Dica: Como cuidar Cabelo Cacheado de Criança

Essa dica ajudou a minha mãe e a mãe da minha afilhada e acho que pode você também. Minha afilhada tem o cabelo cacheado super fofo. Amo os cachos dela, mas quando ela acorda o cabelo fica sempre maluquinho. Todo amassado. A minha mãe sempre passou um pouco de água no cabelo dela para os cachos voltarem para o controle, mas não ficava top – e o cheirinho não é dos melhores!).

Até que descobrimos o Spray para Cabelos (JOHNSON’S® baby Colônia para Cabelos Cheirinho Prolongado para passar no cabelo dela na hora que acorda. Basta umas borrifadas (no cabelo seco mesmo), depois passar os dedos bem suavemente e o cabelo dela fica lindo de novo. Os cachos ficam super organizados e o cheirinho uma delicia. Sem falar que o preço é bacaninha (por volta de R$15) e dura muito! Depois é só deixar solto ou amarrar. Gosto de fazer esses torcidinhos na frente e colocar dois lacinhos. Fica um xuxu! Vale a dica ou contar para as amigas que tem filhas (ou filhotes) com cabelo cacheado! Um produto para cabelo de criança que não agride. Demais essa dica, não?


26 respostas para “Dica: Como cuidar Cabelo Cacheado de Criança”

  1. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life articles and blogs

  2. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl websites and blogs

  3. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

  4. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life websites and blogs

  5. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life authors and blogs

  6. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life authors and blogs

  7. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl articles and blogs

  8. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these sl articles and blogs

  9. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life authors and blogs

  10. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these sl websites and blogs

  11. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a online game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life websites and blogs

  12. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

  13. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a online game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

  14. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these sl authors and blogs

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