Fiquei na dúvida se faria ou não esse post, já que, Cleo Pires está me irritando com tanta lindeza nessa novela. Mas, como os pedidos são muitos, passo por cima da minha inveja branca e coloco Bianca, de Salve Jorge em pauta! kkkk. Está no ar mais um Você Pergunta, Lalá Responde e o objeto de desejo é o top preto recortado de Cleo Pires. O top preto, que ajuda a moça a abrir o botão da camisa e abusar das transparências é da Wolford. Marca super exclusiva e com poucos endereços no Brasil. Chic essa Bianca, não? Alguém já viu alguma versão mais amyga por aí desse top? Ajuda a gente nos comentários! #lalaresponde
A versão amiga foi minha costureira que fez. Paguei 15 reais e se brincar é mais bonito. Apesar que eu faria sozinha kkkk. Lindo! Beijos
MELDELS!!! Morri com esse post, perguntei super sem esperança de que essa resposta fosse sair, mas saiu… êÊÊê! Enlouqueci quando vi esse corte deuso e juro que vou rooodar pra achar.. você sabe onde posso encontrar lalá (sem querer abusar, mas já abusando haha)? more em Recife.
Beijo, sua linda!
Já vi em um outro site comentando sobre o sutiã que ele é de uma coleção antiga da marca e infelizmente, não tem mais peças a venda… 🙁
E que alguns outros modelos que ela já usou em cena, são da mesma marca.
Eu tenho um muoto arecido que comprei a milhoes de anos atras da Yes Brasil….amooooo
Vc é o maximo Lala, descobre tudo. E esta camida preta e branca, de onde é? Amei, bjin
A camisa de seda preto e branco ‘e da B.DE LUCCA (no site nao tem ela como opcao pois a marca ‘e nova e eles ainda estao montando o site). Acho que o preco ‘e entre 300-400 reais…
Achei lindo esse top que ela usa por baixo,discreto e dá pra usar nas camisas transparentes fora que fica lindo
No Brasil eu nunca vi, mas a Victoria’s Secret tem um modelo bem parecido.
Amoo a Cléo, ela é minha musa, minha inspiração! Ela tá simplesmente deusa na novela, cabelo (quero igual!), looks, tudo!
A Un.i tem uma versão desse top com o preço beeeeeeeeeeem amigo.
oi Lala, parabens pelo seu blog e essa seção ‘vc pergunta,Lala responde’ é demais. amo os looks da Helô, Gio Antonelli, nao sei se vc ja postou algo sobre ela, mas gostaria muito de saber de uma camisa com estampa de cobra meio azulada q ela usa, é mto linda,na vdd todos looks dela sao demais. =)
LALA amei a roupa que a Claudia Leite estava dia 06/02/ no BBB13 você saberia dizer que qual marca é?
A Auslander, em parceria com a Lenny Niemeyer, tem um biquíni com esse top! Comprei no site!
aüslander. tem estampado tmb.
Lalá, tem um biquine muito parecido com esse top da marca Banco de Areia.
Achei no site., a foto esta em Catálogo.
Amo o blog, bjs
Eu não to gostando dela nessa novela, desculpe-me pela franqueza… mas o top é de babar mesmo
A estampada é linda!
Curiosa por ver de perto! oO
Tenho um top preto da Salinas com um recorte lindo e veste super bem, muito mais barato, acho que foi 98!
Oi Lala,nos temos este top na coleção de bíquinis
da Lemon Light. Só entrar site e solicitar que entregamos em todo Brasil. bjs
A banco de areia lançou esse top na coleção de verão passada, eu tenho é igualzinho! Não sei se veio nessa coleção tb!
Na Romwe tem um bralet no mesmo estilo só que tem spikes. Aqui o link
Oi Lalá, olha ai se esse biquini na lenny para auslander não faz a vez desse top ai?
Na Patricia Nascimento tem,
Nossa eu queria um assim! ;//
Será que dá para usar um sutiã preto no lugar?
Fico indignada haha como pode tão linda? Todo mundo pedindo cabelo da Cléo Pires nos salões, aposto!
Eu trabalho com lingerie ha muitos anos e o soutien com melhor sustentação e mais parecido com esse sem dúvida são as peças da Darling. De uma olhada. Tem tomara que caia que aumenta 2 números!!/tomara-que-caia. Bjs
Lalaa e o look da Claudia Leite no BBB13..sabe de onde é?? beijos
Vi um parecido da hope
Meninas, acredito que esse top seja o da Auslander em parceria com a Lenny, mesmo, pois o top da Wolford me parece ser de coleçao bem antiga.
Muito legal esse top. Vou me inspirar nele. Os tops também são uma ótima opção para usar com blusas transparentes. Bjs.
A Afghan estava com um top super parecido na coleção de verão 2013. Eu inclusive tenho um preto e um branco e já usei muito com transparências, ficam muito bonitos e dão uma empinada (se é que me entende…hehe)
Ops, deixe-me corrigir…o top do qual falei é da Agatha! E não da Afghan! Sorry…
lala, voce pode nos dizer da onde é o short que a mariana rios (DRIKA) na novela salve jorge usou no dia em que ela voltou pro rio
A Hope tem um bem parecido, mas tem alça. Mas mesmo assim deixa o decote INCRÍVEL! (eu tenho um rsrsrs)
Linda linda smp! Cléo, a mais linda do Brasil.
esta maravilhosa linda!!
Para Garotas antenadas Confiram as T-shirts da moda e preço justo curtam nossa fan page
Que lindo seu espaço,ótima idéia 🙂
estou compartilhando aqui
Forte abraço Willian camisetas
Lala… Parabéns seu blog, está um sucesso nós da Arena fashion adoramos seus postes !*
a Camisa em preto e branco que a Cléo Pires usou temos disponiveis na Loja.. que fica com Guarulhos ‘ nos adicione no facebook Arena F’ashion.
um otimo dia a todas obrigada *-*
Oi! Fui na loja da Wolford e falaram que o top não é de lá…
Pode ser de outra marca?
Bjs e adoro o blog!
A HOPE tem um tomara-que-caia que tem efeito parecido, e apesar de ser um sutiã, tem ótima sustentação! Fica lindo!
Temos na loja CAMARIM em Florianópolis. Enviamos pelo correio!!
Olhem que lindo!! 129,90
Olá ! gostaria muuito que me ajudasse preciso saber a marca ou algum sapato que pareça com esse , tô precisando muito , porfavor alguém pode me ajudar ? , hospedei a foto no tinypic , porfavor me ajudem .. obrigada 🙂
Olá Lala, curto demais seu blog! Só uma ressalva, como eu também enlouqueci com esse top, liguei na Wolford de São Paulo e fui informada que não é da marca, que foi uma informação errada! Que pena, estou louca por ele.
Darlei Rochelle
Estou louca com um desses, mais não achei um totalmente igual achei um bem parecido e com um preço bem acéssivel é nesse site aqui Beijos!
Na sammydress tem um bralet no mesmo estilo só que tem spikes. Aqui o link
what is tinder , browse tinder for free
Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a video game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these sl websites and blogs
This was great! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
This was awesome! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
A camisa de seda preto e branco ‘e da B.DE LUCCA (no site nao tem ela como opcao pois a marca ‘e nova e eles ainda estao montando o site).*-*hunny
iron in vegetables
These include eggplants, spinach, betel leaves, flowers, and gourds.
help nourish the blood
It is a conductor of oxygen from the lungs to feed the cells.
ขิม 13/7
น้ำผึ้ง (Honey) นั้นเรียกได้ว่าเป็นยาอายุวัฒนะขนานแท้เลยทีเดียว โดยชาวจีนนิยมเรียกน้ำผึ้งนี้ว่า เฟิงมี่ หรือพังบิ๊ก เป็นต้น เป็นอาหารที่มีรสชาติหวาน โดยน้ำผึ้งนี้มีมาตั้งแต่สมัยโบราณจวบจนปัจจุบัน และเป็นที่ยอมรับไปทั่วโลกเลยก็ว่าได้ ว่าเป็นอาหารอันทรงค … by wila 15/07
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Art Museum New South Wales (Art Gallery of New South Wales)
Australia travel art museum new south wales It is Sydney’s art gallery that presents a wide variety of interesting exhibitions. To the public without any cost, which has a collection of early Australian art. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art come together. allowing tourists to walk and visit each other fully There are also cafes and restaurants in the area for those who want to relax from travel fatigue and sip a light coffee. and feel the atmosphere inside to the fullest
15-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
When the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace.
เมื่อไรที่อำนาจของความรัก ชนะความรักในอำนาจ
The “empty brain” condition is caused by some nerve cells snoozing.
When you feel clumsy, can’t think, can’t remember, it may be that some parts of the brain have actually stopped working.
When you feel clumsy, can’t think, can’t remember, it may be that some parts of the brain have actually stopped working.
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Xi’an is another city where many Thai people may have seen some reviews of this city. Because the city of Xi’an is a city located in Shanxi Province of China. full of great historical stories and diverse cultures Including nature that is very beautiful. The highlight of this city of Xi’an is the Qinxi Mausoleum, filled with interesting historical stories of ancient China. And most importantly, this city of Xi’an also has architecture designed in a strange shape. It reflects the beauty of Chinese civilization that is full of charm that everyone will surely fall in love with this city.
18-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
Always go where your heart leads you to.
“I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.”
คำคมให้กำลังใจ – Abraham Lincon –
ถึงจะเป็นคนเดินช้า แต่ว่าไม่เคยเดินถอยหลังเป็น\
Here’s to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not
‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we’ve been through
Toast to the ones here today
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
ขิม 22/7
com o verde é perfeita. Não acham, meninas*H
full of fullness It is recommended to visit during the rainy season when this season still has some flowers to see. But if you want to see the beautiful and dense winter flowers,23-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
Take a look at the post of the beauty queens from the #mob dissolution event on July 18
The beauty queens expressed their opinions. From the event of the mob dissolution on July 18, 2021, who will be from which stage?
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Lies don’t always end the relationship. Sometimes it’s the truth that ends it.
การโกหกไม่ได้ทำให้ความสัมพันธ์จบลงเสมอไป บางครั้ง “ความจริง” ก็ทำให้มันจบลงได้เช่นกัน
“Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.”– Jacques Prevert
18093 533620I ought to admit that this really is 1 great insight. It surely gives a company the opportunity to get in on the ground floor and really take part in creating something particular and tailored to their needs. 490692
If he accepts the post, Robson’s first task would be to prepare the Thailand team for
เมื่อไรที่คุณสามารถปล่อยอดีตให้ผ่านไปได้ ..สิ่งที่ดียิ่งกว่าก็จะตามมา..
When you finally let go of the past something better comes along.
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Great Blue Hole
Belize Blue Giant Hole The country is on the East Coast of Central America. Caribbean Seaside The hole is about 60 miles off the Belize coast, 984 feet in diameter and about 410 feet deep. Presumably, it was formed in the Ice Age, and it’s one of seven holes that divers rank among the most diving places in the world.
Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland and the closest capital to the North Pole. It is located not too far from the Arctic Circle. Although it is one of Europe’s coldest spots, it is filled with natural hot springs. Soaking in a natural hot spring in the freezing cold is something everyone will find in winter.2-8-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing.”
– George Bernard Shaw
BY ศุภดา Go to website:
“Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something, not even me. Alright? You dream, you gotta protect it” – The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
“อย่าปล่อยให้ใครบอกว่าคุณไม่สามารถทำในบางสิ่ง ความฝันของคุณ จงปกป้องมัน”
Website By Black
Bang Ket Beach
It is located north of Cha Am beach. Only about 6 kilometers apart. The beach is not very wide. can swim in the sea quiet atmosphere because tourists are still less known But there are still shops, restaurants and accommodation to support some.06-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
Hinoki Land Chiang Mai Province
Travel to Japan near Chai Prakan, who likes the atmosphere of Japan. Must be here. Hinoki Land, the first Hinoki wooden kingdom. and the only one in Thailand which does not have to go to Japan at all because he brought it to Chiang Mai and then Especially during this comfortable travel time. The weather must be good. suitable for traveling And it’s very photogenic.
+++เดซี่ 8/8/64+++
Pua District, Nan Province
It is a district that has a very high nature, beautiful views, spellbinding, very good weather, the people are very cute. There are many places to visit Both natural attractions, temples, Pua is a city that can be visited all year round. But if you want to see Pua in the most beautiful form, you should come in rainy season. or want to get good weather in winter It’s called traveling all year round. And who wants to see the view of green rice fields Along with sipping a great cup of coffee. “Tai Lue Coffee Shop”, beautiful atmosphere, very beautiful.08/08/2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
Doi Pui Luang, Mae Hong Son Province
Doi Pui Luang in Mae Ngao National Park It is a search for another beautiful sea of mist in Thailand. The more I get to go in winter, the image of the sea of clouds that clings tightly together. including beautiful golden fields big sun and the coldness that is the atmosphere of traveling in the forest Here is the splendor of the mountains in the form of a sea of mist. and golden fields It is a new natural attraction that is still waiting for everyone to experience for themselves. I can assure you that the sea of clouds is really beautiful, really beautiful.
The situation of covids in the past two waves, there are still some unaffected tourists come to visit. Latest since early July In the past, it was found that tourists from the provinces can almost be called zero. No tourists came up to visit at all. During the weekend, there will be some for Chiang Mai tourists. Come up for a round trip only. As for overnight rentals, it can almost be said to have lost almost 99 percent. Some of the rest are people in Chiang Mai who only come to stay overnight. Most importantly, there are no advance reservations due to the ongoing crisis of the Covid-19 crisis. Thus, now the atmosphere at Doi Mon Cham will find that along the road that used to be bustling, there are many tourists’ cars that are almost gone.
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Xiaomi releases the latest Mi Pad 5 teaser, reveals a keyboard case and supports Stylus pen
Xiaomi has released a new te aser poster for the Mi Pad 5 tablet that will be launched on August 10, 2021 Read more >>> By wila
Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market ❀
It is a floating market that is known to be very famous at another one. Because this market is a source of Thai food and Thai desserts that are hard to find. But if you come here, I guarantee that you will definitely eat. And here there are also many souvenirs to choose from. There are also many popular shops. Including there is also a boat ride service to see the way of life of the villagers at Khlong Lat Mayom, pay homage to monks, visit the beautiful tree plantation with the villagers’ way, so it’s not strange that there are many tourists visiting this market.11-8-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
Bang Phra Reservoir
The most beautiful viewpoint in Pattaya Located on a mountain between South Pattaya Beach and Jomtien11-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
Finally, we are friends! “Harrington” opens up about “Sudaphon”, the fist of Thai women after the fight (pictured)
It is an impressive picture in the boxing competition, amateur, Olympic Games 2020, women’s lightweight version (57 – 60 kg.) Read more >>> By wila
A limited-edition collaboration collection between Pioneer DJ and Off-White™.
A limited-edition collaboration between Pioneer DJ and Off-White™, the high-end clothing brand founded by talented designer Virgil Abloh. who came to transform Pioneer’s top-of-the-line DJ Controller, the DDJ-1000. Read more >>> By wila 13/8
And on an important occasion such as this Mother’s Day festival, “Jubilee Diamond”, the number one diamond jewelry business leader in Thailand. Welcome the month of Mother’s Day with a special collection like “The Moment of Love” that has been designed with meticulous attention to detail, meticulous attention to detail. This is in line with the intention of Jubilee Diamond, which comes in the concept of “ every moment is precious to you”, as well as the intention to select every diamond from the best cut sources in the city of Andwerp. Belgium This results in a diamond with the most beautiful radiance characteristics.
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Mr Korn, the co-founder and ex-chairman of the Thai Fintech Association, created NFTs, a type of digital asset developed on blockchain technology, to launch his “Mission: Pawsible” project. The tokens comprise digital art images of the 20 French bulldogs he keeps at his Bangkok home. All 20 NFTs are now up for auction and sale at “Opensea” — the largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and NFTs.
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– If you don”t fight for what you want, don”t cry for what you lost.
ถ้าคุณไม่สู้เพื่อสิ่งที่คุณต้องการ ก็อย่าร้องไห้เวลาที่เสียมันไป
#Black website :
NVIDIA, a manufacturer of technology products in the graphics processing chip group from the United States. has issued a statement of the company stating that They have reached an agreement with Japanese firm SoftBank. The acquisition of Arm Holdings, the UK-based smartphone chipset and software design company, for more than $40 billion.
The statement also states that SoftBank will continue to strive to leverage Arm for long-term success on the condition that they take over an expected percentage of NVIDIA’s stake below 10%.
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Singapore is a small and geographically island country. Relying on economic wealth and state-of-the-art technology to solve the problem of limited resources. and has always been successful And the latest can manage to provide more drinking water to the people as well.
The gigantic water pump that rumbles from the basement of a Singapore factory is a machine that turns wastewater into clean water of good quality enough for people to consume while helping the government take measures to reduce pollution. can go inside too
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Koh Tachai is famous for its white sandy beach like a coffee mate. It is a very popular tourist destination. In the past few years Koh Tachai is part of the Similan Islands National Park and the park has recently opened for tourists to have the opportunity to take a look. Another thing is that Koh Tachai will have a closed period for nature to restore during the same period as Koh Similan.
****Fiastar 27/8/64
How to prepare for camping and have fun and survive!
Introducing how to prepare for camping for beginners. keep it fun and safeRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 2/9 Go To WebSite
Noodles Jap Kang” marinated soft pork, homemade noodles, fill a bowl full until evening
Review of Jab Kang Noodles, a traditional restaurant Charoenkrung Noodles with red pork. Full of firmness. Full bowl. The machine is unstoppable. It’s very appetizing. Pigs are not colored, use the hips, have a little lean on it. Marinated into tender meat, you must try it onceRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 2/9Go To WebSite
Founding of OPEC or Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
September 14, 1960, the date of the founding of OPEC” or “Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries” (OPEC-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) by the founding members of 5 countries: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador (withdrew in 1992) and the latest member at the beginning of 2007 was Angola, a total of 12 countries… Read more >>> By wila 2/9
Charles Darwin arrives in the Galapagos Islands
September 15, 1835 Charles Darwin, English naturalist. Travel by Beagle (HMS Beagle) to the Galapagos Islands. The place where he started collecting data in just 5 weeks, but has helped to reiterate. evolution theory He explained this theory in the classic book, the Origin of Sprcies (1859), on the origin of life by natural selection. It was not born of God’s creation as most people of that era believed. Which is considered a challenge… Read more >>> By wila 2/9
Review of Lan Yum Phi Bok, Phetchabun Province Goosebumps Delicious for both the seller and the yum Prices start at 80 – 150 baht, depending on the customer’s order. So yummy, you have to try it.
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Nui Beach, a small beach hidden in the midst of nature. Located between the viewpoints of Karon Beach and Nai Harn Beach. In addition to the clear blue sea The white sandy beach is already popular with foreign tourists. There is also a check-in point for taking photos, including Bali Bird’s Nest and Bali Swing, at many points in front of the sea overlooking Nui Beach. It can be said that we walk and find a photo angle until we are full.
02/09/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
… if we deliberately seek encouragement (motivation) on a daily basis, it will become a habit and enable us to get ahead and stay ahead in life. Zig Ziglar, Over the Top
Daily Motivation
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
15 billion won, or about 429 million baht, is the budget for creating a large-format series The Veil: Day Break on the 60th anniversary of MBC, where Namgoong Min plays the lead role. This is known for having to be sharp. And he will show something different. Challenge yourself all the time That makes this series become one of the series that will be highly sought after at the end of this year. Th…
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Khai Island, a small island in Phang Nga Province, has 3 islands, which are Khai Nok Island,by hunny go to website:
Khai Nai Island (Khai Maew Island) and Khai Nui Island. The first two islands have white sandy hunny go to website:
watching fish and coral is a great There is a unique viewpoint of Koh Nang Yuanby hunny go to website:
contrast with the clear blue sea Until becoming a private bay up to 3 bays, a source suitable for Swimming, diving,by hunny go to website:
Doi Mae Salong
Doi Mae Salong is the location of Santikhiri Village. Which is the residence of the Chinese community on Doi Mae Salong and one of the largest tea growing areas in Thailand. Doi Mae Salong is located on a high mountain. There is a beautiful scenery. Cool weather all year round There are many interesting attractions such as Phra Borommathat Chedi Srinagarindra Sathitmahasantikhiri which is the point to watch the beautiful sunrise and sea of mist in the morning Visit General Tuan’s cemetery and visit 101 tea plantations, terraced tea plantations. interspersed with mountains in the background Wang Puttan Tea Plantation Including popular activities, tasting oolong tea, famous tea which can be tasted at every tea plantation shop on Doi Mae Salong
02/09/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about. Author Unknown
Strength and Courage
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
Hilarious fire “Luang Pu Wilas”, the coffin was damaged, but the body was not irritated.
Hilarious fire “Luang Pu Wilas”, a former prefect of the district. The coffin was damaged, but the body was not irritated, not even the tip of the rob Read more >>> By wila 13/9
Sad in the famous temple, used to get the news that he won the 1st prize, the abbot died in the cloister, 60 years old
Rector Wiraphon There are many symptoms of congenital disease. Both diabetes, high blood pressure, enlarged heart and kidney failure. Yom’s cousin took me to check the symptoms at Yang Talat Hospital. Before the symptoms worsened for about a month. Read more >>> By wila 13/9
Baby He attacked his father until he had to run away from home. Before going naked to rape his own real mother
Mother reported being raped by her 35-year-old son at home, previously just attacking his real father. Until I can’t stay at home, I have to move to a rubber plantation.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 13/9
Superintendent of the park is pleased with Phanom Rung Castle. Appears MV Lisa BLACKPINK. Thank you for thinking of Buriram.
Head of Prasat Khao Phanom Rung Park Glad that the picture of the castle is in Lisa’s MV. It’s a new phenomenon that people around the world see. Believe Lisa intends to announce to more people in Thailand.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 13/9
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
#Black website :
You must do the things you think you cannot do.
#Black website :
aconteceu o Salão Bossa Nova, a junção de duas feiras super importantes para o mercado da moda, onde as marcas apresentam a sua coleção para a próxima estação para os lojistas já
imporYou must do the things you think you canntantes para o mercado da moda, onde as marcas apresentam a sua coleção para a próxima estação para os lojistas já
Phranang Cave Beach
Tham Phra Nang Beach is located in Ao Nang Subdistrict, Krabi Province. It is a tourist attraction that is in the promotion tour, Four Islands, Poda Island, Tub Island (Separated Thale), Kai Island and Phra Nang Cave Beach. This is one of the highlights. Krabi sea voyage This amazing angle must Walk deep to the end of the beach which is the location of Phra Nang Cave It is the residence of the sacred queen that sailors around this area worship. This view is unique. That is, when entering inside the cave, looking out will see the mouth of the cave cavity. There are stalactites descending to form a beautiful chandelier, wide sea and large islands lined up at sunset. It will be one of the most amazing and beautiful views.13/09/2021 BY:ศุภดา
Railay Bay
Railay Beach is located in Ao Nang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Krabi Province. It is a fine white sandy beach along the gorges that Railay Beach is well known for. among tourists Especially those who love rock climbing and Railay Beach is divided into East Railay Beach (Hat Nam Mao) and West Railay Beach, which is a popular beach. Because of the clear water, beautiful beaches and also a beautiful sunset viewing point, if Railay East and Sunset have rocks between the two beaches. The popular rock climbing area is Railay East, Ton Sai Bay and Phra Nang Nai Cave.13/09/2021 BY:ศุภดา
Japan’s Hayabusa 2 lander successfully landed on asteroid Ryuku and began its rock sample mission on the star’s surface around 11 p.m. on the night of February 21 GREECE. Niche The spacecraft arrived at Ryuku in June 2018 after a three-and-a-half-year journey from Earth.
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The sense of smell is very important. especially in pets like dogs which these dogs will use the smell to indicate the territory through urinating in various places Whether it’s the base of the tree, beside the wall, post box, wheels, and the base of various pillars. The smell of urine tells not only the territorial area. but also a unique communication channel…
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Poda Island, the beautiful island of Krabi It is a private island that is still beautiful. It’s one of the highlights of a beach trip. Krabi Poda Island The beach is surrounded by hunny go to website:
Rector Wiraphon There are many symptoms of congenital disease. Both diabetes, high blood pressure, enlarged heart and kidney hunny go to website:
“Life’s real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.”
– Unknown BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
“At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.”
– Christine Mason Miller BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
“Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.”
– Drew Barrymore BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See