Sabe quando você se apaixonada por um vestido? Foi assim com essa estampa deusa no lurex da NK Store, bem no estilo Missoni. Apaixonei que nem uma adolescente e queria super usar. Mas sabe quando você acha que estava demais para a ocasião? Afinal, esse vestido é digno de um casamento. Foi aí que minha amiga Nati me deu um help no styling e sugeriu combinar com uma jaquetinha de couro para dar aquela quebrada no excesso de glamour. Não ficou super bacana? Deixou um vestido super poderoso com uma carinha de cool. Não é um truque que a gente pode aplicar em vários vestidos em casa? Eu amei! E vocês, gostaram?
Lalá veste: Vestido e casaqueto NK Store | Bolsa Kate Spade
Vestido deuso! Mas achei que a jaqueta desvalorizou muito! Tambem parece que rolou um excesso de blush.. Mas você tá linda!
Adorei !!!
Muito linda LaLA a jaqueta!!
Estou postando beauty tips e acessorios de Los Angeles,
Take a look:
Puts lalá ! amei o vestido ,que perfeição *-* adorei a ‘quebra’ do glamour ! e a jaquetinha então ? muuuuuuuuito cool ! *-* ,pode ir para uma coisa mais light com os amigos né? e depois é so tirar a jaquetinha e ir para uma ocasião mais formalizada ♥ AAAAAAAAAAAH ESTOU IN-LOVE com essa sua bolsinha de mão ,muito glam < 3
< 3 <3 Obrigadaaaaa
Ficou linda Lala!!! O vestido é lindo e tem brilho que ainda deixa ele mais glamoroso a jaquetinha ficou 10.
Lala, essa bolsa é tudo de lindo! Tem como comprar ela online?? Super beijo!
Vestido mais lindoooooooooooooooo
Não gostei do vestido,muito menos da jaqueta por cima,achei que não conversaram entre si,não ficou legal.
eu amei o vestido 😀
Mil Beijinhos
Está linda demais! Gostei da combinação! Também gostei do rabo de cavalo. Lindo! Beijos
amei o vestido! Adorei o rabo de cavalo! Beijos
Lalazita, tudo bem ?
Eu já tinha visto esse vestido no site da NK e morri de amores por ele. Ficou super estilosa a combinação, achei linda em vc, mas eu não usaria pq não sei se ficaria bem em mim. Parabéns mais uma vez pelo show de estilo e bom gosto que vc está dando…um look mais perfeito do que o outro. Bjokas :*
Lalá adorei o Look, e essa jaquetinha Mara??? Entrei no site da NK, mas não aparece por lá, vc sabe me dizer se tem alguma loja on line que vende. Bjks
Uaaaaaaau! Que vestido deeuso, amei amei amei.
Lalá amei o teu look!!! Você está linda com esse vestido deslumbrante.
Como sempre você arrasa. Parabéns menina!!!
Amei o vestido!! É tomara que caia? Beijos
é sim! 😉
Lala, você está mais magra de quando saiu na boa forma!? Não é verdade!? Está ótima, podia fazer um post antes e depois e contar, tudo bem que mais uma vez, mas como tudo aconteceu…
Vestido deusoooo!
Xonei (:
Lalá queria saber qual blush tu está usando… amoo esse tom de blush que tu usas, queria muito saber qual é!! 🙂 beijinhoss
Oi, Anna
É o Terracota! ;)))
Não curti essa combinação… Fiquei curiosa de ver o vestido sem a jaqueta… A estampa é bem interessante
Não gostei nadinha…achei o vestido maravilhoso mas o tecido fino com o couro que é pesado,,,ficou um visual sem minha opinião…
Parece que estava com frio e pegou a jaqueta de alguem…mas o vestido é demaissss.
Ficou linda, Lala! Adorei a sobreposicao. O vestido eh maravilhoso! Beijos
Lala…. que blush L I N D O! QUAL É????
Que vestido Baphoooo!!! Com a jaquetinha ficou sucesso!!!
Nossa ficou demais!! A jaqueta deu uma quebrada no glamour sem tirar a beleza do vestido!!
Amei, amei, amei esse look!
Vi os looks das outras meninas (que estavam lindas, por sinal), mas achei o seu mais fofo! Acho que pq todas estavam de saia/vestido curto e o seu era o único longo, ficou ainda mais charmoso! Fora que o drees é um escândalo de lindo!
Vejo seu site todo dia, amo todos os posts e nunca tinha deixado comentário e desta vez eu PRECISEIIIIII FAZERRR!!!
Perfeitoooooooooooooooooooo o look!!! Maravilhoso!! Algo que eu usaria fácil e para várias ocasiões… imaginei mil lugares agora!!! Adorei tudo!!!
Ahhhh… aproveitando que já estou comentando, hehehe, coloca mais coisas sobre o projeto lala!!! me inspirei em vc e emagreci 10kg para o meu casamento (que será mês que vem)! E ainda quero secar mais alguns até lá!
Obrigada! Vc me inspirou nisso!!!
Bjs bjsss!!
Jura, Fabi?? Q demais! Fico mega master plus feliz!
Um beijo grande e obrigada pelo carinhooooo ;)))
Q seu casamento seja a coisa mais linda do mundo!!
Que lindoooo! Ameiii…não tem como não se apaixonar né?! Eu me apaixonada por ele, façim, façim, kkkk!!!!
Conheçam meninas!!!
amei esse combo,perfeito
Achei o vestido lindissimo , mas achei q a jaqueta, com.esse comprimento de manga acabou desvalorizando o look ..
Q pena carla! ;(
Maravilhoso, deuso!!!
Venha conhecer o Dolce Moda! Look do dia já no ar:
Não tem aonde ser mais lindooooo!!!!!
Oi Lalá! Adorei o look completo. Acho que a jaqueta teve seu charme. Assim como tudo o que você veste, eu acho lindo!
Você é fashion e segue moda, mas sempre dá seu toque especial nos looks e isso faz toda a diferença, pelo menos pra mim. É por isso que gosto tanto de você e do seu cantinho. Venho te visitar todos os dias e adoro muito os looks. Parabéns, você é uma linda!
Ola…..linda como sempre….adorei a cor do esmalte…conta pra gente qual é….bjbj
Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a video game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these second life websites and blogs
This was great! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
This was great! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
Libong Island
The largest island in Trang Province It is a conservation area for rare animals such as dugongs. With seagrass growing all around the island, there are also beautiful, quiet beaches and high mountains to climb. Take a walk through the nature of the forest At the same time, tourists also experience the simple way of life of the villagers. Watch the sunrise – into the sea with a romantic atmosphere as well. From November to April, there will be little rain, and the sea is less windy. Therefore, it is very suitable for tourism.
08-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
“Anybody that wants to come, I’ll bring ‘em,” he said. “My little bit of bringing them up here pales to what she’s doing.”จิ๋ว
Pa Sak Jolasid Dam
Pa Sak Jolasid Dam It is the longest clay dam in Thailand. according to the royal initiative of His Majesty the King for prevent flooding The Royal Irrigation Department is responsible. In addition to Pa Sak Jolasid Dam water will be stored It is also a major tourist attraction of Lopburi Province. Pa Sak Jolasid Dam It is the longest clay dam in Thailand. and is an important tourist attraction of Lopburi Province with many interesting tourist spots to see
11-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
Another place to visit in Koh Samui, good atmosphere. Suitable for chilling in the evening like “Chaweng Beach”, a romantic sunset viewpoint. especially in the evening It is also a collection of places to eat and accommodation to choose from. In the morning, you can walk and exercise on the beach. In the evening, there will be many shops. selling food items Some shops will also have a fire show. Eat and watch shows and have fun.
11-07-2021 BY IMEE Go to website:
Reclining Buddha image with Nora robes, Wat Phu Khao Thong
It is located inside the Golden Mountain Temple. See the beauty of the unique Buddha statue It is an ancient Buddha image in the nirvana posture built in the Srivijaya period. which are rarely seen together The distinguishing feature is the fact that the head adorns the manorah according to the art of the south, which is believed to be a sacred and high ornament. The Fine Arts Department has registered Wat Phu Khao Thong, which enshrines this Buddha image, as a national historic landmark.
11-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
Later in the year 1936, the detention act for those who were born as criminals was announced. The Department of Corrections therefore finds a place with suitable terrain. which Tarutao Island is the best choice
11-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
Be great, dwell on great thoughts. -Lailah Gifty Akita
Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. -HL Mencken
ความรักก็เหมือนสงคราม เริ่มง่ายแต่หยุดยากมาก
I’m not strong but I’m not weak. ฉันไม่ได้เข้มแข็ง แต่ฉันก็ไม่ได้อ่อนแอ
Nothing lasts forever
ไม่มีอะไรยั่งยืนถาวรหรอก เดี๋ยวมันก็ผ่านไป
um help no styling e sugeriu combinar com uma jaquetinha de couro para dar aquela quebrada no excesso de glamour. Não ficou super bacana? *H
แค่จำเอาไว้ว่า “สุนัขมันจะเห่า..เวลาที่มันไม่รู้จักคนๆนั้นดีพอ..”
If people say something bad about you,
Judge you as if they know you,
Don’t feel bad
Just remember “Dogs bark if they don’t know the person.”
Mar del Plata
The best beaches in South America are in the stylish city of Mar del Plata, on the Atlantic coast 400 kilometers from Buenos Aires. It boasts more than eight kilometers of beautiful beaches, sprawling and boasting some of Mar del Plata’s most modern cruises. This is the most fashionable boat port, Chica and Grand Beach (they are also popular with the many sea lions hanging out in the waters surrounding the city’s fishing harbor), once the rich playground of many old mansions. Combine that with the new resorts along the city’s beautiful waterfront, with plenty of parks, squares and gardens. In addition to beaches, winding dunes and dramatic cliffs, Mar del Plata is home to the excellent Juan Manuel Fangio Museum., a car museum dedicated to one of the greatest Formula One drivers in the world and features more than 100 cars and 500 trophies (a highlight is the exhibit dedicated to the first car, which was Daimler. of the year Another must-see is Mar del Plata Aquarium with many marine attractions including dolphins and seal shows, penguins, turtles and cranes.
17-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
I like the night.Without the dark, we’d never see the stars. -Stephenie Meyer
ฉันชอบกลางคืน หากไม่มีความมืดเราก็ไม่เคยเห็นดวงดาว
national palace
On the east side of Mexico City’s main square, Zócalo, the grand National Palace (Palacio Nacional), built of red sandstone and with a 200-meter façade, is the official residence of the president. Built on top of an Aztec palace, it was the seat of the Spanish Grandmasters during the colonial period and has undergone considerable alterations and enlargements over the years. One of the oldest and finest buildings in the city, it also features prominent features such as the Freed Bell , rung on September 15, 1810, at the start of the War of Independence (it rung on the anniversary of this event each year). This has a number of beautiful rooms with 14 views, some of which are accessible to visitors, and the most notable being an arcade. Grand Courtyard With murals decorated depicting the country’s long history, don’t miss it.history of mexico A mural by Diego Rivera that adorns the grand staircase. An English-language guided tour explores the museum, many large halls, and the Chambers of Parliament where the Constitutional Reform of the Kingdom took place in 1857. 1857 (the 1857 constitution is displayed) Another attraction here is the State Archives. with important historical documents and the Biblioteca Miguel Lerdo de Tejada , one of the largest libraries in the country.
18-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
carinha de cool. Não é um truque que a gente pode aplicar em*PM
poderoso com uma carinha de cool. Não é um truque que a gente pode aplicar em vários vestidos em casa? Eu amei! E vocês, gostara*PM
and the most notable being an arcade. Grand Courtyard With murals decorated depicting the country’s long history, don’t miss it.history of mexico A mural by Diego Rivera that adorns the grand staircase. An English-language guided tour explores the museum, many large halls,20-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
ร้านเย็นตาโฟเจ้าเด็ดที่เปิดขายมานานกว่า 40 ปี ปัจจุบันเปิดทั้งหมด 4 สาขา ได้แก่ เสาชิงช้า, สุขุมวิท 79, Emquartier และ Central Embassy เมนูเย็นตาโฟเด็ดของที่นี่ คือ เย็นตาโฟแห้ง ที่ลูกค้าสามารถเลือกได้ทั้งเส้นใหญ่ เส้นเล็ก เส้นหมี่ บะหมี่ เกี้ยมอี๋ และวุ้นเส้น โดยในชามจะใส่ลูกชิ้นปลา ลูกชิ้นกุ้ง และลูกชิ้นหมู ใส่เกี๊ยวทอด หมึกกรอบ เลือดหมู และเต้าหู้ ราดด้วยซอสเย็นตาโฟที่ทางร้านปรุงเองวันต่อวัน อร่อยแถมไม่ต้องปรุงเพิ่ม แถมยังหอมกลิ่นซอสเย็นตาโฟ อร่อยและเด็ดแบบนี้ ต้องที่นี่ที่เดียว by wila 21/07
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vários vestidos em casa? Eu amei! E vocês, gostaram*PM
We do not have a great day, we MAKE a great day
เราอาจจะไม่มีวันที่ดี แต่เราสร้างวันที่ดีได้
Then only for a minute
I want to change my mind
‘Cause this just don’t feel right to me
I wanna raise your spirits
I want to see you smile but
Know that means I’ll have to leave
ขิม 22/7
“Wow-Wa” reveals her birthday wish Arranged into a moon, moon, moon song to match this era
Wawwa revealed his wish on his birthday this year. It’s a really cute request. // Very happy. and pray that my prayers will be fulfilled
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City politicians in Venice, Italy have announced a ban on using rolling suitcases after numerous complaints from local residents about the loud noise caused by rolling luggage on the city’s famous cobbled streets. Tourists will be fined up to 500 euros unless they change to noise-free wheels made either of rubber or air-filled. City officials also said that cushioned wheels were necessary to protect the city’s centuries-old paving……..
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ou want to see more you can see these second life websites and blogs23-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
The hardest decision is deciding whether to “walk away” or “try again” การตัดสินใจที่ยากที่สุดคือการตัดสินใจว่าจะ “เดินออกไป” หรือ “พยายามมันอีกครั้ง”
“In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
– Buddha
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
– Buddha
People change But memories don’t!.
The Royal Thai Armed Forces set up a transportation center for COVID patients to help 24 hours a day, both on land and at sea.
ขิม 28/7
Warning, don’t share fake news “Metropolitan police don’t have the right to treat covids in Bangkok”
ขิม 29/7
The PlayStation dealer in Thailand has opened a new reservation for PlayStation5 ( PS5 ), which has many ways to avoid the announcement of results on the instant booking website. Some have to sign in queues like Siam Game Shop or announce results via SMS like Gcorners, etc. However, other channels that announce results on the web, such as Nadz Project and Banana IT, the device has been exhausted quickly. no different from last time
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“Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” — Unknown
BY-SUNJI Website
Group says PM must go
ขิม 31/7
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
– Robert H. Schuller
ขิม 1/8
“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”’
– Hermann Hesse
BY-SUNJI Website
So many of my smile begin with you – รอยยิ้มส่วนใหญ่ของฉันเกิดขึ้นเพราะคุณ
@Black WebSite
Dechatiwong Bridge
Located on Phaholyothin Road. before entering the city center of Nakhon Sawan It is one of the important bridges of Thailand. The Department of Highways plans to build across the Chao Phraya River, Dechatiwong Bridge. Located on Phaholyothin Road. Before entering the city center of Nakhon Sawan07-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
Record highs: 188 Covid deaths, 20,200 new cases
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”– H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
บางครั้งในชีวิต เราก็ต้องการเพียงแค่ใครสักคนที่จะอยู่เคียงข้าง..
Sometimes in life we just need someone who will be there for us.
Someone who will listen. Someone who will understand.
#Black website:
The Death Highway in Um Phang District is the highlight of this trip and don’t be too concerned about the name of the road, because it’s not at all dangerous. In fact, it is the opposite and you’ll have great scenic views if you travel down this road for 4-5 hours. Originally, people were afraid to drive in this road, especially when cold mist blocks its path, thus the name. However, you will find very few road accidents ever occurred there simply because only a few travelers would go through the road as well. Tourists mostly rent a motorbike and drive up and down that road for the view. Public vehicles are rarely seen there.
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
Saint Lucia
St. Lucia is an island nation. Located on the east side of the Caribbean. It is a volcanic island and part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago. The water is crystal clear like glass.
– If you don”t fight for what you want, don”t cry for what you lost.
ถ้าคุณไม่สู้เพื่อสิ่งที่คุณต้องการ ก็อย่าร้องไห้เวลาที่เสียมันไป
#Black website :
Windmills in Khao Kho
“Khao Kho Windmill Field”, a popular tourist destination in Phetchabun There is a sightseeing car stopping at each point for 15 minutes. There are farms of Hmong villagers and other tribes as well. There is a flower garden which is a plant from Phu Ruea. The weather is very good. Don’t forget to ride the Hmong Ferris wheel. I’ll call it coming15-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
NortonLifeLock and Avast will be merged. Until becoming an antivirus empire worth 8 billion (approximately 264,240 million baht) by NortonLifeLock. Acquisition of Avast to expand the sizable cybersecurity company to more than 500 million users.
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Yasothon City Pillar Shrine
City Pillar Shrine Yasothon Located in the old town of Ban Sing Tha. The specialty here is that it combines the arts of 3 cultures: Thailand, Laos and China. Another special thing is that there are 3 pillars of the City Pillar Shrine.16-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
A Thai province, Phuket’s main city is also called Phuket. It is a large island province and is filled with several islands located in the western coast of the country. Also filled with scenic beaches which feature various luxury resorts, private beach bungalows and traditional accommodations for visitors. These beaches are filled with stylish nightclubs and shopping centres. For those who want to spend their time with leisure can also visit golf courses, historical museums, and monuments. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
Secret Space
“Secret Space” or the land of secrets Where to eat and travel in Ratchaburi for those who are chill should just go and experience it by yourself. Here, the main concept is a mystery. Whether it is the first maze zone that friends must meet before entering the shop I invite you to search. Let me tell you that it is one of the places to visit in Ratchaburi that friends should not miss and must find them.19-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
Shark Thak” finished 12th in the 100m freestyle, did not qualify for the finals.
“Shark Thak” finished 12th in the 100m freestyle, did not qualify for the finals.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite
Red Devils collide with Khun Kham, Singha Cha Villa, meet the Carabao Cup round 3
Red Devils collide with Khun Kham, Singha Cha Villa, meet the Carabao Cup round 3Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite
fast arithmetic techniques Includes shortcuts to find answers to math quickly.
Sanook Campus, we will bring friends to see the technique of calculating fast. That allows us to get the answers we want accurately and save time for friends. Read more >>> By wila 30/8
Let’s understand the “Computer Act”, what can be done and what cannot be done. Let’s see.
Let’s see that how to live online to be called legal And what do we need to be careful of? to call it a crime about a computer Read more >>> By wila 30/8
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
คุณจะไม่มีวันมีความสุข ถ้าคุณค้นหาสิ่งที่มีความสุขต่อไป คุณจะไม่มีชีวิตหากคุณกำลังมองหาความหมายของชีวิต -Albert Camus
#Black website :
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
มันไม่สําคัญว่าคุณจะมองอะไรอยู่ แต่อะไรคือสิ่งที่คุณเห็น -Henry David Thoreau
#Black website :
“Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.”– Helen Keller BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
The shop is decorated in loft style. Emphasize warm tones. The area is quite wide. And there are several seating zones to choose from. The restaurant offers foodby hunny go to website:
Both the suspension bridge to the walkway to the shop. a hammock stretching out to the stream It is a shop that sells both savory food as well as drinks and desserts. many kindsby hunny go to website:
Today (30 August) Paralympic Games at the Olympic Stadium this morning It was a qualifying event in the men’s 1,500m wheelchair racing T54 class, a total of 2 heats, with 1st-3rd place in each heat, and the athlete with the best time in 4th and 5th places advanced to the finals. The results of the first heat race show that the history of Wahoram, the 40-year-old champion…
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Today (30 August) athletics competition Paralympic Games at the Olympic Stadium The highlight was at the men’s 100m wheelchair racing gold medal T34 class earlier this morning, with Chaiwat Rattana, the 2018 Asian Paralympic Games gold medalist, as a representative to compete. That Chaiwat reached the finish line in 6th place with a time of 15.87 seconds, missed the medal…
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Dasada Galali
located in Muang District It is a place for displaying flowers and plants. which will rotate according to the festival and season But there are many flowers to see in the winter. which we will see colorful plants and spectacular beauty There will be a flower festival every year during December – February. Within Dasada Gallali, there are restaurants focusing on healthy menus, recommended menus, which are different types of flowers. As well as within the flower garden, there is a small cafe that sells drinks and sweet-smelling floral ice cream. and a souvenir shop where you can buy fresh flowers Potted plants to take home as well.
30/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
“In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.”– Psalm 120: BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See