Novidades da ShoeStock

A Shoestock, marca que a gente adora porque tem produtos mega bacanas e com um preço show, me convidou para apresentar s novidades da semana. Peças lindas e que acabaram de desembarcar nas lojas fisicas e online. Quer saber o que tem de novo? Aperte o play! 


36 respostas para “Novidades da ShoeStock”

  1. Olá, sempre passo por aqui pra dar uma olhada nos posts.! Sempre muito bem preparados e atualizados (:
    A ShoeStock é uma marca ótima.. Vale lembrar que no site da Privalia ( a coleção acho que passada esta num preço super acessível, e tem peças muito bacanas.. que independente da coleção ser passada, da pra usar com looks bacanas.. (: Fica a dica!

    Lalá, seu blog está a cada dia melhor!

  2. Lalá… é a primeira vez que ouço sua voz! Super combina com vc! Adorei! Muito engraçado que sempre lia suas postagens com uma voz na cabeça (acho que a minha rs) e agora quando leio imagino a sua! Adorei o comercial e as suas preferências!

  3. Awww, adorei o video. Vc sempre meiga e bombando no ótimo gosto. E esse tricô menina, show.
    É por isso que recomendo seu blog p/ todas as amigas. Amo tudo aqui. Bjão.

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  7. Wat Sri Don Kham
    Locals call it “Wat Huai Ao”, it is a large old relic inside. The Buddha’s relics passed by to visit Long District. went to pay homage to Phra Chao Phrato See the arts and crafts of Lanna Buddhist ancestors and pay homage to “Phra That Sri Don Kham” to make you feel full of merit and good luck forever. And what is indispensable is to see the bomb bell. The origin of the word “City of Phrae bombing” that occurred since World War 2 from the bombing of the railroad. But the bomb didn’t explode. The villagers were disappointed and helped to carry the carts to the temple to make a bell. people passing by do not understand, they lead them to say that “Phrase of Explosion”


  8. Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok
    or the official name “Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram” is another important Thai symbol. It is an old temple that dates back to the Ayutthaya Kingdom, where the Emerald Buddha image is enshrined. Amulet of the house – the city of Thailand It is also an important historical and cultural attraction of the nation. This temple is a temple without monks and is a place for important national ceremonies such as the ceremony of holding water for Phra Phiphat Sattaya and being used as a place for ordination of the royal Nagas. For a visit to the interior, it must be dressed modestly because it is in the royal court.


  9. Another British attraction, the Lake District, England’s largest national park. It is located in the northwest of the country. in Cumbria The attraction is in the lakes and mountains. which was caused by the eruption of glaciers in the past The image of the water, the image of the mountains, beautiful and mesmerizing. Today, the Lake District is another famous destination for mountain climbers. About 14 million tourists visit each year.

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