Tem muita gente me pedindo sugestões de looks para o ano novo. Vou começar a postar algumas coisas aqui e também no instagram (segue aí @lalanoleto). Esse vestido em tricôzinho da Juliana Silveira para La Vetrina é a coisa mais delicada do mundo. Perfeito para quem vai passar as festas na praia ou em um ambiente mais informal. Daqueles que você leva para a noite de ano novo e ainda vai aproveitar muito para sair para jantar, combinar com uma rasteira para usar no final do dia. O detalhe do corte ombro a ombro dá uma pegada feminina que eu adoro.
Para complementar o look, escolhi uma sandália daquelas caso de amor da Dumond. Ela é toda de tirinhas delicadas no peito do pé e o salto é de oncinha (onnnn). Oncinha com textura de pêlo. Não é demais??? Ela fica muitoooo sexy e tem uma altura bem confortável. Perfeita para dançar. Na bolsa, uma clutch, também da Dumond, box dourada, aquela que vai com tudo e para qualquer tipo de festa. Ah, ela vem com uma alça longa. Assim você pode usar na mão ou pendurada no ombro!
Lalá veste: Juliana Silveira para La Vetrina | Brincos Água de Coco | Bolsa e Sapato Dumond
Fotos: Vitor Fernandes
Lalá, lindo o look!
Por um acaso vc conhece algum site que tenha venda on-line dos brincos da água de coco?
Não. Liga na loja que eles mandam!
Onde você fez suas luzes? Ta lindo!
Oi! No Proença. Bjoka
Perfeita, né?! Quero paasar assim a virada.
Eu fui uma dessas pessoas!! Hahaha amei esse vestido mas mais ainda a sandália bapho demais!! Vou esperar maia dicas de looks….mas vc me tira uma dúvida.. Reveillon é branco e ponto ou vc acha que isso não existe mais e pode usar a cor que quiser?
Oi, Nath Eu acho que é a cor que você deseja. Eu quero muita paz! Por isso vou de branco! 😉
Oi Lalá!
Não me leve a mal, mas tenho dúvidas a esclarecer.
Estou com quase os 2 pés atrás com os grandes blogs de moda atualmente, vejo muita coisa que não acho que seja real e quando veja a palavra “publicidade” nos posts, eu passo direto. Sei que é o trabalho de vocês, mas eu estou realmente ficando meio que cansada de ler um post inteirinho achando que é uma “dica de amiga” e ver que é pura jogada de marketing. Então mes responde uma coisa, fora os looks que a gente vê vc usando no Instagram e nos eventos, os “Looks do Dia” vc realmente usou aquela roupa para trabalhar/badalar/dia-a-dia ou é um editorial de moda? Pois se for um editorial, pelo menos na minha humilde opinião, acaba ficando muito irreal. Pois o conceito antigo de blog é um diário virtual, onde vc narra as suas preferências, lifestyle e dicas do que você realmente gosta. E os blogs estão virando uma espécie de anúncio ambulante, onde a opinião real da blogueira pode mudar de acordo com quem “pague mais”. Desculpa o desabafo, mas gostaria de ser esclarecida quanto a minha dúvida. Beijos e sucesso sempre!
Oi, Nath
Na verdade acho que essa coisa de usar fotografo tira um pouco dessa naturalidade que existia antes no blog. Eu acho que usar esse recurso deixa o blog mais bonito, dá para ver os detalhes. Enfim, uma cara mais arrumadinha. Como eu não namoro um fotografo, contrato um. Todas as roupas são o que realmente uso. Não quer dizer que usei naquele dia que tirei, mas já tenha usado ou vou usar logo. Nesse caso, vou usar esse look mil vezes. Pode ter certeza. Meu sonho era poder ter alguém para fotografar todos os dias, mas como não tenho eu junto tudo que usei e repito num dia só quando o fotografo esta disponível! 😉
Beijo grande! E fique tranquila. Nada muda a minha opinião. Se uso é porque realmente gosto! Bjoka
Muito bacana…
mto perfeito eu amei
Mil beijinhos
Comer, Blogar, Amar…
Lindo mesmo! Qual o seu tamanho?
P Bjoka
A sandália é linda demais!! Amei!!
amei muito o look. ah qual a cor do esmalte? fica mto bem em vc
Oi, Rose! É o 40 graus! 😉
Lalá que lindo!!!!!!!!!
Amei, como sempre você manda muito bem!! Não preciso dizer que sou fã, né? rs
Um dia, ainda vou te ver pessoalmente, inspiração total!
Vc pode contar qual é esse esmalte vermelho que usa???
Grande beijo!
Oi, Gabi! Obrigada pelo carinho. é o 40 graus! 😉
Lindo seu look, adorei.
Beijos do MF.
Lalá, q lindo esse vestidinho, amei, mas gostei mto das fotos, onde é esse lugar???
Bjs querida, vc tá cada dia mais bonita
Oi! DO lado da minha casa! 😉
Arrasou Lalá!
Vc tá mto gata hein!!!!
Amo acompanhar seu insta, seu projeto malhação me inspira:)
Beijãooo e arrasou
Vestido lindo. Adorei o look.
Lalá, vc mora no RJ né?! Vc conhece alguma loja só de bijou bem legal em Niterói? Queria brincos e anéis com cara de jóia e preço de bijou kkkkk. Obrigada!! Tá linda vc viu?! Bj!
Oi, Luna
Eu não conheço. Sei de muitas online! 😉
Vc tá muito igual a Sabrina Sato! Tá numa fase toda linda!!! 🙂
Me acheiiiiiii
Muito lindoo Lalá,ameii o vestido e essa sandália é realmente maravilhosa!
Onde tem essa sandália pra comprar? Na loja online da Dumond não tem 🙁
amei look lindo!!
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Adorei a sandália!
a eu amei o vestido, parece ser bem feito
Lalá! De onde são esses Maxi Brincos? Bjus.
Oi Lala! Que locação é essa? Achei lindo o lugar…
Do lado da minha casa. bjuuuu
Lalá moriii com este look, vc esta muito lincda!!!! Realmente vc esta na sua melhor fase….
Obrigada por todas as dicas de 2012….
Obrigada, Drika
Magnifico esse vestido!! Amei o look, só não agradei com os brincões, rsrsrsrs.
Ficou muito bonito mesmo sem exageros, feminino. Que lugar lindo esse.
Lalá, amei este seu look, este vestido é perfeito. Tem tudo o q gosto nele e fiquei tentada a comprar. Mas fico com receio de comprar online devido ao tamanho. Acho q talvez meu tipo físico se assemelha ao seu. O “P” seria pra quem usa tamanho 36?
Parabéns pelo trabalho!
Oi, Chris. Esse é P. Ele fica bem curtinho! 😉
Lalá vc rstá lindaaaaa !!!!! Seus brincos são da onde … Morri 2x com eles !!!!! Rssss
Amei o vestido!!
nossa adaorei o look, tbm comprei essa sandalia…me apaixonei por ela quando bati os olhos…mais me decepcionei…as taxinhas dela começaram a cair mesmo sem eu usa-la…ai devolvi para analise com o meu coração partido, e ate hj estou esperando resposta da loja. =\
a sua não deu problema não?
Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl websites and blogs
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Koh Phayam, Ranong Province.
The largest island after Koh Chang (Ranong), the middle of the island is forested and wild animals such as birds, monkeys and wild boars. There are also villas here to serve tourists. In the middle of the water, the view is so beautiful that it has been called the Maldives of Thailand. Koh Phayam has five Hat Yai beaches, forests, large trees, mangrove beaches, rubber plantations and a place for hornbill watching. It can be said that Koh Phayam is still a tourist destination with quite rich nature, one of them.
08-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Stanford: We tried to prepare for it. In the fall, we conducted a survey that gave us some insight into what would make people more comfortable taking the vaccine when it became available. Then in December, I got vaccinated. I’d had Covid, so I’d thought about not getting vaccinated because I knew I had antibodies, but I took on that responsibility because people were following my lead. Then, when we started vaccinating, we had one day where we ran out of vaccine, so I said to the city, “This hesitancy in the Black community, we are not seeing it.” They were lined up.จิ๋ว
Maya Bay is located on Phi Phi Ley Island. Known among tourists from the movie The Beach (The Beach), the bay looks like a crescent moon. bright emerald green water with pristine white sandy beaches that soften your feet That calls for tourists to come and experience this beautiful sea with their own eyes.
11-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Wang Kan Lueang Waterfall
It is a waterfall that is not very large. But it is as beautiful as other waterfalls. This is a special waterfall that most of the waterfalls have their headwaters on high mountains. But Wang Kan Lueang Waterfall originates from a large stream that rises from the underground to become a stream of water that flows from the upstream to collide with limestone. Becomes a waterfall more than 20 meters wide, cascading down several levels, looks very beautiful, making Another special feature of this Wang Kan Lueang Waterfall. That is, there is a strong water flow all year round, making it possible to travel all year round.
11-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/
When it comes to success, there are no shortcuts.
เมื่อพูดถึงความสำเร็จ ย่อมไม่มีทางลัด
Mistakes are proof that you’re trying.
Universe speak, I’ll it though it. จักรวาลบอกกับฉันว่า เดี๋ยวทุกอย่างมันก็จะผ่านพ้นไป
muito para sair para jantar, combinar com uma rasteira para usar no final do dia. O detalhe do corte ombro a ombro dá uma pegada feminina que eu adoro.*pm
Live in the moment
informal. Daqueles que você leva para a noite de ano novo e ainda vai aproveitar muito para sair para jantar, combinar com uma rasteira para usar no final do dia. O detalhe do corte ombro a ombro dá uma pegada feminina que eu adoro.*H
Don’t be the same. Be better! อย่ามัวแต่เป็นเหมือนเดิม เราต้องดีกว่าเดิม!
Life has turned into a beautiful garden ever since you entered into my life.
ชีวิตกลายเป็นสวนที่สวยงาม นับตั้งแต่ที่คุณเข้ามาในชีวิตของฉัน
National Museum of History
Another of Mexico City’s world-class attractions is National Museum of History(Museo Nacional de Historia) Housed in the 18th-century Chapultepec Castle (Castillo de Chapultepec), on a site that was once occupied by Aztec buildings and later by the Spanish Hermitage, the museum was opened in 1857. It was built in 1944 and is home to materials and reproductions of pre-Columbian materials. manuscripts as well as numerous exhibits depicting Mexico’s history since the Spanish conquest. Highlights include weapons and armor, documents, maps, and conquest plans, periods and aftermath; ceramics, clothing, jewelry, and coins from three centuries; relics and relics in the struggle for freedom and revolutionary wars; paintings of leading figures in Mexican history; and a number of vans, including those used by Benito Juárez and Emperor Maximilian. There are also apartments at Maximilian and Charlotte, decorated in neoclassical style and featuring European-imported furniture. The castle also offers beautiful views of the city.
18-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/
muito para sair para jantar, combinar com uma rasteira para usar no final do dia. O detalhe do corte ombro a ombro dá uma pegada feminina que eu adoro.*ญ?
muito para sair para jantar, combinar com uma rasteira para usar no final do dia. O detalhe do corte ombro a ombro dá uma pegada feminina que eu adoro.*PM
Wat Sri Don Kham
Locals call it “Wat Huai Ao”, it is a large old relic inside. The Buddha’s relics passed by to visit Long District. went to pay homage to Phra Chao Phrato See the arts and crafts of Lanna Buddhist ancestors and pay homage to “Phra That Sri Don Kham” to make you feel full of merit and good luck forever. And what is indispensable is to see the bomb bell. The origin of the word “City of Phrae bombing” that occurred since World War 2 from the bombing of the railroad. But the bomb didn’t explode. The villagers were disappointed and helped to carry the carts to the temple to make a bell. people passing by do not understand, they lead them to say that “Phrase of Explosion”
“Chompoo Araya” tour continues to go down Open comments! Netizens are still waiting to read 2 needle vaccine review
Open comments! Netizens are still waiting to read “Chompu Araya” review of the 2nd needle vaccination
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In anticipation of the launch of the new iPhone 6, Apple has released a document to help those with Android smartphones to migrate their data to the iPhone. The document gives step-by-step instructions about how Android users can easily move data such as e-mail, contacts, calendars, photos and more to the iPhone using a new app called Copy My Data. Following Apple’s announcement recently of the release of new larger-screened “phablet” iPhones, analysts said they expect a large amount of users of Android phones, such as Samsung and LTE, to switch to the iPhone platform. After the announcement of the new phones, Apple said it had processed more than 4 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus pre-orders on the first day of pre-launch sales, doubling the previous iPhone 5 pre-order record set in 2012.
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Ban Pin Railway Station
It is a train station with a unique building with European art over 100 years old. It is the first and only railway station in Thailand built in the Bavarian style of “frame house” or wooden frame. which is very popular in the Bavarian region of Germany. In addition, Phrae has the most abundant teak forest. This resulted in the concept of design blending with the traditional Thai hip-hop houses. Which was popular in that era perfectly. Even after more than a hundred years, the building still looks beautiful and valuable.
Don’t be the same. Be better! อย่ามัวแต่เป็นเหมือนเดิม เราต้องดีกว่าเดิม!
“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you’ve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.”
– Denis Waitley
Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind. -Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Repairman’s wife The female teacher secretly likes her husband, the other party argues, never thinking of taking an old man as her husband
ขิม 28/7
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Bangkok provides proactive vaccination “Phra-Undertaker” 221 temples, starting on July 30, 21
ขิม 29/7
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Maybe it’s 6:45
Maybe I’m barely alive
Maybe you’ve taken my shit for the last time, yeah
Maybe I know that I’m drunk
ขิม 30/7
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22 Covid deaths, 5,406 new cases
ขิม 31/7
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Na verdade acho que essa coisa de usar fotografo tira um pouco dessa naturalidade que existia antes no blog. Eu acho que usar esse recurso deixa o blog mais bonito, dá para ver os detalhes. Enfim, uma cara mais arrumadinha. Como eu não namoro um fotografo, contrato um. Todas as roupas são o que realmente uso. Não quer dizer que usei naquele dia que tirei, mas já tenha usado ou vou usar logo. Nesse caso, vou usar esse look mil vezes. 01-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly.
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
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Stay strong the weekend is coming – เข้มแข็งไว้ สุดสัปดาห์กำลังจะมาถึงแล้ว
@Black WebSite https://ipro191.com/
Dechatiwong Bridge
Located on Phaholyothin Road. before entering the city center of Nakhon Sawan It is one of the important bridges of Thailand. The Department of Highways plans to build across the Chao Phraya River, Dechatiwong Bridge. Located on Phaholyothin Road. Before entering the city center of Nakhon Sawan07-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
If he accepts the post, Robson’s first task would be to prepare the Thailand team for the Asian Cup qualifier against Singapore in November.
“Sometimes people seem to be doing better than you. They may seem to be way ahead of you in hitting some goals that you may not be close to achieving, but never be bothered by it. Just keep on working hard and carrying on with the steady pace that works best for you.”– Chikamso Efobi
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
บางครั้งในชีวิต เราก็ต้องการเพียงแค่ใครสักคนที่จะอยู่เคียงข้าง..
Sometimes in life we just need someone who will be there for us.
Someone who will listen. Someone who will understand.
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The Death Highway in Um Phang District is the highlight of this trip and don’t be too concerned about the name of the road, because it’s not at all dangerous. In fact, it is the opposite and you’ll have great scenic views if you travel down this road for 4-5 hours. Originally, people were afraid to drive in this road, especially when cold mist blocks its path, thus the name. However, you will find very few road accidents ever occurred there simply because only a few travelers would go through the road as well. Tourists mostly rent a motorbike and drive up and down that road for the view. Public vehicles are rarely seen there.
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Saint Lucia
St. Lucia is an island nation. Located on the east side of the Caribbean. It is a volcanic island and part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago. The water is crystal clear like glass.
Remind yourself that it’s okay not to be perfect.
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“Stay on top of your past so you can have a better view of your future.” – (Dodinsky)
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Khao Kho Open Zoo
This Khao Kho tourist attraction is the Khao Kho Wildlife Research Station. It is a project due to the royal initiative. The atmosphere is very good, like going on a field trip to the zoo with family. There are rare animals to see such as bulls, deer, deer, porcupines, various kinds of birds, jasmines and many others.15-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
NortonLifeLock and Avast will be merged. Until becoming an antivirus empire worth 8 billion (approximately 264,240 million baht) by NortonLifeLock. Acquisition of Avast to expand the sizable cybersecurity company to more than 500 million users.
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Ban Song Yae Christian Church
Unseen Thailand attractions in Yasothon province that you should not miss is Ban Song Yae Christian Church. or the official name Archangel Michael Temple in Kham Toei Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province.16-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Sukhumvit hosts the travelers from all around the country and one can rent service apartments and even bungalows for their vacation. Some of the prime hotspots of Sukhumvit has their own flavor attached. A visitor will get to experience the vibrant culture of the city in the tight alleys of this locality. Some of the prime locations where you should be during your trip are – BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Ko Chang’s majority of the landmass is a part of The National Park which makes it a great place to indulge in some jungle trekking. Photographers and wildlife enthusiasts come here from all around the world to study the flora, fauna, marine life and avifauna found here. This island is also a major hub for those who want to cross the international border and mix their Thailand vacation with a quick trip to Siam Reap, Cambodia. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Mia narrates every shot. ex-husband ruined the house Plus, take a photo to show off for your child to see. The reason for not allowing the mistress to be with him
Mia Luang reveals ex-husband invaded the house The reason for not letting his mistress stay with him, he was scolded for 15 years, clinging to eat, crying, asking him not to follow the harassment. The owner of the famous song gave flowers to cheer up. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 19/8
Record 239 Covid deaths, +20,128 cases
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BG ready to duel Singha Chiang Rai, the battle of “Daikin Thailand Champions Cup 2021”
BG ready to duel Singha Chiang Rai, the battle of “Daikin Thailand Champions Cup 2021Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/
adidas unveils the new ADIZERO collection in new colors for the marathon festival
adidas unveils the new ADIZERO collection in new colors for the marathon festivalRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8
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What does 3 thumbs up mean and why does it become an anti-authoritarian expression?
Sanook Campus, we will bring friends Let’s get to know that What does the 3-finger-upper symbol mean and why does the 3-finger lift become an official expression against dictatorship? and called for democracy widely Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8
Calendar TCAS 64 Admission Rounds 1 and 2 What is the difference?
The form of admission is divided into 2 forms: Admission 1 & 2, making many people wonder what the difference between Admission 1 & 2 is Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8
Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life.-Roy T. Bennett
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We need never be hopeless.
#Black website : https://ipro191.com/
“Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.” BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Come to visit in Pak Chong Khao Yai zone and you must not miss to stop by to take photos. Sip a drink in a chic wayby hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Stop by for lunch with a healthy fusion style menu that has both savory and sweet flavors. Including the atmosphere inside the shop is warm and comfortable, by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
On October 16 A team of scientists at the LIGO and Virgo labs have announced the discovery of a fifth gravitational wave, GW170817, with its electromagnetic signal. which is caused by the merger of neutron stars It is an important step in the field of astronomy. The discovery came after the …
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The pungent smell of durian has made this fruit both beloved by many. But with 3 years of physical exertion, along with funds supported by a group of durian lovers who wish to remain anonymous. Singaporean Scientists Have Discovered the King of Fruit’s Smell Gene by comparing gene expression patterns from different parts of durian trees…
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Crested Nak Flower Field Saksupha Suan
Thung Dok Ngon Nak, Prachinburi, located in the area of Suan Saksupha Resort, is a long-established resort offering rock rafting at Hin Ploeng. which the resort has brought the crested naga flowers to be planted until it becomes a big crested flower field that is open for tourists to visit The flower beds are made into small walkways. to touch and take pictures with flowers up close Get your selfie kit and gear ready. Come and take the most amazing photo. Let’s dream among the dazzling purple flowers that surround us. The flowers start blooming from September to around January.
30/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/
“I look up to the mountains – does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!”– Psalm 121:1-2 BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/