que você estiver. Inclusive à noite! Uma mini saia, capricha no salto e boa festa!

34 respostas para “Inverno 2015 – O que usar com seu batom vinho”

  1. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life articles and blogs

  2. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life authors and blogs

  3. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a video game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

  4. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these second life authors and blogs

  5. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl articles and blogs

  6. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life articles and blogs

  7. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life authors and blogs

  8. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life websites and blogs

  9. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a video game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life authors and blogs

  10. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

  11. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these second life authors and blogs

  12. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life authors and blogs

  13. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl websites and blogs

  14. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life websites and blogs

  15. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

  16. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life articles and blogs

  17. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life articles and blogs

  18. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life authors and blogs

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