O look das famosas na festa de Joia Rara

Rolou ontem a festa da nova novela das 18 da Globo, Joia Rara. Pelas cenas que já assisti eu tenho CERTEZA que vou amar muito essa novela. Mas, o nosso papo aqui é dar o nosso pitaco sobre o look das famosas na festa não é mesmo? Então vamos com as nossas fotos em tamanho GG que a gente adora?

Giovanna Ewbank não teve medo das fendas e apostou nesse Tufi Duek lindo e joias deusas da Carla Amorim. Mariana Ximenes também foi de Tufi Duek. Modelito com power decote nas costas. Por falar em decote Ana Lima estava linda com esse amarelo da Lethicia.

Carolina Dieckmann apostou em um look criado pela figurinista Marie Salles e joias Jack Vartanian. Letícia Spiller foi de Mabel Magalhães e joias H. Stern. Nathalia Dill trabalhou nas rendas de Alexandre Herchcovitch e joias Jack Vartanian. Me apaixonei por Bianca Bin de Armani Prive Vintage e joias também da Carla Amorim.

E você? Qual a sua favorita?

joia-rara-festa-ana-lima-2 joia-rara-festa-ana-lima joia-rara-festa-bianca-bin-2 joia-rara-festa-bianca-bin joia-rara-festa-carolina-dieckmann-1 joia-rara-festa-carolina-dieckmann-2 joia-rara-festa-carolina-dieckmann-3 joia-rara-festa-giovanna-ewbank-1 joia-rara-festa-giovanna-ewbank-2 joia-rara-festa-giovanna-ewbank-3 joia-rara-festa-leticia-spiller-1 joia-rara-festa-leticia-spiller-2 joia-rara-festa-luiza-valderato joia-rara-festa-mariana-ximenes-2 joia-rara-festa-mariana-ximenes-3 joia-rara-festa-mariana-ximnes joia-rara-festa-nathalia-dill-2 joia-rara-festa-nathalia-dill joia-rara-festa-tania-kallil

128 respostas para “O look das famosas na festa de Joia Rara

  1. Ah, oi? Não consegui entender o porque de tanto look feio em uma festa. O look da Bianca Bin é o mais simples! O restante está um horror! Misericórdia…

    1. Minha nossa… para mim só se salva o look de Bianca Bin e olhe lá, porque é simples. E os cabelos?! Acabaram com a cor dos cabelos da Giovana e da Letícia, gente do céu… Vestidos medonhos.

  2. nao gostei de nenhum…a giovanna ewbank, nao foi feliz na escolha, o vestido achatou ela, e essa cor de cabelo nao caiu bem tb…ela esta com cara de travesti oO

  3. acho feio demais esses vestidos no meio da canela e com fenda… e ainda mais com sapato de bico fino? affffff… sério que homens gostam disso? Pra mim isso é brega!
    Esse da Carol também parece um vestido de princesa que foi numa briga!! kkkkkk
    Meus eleitos foram o da Bianca, Natalia e Leticia!! show de elegância!!

  4. Nossa…não gostei de quase nada. Não gosto do comprimento midi da roupa da Giovana e da Mariana, acho que fica parecendo velha. Só gostei da Letícia Spiller e da Ana Lima.

  5. Jesuisss… olha, na minha opinião só salva a Ana e a Bianca (liiinda!!!). Tudo bem que não é objeto de assunto aqui, mas… que corpo é esseee da Carol Dieckman, meu Deusss!!!!

  6. Só gostei da Bianca e da Ana Lima.
    Jesus a Nathalia Dill não aprende mesmo, tão linda, porém, tão sem noção.
    Giovanna Ewbank está horrível, tadinha o que foi que fizeram com ela, esse cabelo, o vestido, enfim, tudo, tudo ficou esquisito.
    Aliás deram uma platinada geral na galera,não gostei mesmo do cabelo da Giovanna e também do da Letícia.

  7. Antes de ver os comentários estava achando que era só eu que não tinha gostado dos vestido…. nooooossa não gostei de nenhum, o que ainda salva é da Bianca Bin.

  8. Mariana Ximenes estava muito linda, elegante e sexy!!!
    Carol D. estava linda de corpo!!!
    Giovana é linda de tudo, mas o vestido parecia uns dois numeros maior q o dela…

  9. Vestido da Leticia S. é #MARAVILHOSO. Ana Lima e Bianca B estão lindissimas. Da Giovana e Mariana X. até gostei da proposta só não gostei do comprimento, ou melhor de como esse comprimento foi inserido no vestio.

  10. Socorro alguem avisa para a Carolina D que ela é baixinha …por favor o que ela com esse vestido com mangas bufantes nesse corpo curto e atarracado…. ficou muitooooo feio.

  11. O menos feio era o da Bianca Bin. As outras realmente estavam horríveis, o look inteiro, dos pés a cabeça.
    Agora Carolina Dieckmann, estava terrível, e olhe que o vestido foi feito exclusivamente para ela, não sei como é que alguém paga pra vestir isso…

  12. Gostei do look da Nathalia Dill. A Mariana estava bonita apesar do vestido. A Letícia envelheceu dez anos com o combo roupa, cabelo, maquiagem. A Bianca com um vestido completamente sem graça. Agora achei o vestido da Ana Lima horrível, parecendo camisola. A Giovanna estava errada em tudo e a Carolina pelo amor de Deus, um mal gosto puro!!

  13. O que aconteceu com os cabelos das globais?!?!?! O cabelo da Letícia Spiller está parecendo sisal!!!! Giovana horrenda, e Carol então?!?!?!?!?!? Nunca vi tanto mau gosto reunido… Bianca é a mais simples e linda!

  14. Carolina Dieckmann está de parabens, mais uma aula de mal gosto e “breguice”, Nathalia Dill aprendeu bem com a professora Carolina nota 10 tão feia quanto, nem acredito que essa roupa e do Alexandre Herchcovitch, Bianca parabens, vc foi a unica que não me deixou com medo.

  15. affff!Tudo feio,muito brega. Nem eu que não sou famosa usaria vestidos de tanto mal gosto, só a Bianca que esta de parabéns pelo seu look simples mas ao mesmo tempo deslumbrante.

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  17. Royal Agricultural Station Angkhang popular royal projects famous for plants Distinguished by Nang Phaya Sua Krong. full of stories and beautiful scenery It is the first research station of the Royal Project. It is located on the Tanao Sri Mountain Range, Mae Ngon Subdistrict, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province. Currently, there are more than 12 types of fruit trees, over 60 types of temperate vegetables and more than 20 types of winter flowers. The weather is cool all year round.

    Upon arrival, you can see demonstration plots, vegetables, fruits, Nang Phaya Sua Krong trees and winter flowers within the center. can drive in a circle The entrance fee is 30 baht per person, 50 baht per vehicle or visiting the royal village. Experience the life of Chinese people Visit Nor Lae Village Experience the way of life of Palaung people Former Burmese indigenous tribes or a short trek See the natural beauty of the replanting forest There is a service to ride a mule, etc.
    20-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  18. House on a small island near Stockholm

    Stockholm is often referred to as the Venice of the North. Water is ubiquitous and about 30,000 islands lie in the magical archipelago of Stockholm (skärgården), some striking red and yellow holiday homes while others remain untouched. Traveling on the water in and around a city or one of the islands should be on your list. Many tours include lunch or dinner, and all offer unique vantage points of the city. Hop-on Hop-off options are also available. Once in town, the iconic Stromma boat is impossible to miss.
    21-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  19. Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra. on the banks of the Yamuna River India It is a marble tomb that people believe is the most beautiful architecture of love in the world. It was built by the Mughal Emperor for his wife.

    It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. inside the Taj Mahal building In the middle there is a replica of the sarcophagus of Queen Mumtas and the casket of Shah Shahan placed side by side. (The real casket is located in a room about 10 meters below ground.)

    Read more reviews at
    24-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  20. “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children… to leave the world a better place… to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
    – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ขิม 1/8 Read more athttps://ipro191.com/

  21. Hinoki Land Chiang Mai Province
    Travel to Japan near Chai Prakan, who likes the atmosphere of Japan. Must be here. Hinoki Land, the first Hinoki wooden kingdom. and the only one in Thailand which does not have to go to Japan at all because he brought it to Chiang Mai and then Especially during this comfortable travel time. The weather must be good. suitable for traveling And it’s very photogenic.

    +++เดซี่ 8/8/64+++

  22. Wat Phra That Khao Noi , Nan Province
    Wat Phra That Khao Noi I’m in Nan town. The relics are located on the top of Doi Khao Noi. You can see the surrounding scenery of the city of Nan in full. And here is the viewpoint of the sunrise. and a beautiful sunset In the morning some days, you can see a faint mist covering it as well08/08/2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  23. The Eiffel Tower is a towering iron tower, a symbol of France’s advancement in science. Come back to open the door to welcome tourists again. After being closed for more than 9 months, it opened for the first day on July 16, 2021, local time.

    The reopening will cut the number of visitors by half, from 25,000 a day to just 13,000. AFP reports that more than half of the people interested in booking tickets are French. Italians and Spaniards were 15% higher than the norm, with the rest being the United States and other European nations. There are few Asians and no English at all

    And with the epidemic of the Delta virus that is causing many areas to come back to spread again. President Emmanuel Macron has ordered everyone who uses public transport, whether it be trains or planes. Show Passport Vaccination Card This includes entering department stores, department stores, museums, galleries or other places with which the Eiffel Tower. The rule is planned to be implemented on July 21 onwards.
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  24. “Rika Ishige” visits “True Night Life”. Open up every corner of your life that you may not have known.
    “Tiny Doll” Rika Ishige, a Thai-Japanese female fighter An all-time favorite of Thai people who disappeared from the ring due to the ongoing virus situation. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila

  25. Khun Chang Kian or the Research Station and Agricultural Training Center at Khun Chang Khian Heights Located in Mueang Chiang Mai District same path as Phra That Doi Suthep It is a research station on coffee beans and cold fruits such as peaches, persimmons, plums, avocados, macadamias in every winter in January. Nang Phaya Sua Krong tree, also known as Thai Sakura, pink, fresh, will bloom and show off its beauty throughout the area of ​​the Khun Chang Khian Heights Agricultural Research Station. Hmong village
    13-08-2021 by ศุภดา go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  26. Cool idea in the Covid era…just carry this business card. can reveal the face under the mask
    In the age of COVID-19 The epidemic is causing people to wear faces (hygienic) together like this. It is expected that many people have encountered problems that sometimes they do not remember or are not sure who the people we see in front of them are. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 13/8

  27. Phu Langka Forest Park
    in the late rainy season and early winter every year Phu Langka Forest Park is quite popular with tourists. Within the Phu Langka Forest Park area, there are many strangely shaped limestone mountains. It is the source of one of the most beautiful mists of Phayao City. The mornings are cold all year round014-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  28. Capilano Suspension Bridge

    Vancouver’s first tourist attraction opened in 1957. It was built in 1889 and has captured visitors’ attention with its witty bridge over the brutal canyon ever since. A bridge spanning a 70-meter deep river canyon leads activity park filled with forest paths and peaks that walk past thriving giants. There’s also a collection of totem poles and a transparent suspended platform called the Cliffwalk.

    There’s also the Capilano Street Capilano Salmon Hatchery that is worth a visit. (In the fall especially) to see the salmon flash as they try to swim upstream. A set of swimming pools’ fish ladders that pop up help fish cross the Cleveland Dam. Underwater windows let visitors see their efforts.
    18-08-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  29. Pisa and Luca

    Both nearby are worth a visit while you’re in Tuscany, the first for the distinctive Campo dei Miracoli and the other for its enchanting charm. The Leaning Tower of Pisa, where the adjoining campsite houses an adjoining gallery, is a famous Italian icon and a centerpiece of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Cathedral Basilica. M and Camposanto The highlight of the impressive baptistery is the free muse carved from Nicola Pisano, an intricate masterpiece of Roman sculpture. Nearby Lucca is one of Italy’s most charming towns to explore and enjoy, surrounded by wide walls at the top of tree-lined gardens. Inside is a beautiful Romanesque and Tuscan Gothic church. and a Roman arena that “fossils” into an oval square.
    20-08-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  30. Cute little Phang Nga accommodation in a comfortable and perfect atmosphere. It offers rooms of various sizes such as small rooms (double beds), twin rooms with balcony. and large rooms, etc. The interior is decorated in simple white tones, with amenities such as a seating area, breakfast, garden and massage services.

    ****ลิซ่า 20/08/64


  31. Located at Laem Pakarang The area around the accommodation emphasizes an airy, open and comfortable atmosphere. Looking out from the lobby, you can see a large lotus pond. that reflects the shadow of the coconut tree and looks fresh Along with the service of lovely and friendly staff. All rooms have spectacular sea views. It is another luxury accommodation in Phang Nga. that allows you to relax fully without limitation

    ****เดซี่ 20/08/64


  32. Located at Laem Pakarang The area around the accommodation emphasizes an airy, open and comfortable atmosphere. Looking out from the lobby, you can see a large lotus pond. that reflects the shadow of the coconut tree and looks fresh Along with the service of lovely and friendly staff.

    ****เดซี่ 20/08/64


  33. Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam Floating Market
    Prachuap Khiri Khan Province ❀
    It is a large floating market with an area of ​​over 100 rai. and boats selling goods along the waterfront There is a boat for tourists to sit and watch the surrounding atmosphere. There is a train for tourists to sit and watch around the market as well. The decoration of Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam Floating Market is in retro style. It is a floating market that focuses on nature. There are various angles for taking pictures. And most importantly, there are many activities. In addition to shopping for delicious food, there is also Riding a water bike, feeding the goats, swinging the “Plei Haad Swing” (hill tribe style), riding a horse and taking photos. Riding horses around the floating market, raising elephants (feeding elephants), feeding fish, it is called a very complete market. Arrived and got everything together.
    21-08-2021 by ศุภดา go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  34. houi Fong Tea Plantation is located in Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province. It is a good tea plantation area. Another activity that tourists like very much is going down to take beautiful photos with the tea plantation. You will see aunts and uncles come to collect the young tea leaves as well.

    ****Fiastar 27/8/64


  35. Wat Phra That Khao Noi , Nan Province
    Wat Phra That Khao Noi I’m in Nan town. The relics are located on the top of Doi Khao Noi. You can see the surrounding scenery of the city of Nan in full. And here is the viewpoint of the sunrise. and a beautiful sunset In the morning some days, you can see a faint mist covering it as well


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    Raksawarin Park Hot Spring It is a naturally occurring hot spring with 3 ponds, which are father’s pond, mother’s pond, and son’s pond. All 3 ponds have a high temperature of about 65 degrees Celsius. Within the hot spring area, there are mineral baths for healing and relaxing health. fatigue with treatment from mineral water Including a free foot bath to relax. In addition, the area near the hot springs is organized into a public park “Raksa Warin” with a pavilion for accommodation and hot baths
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