Fernando de Noronha – Dicas de Viagem

Uma das viagens que mais amei na vida, com certeza, foi para Fernando de Noronha. Finalmente entendi o VÍCIO que esse lugar cria nas pessoas. Sabe quando alguém fala de energia do lugar? Foi uma energia maravilhosa que senti nessa ilha brasileira.

A viagem começa com um vôo para Recife e depois uma conexão para Fernando de Noronha (de Recife são 40 minutos de vôo). Você pode ir via Natal também.

A primeira providência (além de reservar o hotel, é claro!) é pagar duas taxas diferentes. A primeira é da permanência na ilha, de acordo com a quantidade de dias que você vai ficar. Essa taxa é bacana pagar com antecedência, já que, se você não chegar com isso pago, vai ter que pegar uma fila enorrrrr me assim que chegar no aeroporto e não é legal rssss. A segunda taxa é do Parque de Noronha. Algumas praias estão dentro do parque e, para conhecer, você tem que pagar uma taxa que ajuda na matutençãao e preservação da ilha.

Quem resolveu todas as taxas para mim foi a minha agencia de turismo (a Sete Mares Turismo). Viva! Amo agência! Você não paga a mais por nenhum serviço e não precisa se preocupar com burocracia. Eu não nasci para isso (Rainha kkkk!).

Escolhemos a Pousada Maria Bonita para esses dias no paraíso. Amei tanto que escolhi por ela já na segunda vez na ilha. Primeiro por ser a mais linda everrrrrrr de Noronha. Sou apaixonada por design e decoração e a Maria Bonita é um encanto quando a gente fala nesse assunto. Sabe aquele conceito easy chic? Cara de praia, aquele toque rústico de Noronha, mas sem perder a elegância. Além de ter também coisas que são muito necessárias quando se fala em férias: uma cama maravilhosa e gigante e um chuveiro power delicioso.

Depois vem o café da manha que é delicioso (quem passar por lá não deixe de provar a tapioca com queijo coalho que é sem igual!) e o cuidado da equipe da pousada que faz tudo acontecer perfeitamente. Vale contar sobre o chá da tarde também…. sabe quando você chega da praia com aquela fominha…. hum…. tem uma mesa de chás que é vida!!!

Outra coisa que me ganhou? Máquina de café expresso nos quartos e um secador digno. Ahhhh, gente! Me mata chegar em um hotel e ter aquele secador que só sai vento!!! Lá é power plus advanced! kkkkk

Hora de explorar a ilha. Vou contar o meu roteiro elaborado pela equipe da Sete Mares e que eu achei super bacana e recomendo.

Assim que chegamos em Noronha (era mais ou menos 4 da tarde), passamos pelo hotel, deixamos as malas e já fomos admirar o por do sol. Fomos até o restaurante Mergulhão que tem uma vista liiiiiinda da ilha, um por do sol belo e um ambiente super bacana. Lá tomamos uns drinks e já jantamos. Eu e Diego amamos jantar super cedo para poder curtir muito o dia. Poder acordar com disposição.

A vista impressionante do por do sol no Mergulhão

No segundo dia fizemos o ilha tour. Um passeio de um dia inteiro passando por todas as praias de Fernando de Noronha. Muuuito delícia ver tudo, as paisagens de cima que são de tirar o fôlego e ter aquele panorama geral do que é a cidade.

Esse passeio termina com um momento mergulho com snorquel no porto da cidade. Vale muito a pena. Vi milll peixes e muita tartaruga. Foi demais. Escolhi fazer em um carro 4X4 (Guia Rodrigo TOP) o passeio e não no bugue por indicação da Sete Mares e foi a melhor coisa que fiz. Primeiro que pude deixar minha bolsa com toalha, água filtro solar no carro sem precisar ficar carregando em cada parada. Depois que não é muito confortável ficar o dia todo meio que pendurada no bugue (rainha né mores kkkk). No carro, com ar condicionado, eleva nossa dignidade.

Esse tour para para almoçar. Escolhi o Bar do Meio que é um dos mais bacanas em frente a praia e ameiiiiiiii (depois voltamos mais vezes!) O Rodrigo guia é maravilhoso, sabe tudo da ilha e é muito paciente. Além disso, gosta de tirar fotos. Olha que maraaaaa! Ele fez varias fotos minhas e do Diego. Quem viaja em casal muitas vezes volta quase sem fotos de uma viagem.

No jantar fomos conhecer o Varanda.

No terceiro dia foi o momento do mergulho com cilindro. Vou te dizer que tinha muito receio (tenho aquele medinho básico do mar), mas a equipe que me levou (fui com a Águas Claras) foi muito bacana e me deixou segura. Fizemos duas entradas no mar e foi delicioso e tranquilo. Vimos muitas tartarugas, arraias gigantes e também tubarão. Foi demais. Eles vendem videos e fotos do passeio depois. Vale super a pena guardar.

O passeio termina por volta das 13h e fomos direto almoçar no Cacimba Bistro. Pensa em uma comida MARAVILHOSAAAA! Provamos o pastel de lagosta (um dos pratos mais famosos da ilha), o ceviche e a salada de folhas com camarão que é divina. Vale muuuito a pena. Como a gente amou muuuito o bar do meio, voltamos para lá para ver o por do sol. Reservamos um bangalô delicioso e lá ficamos vendo aquele por do sol lindo, curtindo uma musiquinha e tomando drinks deliciosos.

No dia seguinte tínhamos um dia livre de atividades. Tinha marcado um passeio de mergulho no Atalaia, mas não deu certo por conta da maré. Decidimos passar o dia na praia da Cacimba do Padre (lá tem uma estrutra de praia com cadeira, guarda sol e bebidas), para poder nadar até a Baia dos Porcos com pé de pato e óculos. Como o mar estava muuuito manso foi uma delicia (sabe quando você esta escrevendo esse post e com uma vontade enorme de voltar no tempo? Acho que até suspirei!). No fim do dia, voltamos para o Bar do Meio para ver o por do sol com direito a camarão empanado e caipirinha de cajú.

Nosso quinto dia foi especial. Alugamos um barco para dar uma volta na ilha só para nós dois! Ai que romântico! Pegamos o passeio pela manhã que tem a maior chance de ver os animais. Logo na saída do porto milhares de golfinhos!! Foi uma loucura ver todos eles pulando ao redor do barco. Fomos por toda a ilha e vimos até uma baleia! Diego amou demais. Ancoramos na praia do Sancho para um almoço delicioso e um pouco mais de mergulho na agua transparente e quentinha de Noronha. Como quando eu amo um programa eu faço mil vezes, passei o por do sol no Bar do Meio.

No último dia, que tinha só meio dia disponível, passamos pela Cacimba do Padre e logo depois, um pastel de lagosta do Cacimba Bistrô para não morrer de saudades!

Cacimba Do Padre

PS: Em menos de dois meses voltamos para a ilha! YEAH! Fizemos o MESMO roteiro, porque foi maravilhoso demais. Ficamos mais uma vez na Pousada Maria Bonita, fizemos o ilha tour com o Rodrigo e fomos nos mesmos restaurantes. Mas, conheci alguns outros lugares que vou contar aqui para vocês.

Fomos jantar na Pousada Triboju. Adorei o jantar. Pedimos uma muqueca e estava divina. Fomos jantar também na Pousada Teiju-Açu. Achei a comida bacana, mas nada de parar a vida, sabe? Almoçamos na Pousada Maravilha. O visual é lindo, o ambiente bacana, a apresentação dos pratos super top e a comida muito boa. Mas, para comer, continuo tendo como meus favoritos o Bar do Meio e o Cacimba Bistrô. Queria muito conhecer o Mesa da Ana, mas não conseguimos vaga. Minha amiga que me acompanhou na viagem e chegou uns dias antes passou pelo festival do Zé Maria e adorou. Ainda não tive a oportunidade de conhecer, masssss tenho certeza que não vai faltar oportunidade. Fernando de Noronha é um lugar para se voltar muitas e muitas vezes!

255 respostas para “Fernando de Noronha – Dicas de Viagem”

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  15. Koh Kam Ranong
    Koh Kam is an archipelago in the area of ​​Laem Son National Park. Here are some beautiful islands, crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches. It is another point for snorkeling, swimming, and swimming for tourists. Which can travel here with a day trip program to Kam Islands. Can charter a long-tail boat for villagers. Contact to rent a boat at the tour boat tour.
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  16. Mamanuca Island is a paradise island that looks like it came straight out of a postcard. It is Fiji’s most famous archipelago. Because here there is still pure and outstanding beauty. There are also a variety of activities for people on the island to enjoy without getting bored.12-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  17. Visit Mae Hong Son Apart from the highlight attractions such as Pai, Pang Ung, Ban Rak Thai, Su Tong Pae is another must-see attraction as well. because besides that Sutongpe Bridge This is beautiful with natural scenery. and the farms of the villagers This is also the center of great faith of the people here.15-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  18. If you want to take a photo with a beautiful flower garden It is recommended to take the train from Tokyo. Get off at Hitachinaka of Ibaraki Prefecture. because there is a large flower garden by the sea called “Hitachi Seaside Park” is a very large flower field. With a width of about 190 hectares, the distinctiveness of this flower garden. is able to travel in every season because there will be flowers that bloom differently in each season
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  19. Nan National Museum
    Nan National Museum Opposite Wat Phumin Originally it was the imprint of The ruler of Nan called it “Hor Kham”. Inside exhibits various art, antiques, history and lifestyles of the northern natives and hill tribes. The most important thing is that “black ivory” is considered the priceless property of Nan province. From now on, in front of the museum, there is also a popular frangipani arch that is like a selling point of the museum. When anyone arrives in Nan, they should not miss out on taking pictures as a souvenir as well.
    20-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  20. Another British attraction, the Lake District, England’s largest national park. It is located in the northwest of the country. in Cumbria The attraction is in the lakes and mountains. which was caused by the eruption of glaciers in the past The image of the water, the image of the mountains, beautiful and mesmerizing. Today, the Lake District is another famous destination for mountain climbers. About 14 million tourists visit each year.



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  22. Another British attraction, the Lake District, England’s largest national park. It is located in the northwest of the country. in Cumbria The attraction is in the lakes and mountains. which was caused by the eruption of glaciers in the past The image of the water, the image of the mountains, beautiful and mesmerizing. Today, the Lake District is another famous destination for mountain climbers. About 14 million tourists visit each year.


  23. Have you ever noticed why sometimes an athlete who is injured during a match can still finish the match or a soldier wounded on the battlefield can still endure the enemy? Don’t they hurt each other? Scientists have proven that when humans face stressful situations The brain releases a substance that suppresses the feeling of pain. enabling humans to fight pain Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila

  24. Rafting in Kanchanaburi is considered the best. Visit refreshing waterfall
    Don’t miss it. Activity line. Must be fascinated. Kanchanaburi rafting, unique island for beginners in rafting. From kayaking to waterfalls, various routes are suitable for outing together with the office. Or organize a trip with a large family for many people to enjoy. or to sit and watch young people play in the waterfall Don’t forget to book accommodation nearby08-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  25. Wat Rong Khun, Chiang Rai
    The famous white and majestic temple that is known all over the world. Famed for its exquisite design and construction. like a fairy godmother paradise on earth This temple was designed and built by the national artist Chalermchai Kositpipat with the intention of dedicating this temple as a national treasure. Build this temple is Nation-Religion-King. In addition to the beautiful and delicate building architecture sculpture and Buddhist sculptures, carvings, and artisan works within the temple are all of incomparable artistic and spiritual value. And of course, this Rong Khun Temple is one of the top landmarks in Thailand. of modern times It also ranks among the most beautiful temples in the world ranked in many institutions.


  26. Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai
    National parks and important Thai tourist attractions with the highest mountain peaks in the country Located in San Pa Tong and Mae Chaem districts. Chiang Mai Province In the area of ​​Doi Inthanon National Park There are many important natural and cultural attractions. And is one of the routes to see the sea of ​​mist – cherry blossoms in Thailand and flowers blooming in winter. and is also the location of the Doi Inthanon Royal Project A former hill tribe opium farm that our King Rama IX developed into an important agricultural experimentation site in the country. allowing his people to have a legal career It is a breeding ground for rainbow trout in Thailand. At present, in addition to having flower fields and winter orchards It is also the origin of the agricultural product “Doi Kham”.


  27. Pay homage to hundreds of temples in Kanchanaburi
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  28. Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai Province

    The highest peak in Thailand It is cold all year round. The surrounding nature is abundant. There are many tourist spots nearby. No matter what season tourists come to Doi Inthanon You will be able to experience the beauty of Doi Inthanon to the fullest. And one highlight that should not be missed is the Kew Mae Pan Nature Trail. It is a path that traverses forests, meadows, and all the way to the viewpoint. which can see the mountains, big and small, very beautiful especially during the sea of ​​fog This area will be able to see the sea of ​​clouds far and wide

    13-08-2021 by ศุภดา go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  29. Rak Samae Bridge
    Rak Samae Bridge It is a wooden bridge that spans through the mangrove forest. Located at Khlong Tha Ta Boi, Ban Noen Kho, Klaeng District, is an eco-tourism attraction similar to Thung Prong Thong Pak Nam Prasae with a length of about 100 meters. This bridge is considered one of the points. Take in the views and scenery of nature that is rich in various types of trees13-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  30. Ko Lipe is the part of 51 islands that make up for the Tarutao National Marine Park. Ko Lipe is popular between honeymooners because of its seclusion. Because of the privacy, it attracts many newlyweds who come here to enjoy this remote location with safe, friendly environment. This is one of the smallest islands in Thailand and its proximity is enough to be explored on the foot.
    BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  31. Ancient noodles. 10 baht per pack. Turning the crisis during the covids.
    The forest restaurant turned the crisis into an opportunity to sell traditional noodles for 10 baht per pack to generate income for the family. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 16/8

  32. The best tourist attraction in England must be given to Stonehenge, a large group of rock formations on the Salisbury Plains in the south of the British Isles. Consisting of 112 gigantic stone blocks, the origin of Stonehenge is not yet conclusive. There are just so many assumptions. Archaeologists believe that This mound was formed somewhere around 3000–2000 BC by calculating its age from radioactive carbon. Scientists and historians have speculated that all of the megaliths were drawn from somewhere else. Because the plains there are no rocks. which is expected to come from “Marlborough Fields” located 40 kilometers away, but it is believed that Stonehenge was probably built for the religious ceremonies of the ancients. With all the wonders and mysteries that remain unsolved, Stonehenge is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


  33. Ko Samui is one of the most culturally rich islands of Thailand. This destination is loved by the photographers and writers who come here to take part in the festivals hosted here. Some of the most popular festivals of Ko Samui are the Buffalo Fighting Festival, the Ten Stars Samui Art Party, and several street fairs. These festivals are vibrant with vendors selling local delicacies, clothing, and souvenirs. The yearly Samui Regatta invites the sailors and watersport enthusiast from all around the world. Samui Regatta hosts the world famous triathlon event that invites more than 500 competitors from 22 countries. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  34. Thung Prong Thong
    Thung Prong Thong, an eco-tourism attraction of Ban Samae Phu Community, Pak Nam Prasae, Klaeng District, starting from the entrance of Wat Takhian Ngam Walk and admire the natural beauty of Rayong’s largest mangrove forest. Both sides of the road are surrounded by mangroves, trellises and coastal woods18-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  35. Husband kills wife 4 months pregnant. Neighbor smells rotten. Died all round for almost a week.
    So sad. Husband killed his wife 4 months pregnant. Neighbor smells rotten. Died all round for almost a week. Beside the corpse found a broken hammer. bloody bowl Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 19/8

  36. หนึ่งในความยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดในชีวิตคุณคือการทำในสิ่งที่คนอื่นบอกว่าคุณทำไม่ได้

    The one greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
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  37. It’s going to hurt! Two suspects who picked up the keys of a tamarind prison cell in Chanthaburi fled on the loose
    Speed ​​up the hunt for 2 thieves in the case of burglary Picking up the keys to escape from a prison cell at a tamarind police station, Chanthaburi province. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 28/8

  38. Corrections sent Superintendent Jo and their detainees at Phitsanulok Prison. afraid to meet an old prisoner who had been arrested
    Director-General of the Department of Corrections revealed that the 7 suspects were deported “Director Jo” sent to prison at Phitsanulok prison instead of Nakhon Sawan because of higher security. Fearing that the same accused who had been arrested would not be safe. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 28/8

  39. Shining Force, the legendary JRPG, is being remade into a mobile version.
    Sega has announced that it will bring Shining Force, the legendary JRPG, to a mobile version. Prepare to be released next yearRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 28/8Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

  40. The Mill’s café

    A hip cafe that is hidden in a small corner of the city. The chic is that the shop has both indoor and outdoor seating areas. The shop is decorated cute and airy. with a view of the Tha Chin River There is a dessert menu with drinks to choose from. Come and taste good coffee, delicious desserts, and take beautiful photos.
    28/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

  41. Nowadays, many young people ignore the use of condoms. Because I think it is unnecessary, wasteful and difficult, but wearing a condom every time you have sex Can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases enormously. And wearing a condom is not as difficult as you think. During the syphilis epidemic in Thailand We would like to present the process of wearing condoms to be safe for men. If you are not sure, go check it out…
    Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/


  42. The answer is “not true.” The doctor would like to quote the research to support the reasons as follows. Research published in Human Reproduction in 2016 looked at 321 women aged 18-45 years from four universities from Thailand, Brazil, Singapore and Hungary, asking them to take the emergency contraceptive pill within 24 hours before or after each time they had sex. For 6 months, it was found that the women who participated in the research…
    Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/


  43. Check in 2 Rust Cafe
    Rust Cafe, a chic coffee shop in the heart of Surin. The restaurant is uniquely decorated in an industrial loft and rustic style. That is hidden with raw, cool style. Sit, chill, sip coffee, there are many photo angles. Who has the opportunity to visit Surin recommend not to miss The shop is a row of commercial buildings along the road. in dark brown tones Looking from the storefront, it’s not very eye-catching. But when entering the store, be wowed by the very stylish decoration. The shop is divided into several zones. Both indoor air-conditioned room zone and bar zone
    28/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

  44. “I found in my research that the biggest reason people aren’t more self-compassionate is that they are afraid they’ll become self-indulgent. They believe self-criticism is what keeps them in line. Most people have gotten it wrong because our culture says being hard on yourself is the way to be.”
    – Kristen Neff BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com

  45. Fang Hot Springs is located in Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park. which is very rich in nature There are more than 50 hot springs scattered throughout the area. and varying in size The high temperature is about 90 degrees Celsius. There is a private hot spring bathing facility. The perfect warm temperature is comfortable and good for the skin. There is also an egg boiling pond for you to enjoy as well.

    See the full review at 10 hot springs all over the northern region.


  46. Another British attraction, the Lake District, England’s largest national park. It is located in the northwest of the country. in Cumbria The attraction is in the lakes and mountains. which was caused by the eruption of glaciers in the past The image of the water, the image of the mountains, beautiful and mesmerizing. Today, the Lake District is another famous destination for mountain climbers. About 14 million tourists visit each year.


  47. Doi Mae Taman is located in the Mae Taman Watershed Management Unit. Chiang Dao District Chiang Mai Province When viewed from the top of Doi Mae Taman, opposite side will see the great Doi Luang Chiang Dao, standing majestically in the foreground. like a painting that looks like someone has made it up at near altitude next to Doi Luang Chiang Dao seen in the distance in front There is also a queen tiger flower that blooms in full during late December to mid-January.


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