Ontem aconteceu o mais tradicinal baile de carnaval de São Paulo, o Baile da Vogue. Foi muuuito delicioso poder participar da festa. Eu AMO a oportunidade de fazer algo fora da caixinha. Poder caprichar na maquiagem, carregar nos acessórios. Fazer tudo sem dó, afinal o carnaval dá passe livre. Não é mesmo? O convite pede uma fantasia ou traje de gala. Escolhi um vestido de gala da Mares em estilo sereia. Amo o shape da Mares. Veste muito bem, valoriza o corpo… e para entrar no clima de carnaval escolhi um acessório de cabeça da Camila Klein e o Rosman Braz, maquiador, ahazou na maquiagem forte e que praticamente conectou com os acessórios! Eu adorei entrar na brincadeira do baile! Espero que vocês gostem!
Lalá veste: Mares | Acessórios Camila Klein
Cabelo e maquiagem: Rosman Braz ( Salão 1838)
Fotos: Bruna Valença
que liinda! amei o look (:
Linda Lalá!!!! O vestido é um charme!
Qunat mulher bem vestida tinha nesse baile hein?!
beijo e ótimo fim de semana>
Linda Lalá. bjs
Conheçam a nossa LOJA ONLINE:
Não gostei!!!Roupa linda mas a make não ficou legal!!
Vestido e corpo lindos!!!Só não curti o batom escuro,pois diminui tanto a boca…
Mas vc arrasou!bjo
Qual é a cor desse esmalte???? LINDOO
A mais linda de todas!!!!! Arrosou perua!!!!
A mais linda de todas!!!! Arrasou perua!!!!! Bjs
Maravilhosaaaa!!! Sou super sua fã… E o corpo ta um arrazo bojos
Lalá, que arraso!
Acompanhei o tempo todo pelo instagram, mais as fotos não foram tão justas ao seu vestido e make.
Simplismente uma Diva linda, amei tudo! Parabéns pelo excelente bom gosto. bjs
Lala, que vestido lindo!! Você arrasou!!
Thunder, Thunder, Thundercat!!
Olhaaaaa, o que seria esse batom???? Muitoo lindo!
Por favor, Lala, vc sabe qual a cor???
Parabéns adorei o seu look, estava extremamente original, lindo e característico para o evento.
gostei de tudo menos do batom, eu sei q é carnaval mais vc tem os labios finos, NUNCA deve usar batom escuro assim.
a make ficou linda, os olhos e tal, mas esse desenho na testa n era necessario…
Vc acha mesmo? Imagina. Acho que a gente deve usar o que a gente se sente bem! Bjoka
Cada profissão tem seu lado bom e seu lado ruim… Penso que, se existem tantos pontos positivos na vida de blogueira (mimos, presentes, eventos), é preciso encarar o ponto negativo: se sujeitar às críticas. Concordo que muita gente é mal educada. Mas acho um absurdo a pessoa não aceitar comentários contrários ao que ela desejaria que fosse dito. Lalá, você está um corpo lindo, o vesito super valorizou, mas se a maioria das pessoas não gostou da estampa, da maquiagem etc. normalmente tem um “porquê” né? É lindo falar que cada um tem de usar o que se sente bem, mas a verdade é que devemos aproveitar, da moda, aquilo que mais nos favorece. E definitivamente batom escuro não é pra você. Esses riscos no seu rosto não favoreceram. E a maioria das pessoas não curtiu sua fantasia. Aprenda a viver com as críticas – sempre que foram feitas com educação, como esta. Abraços e sucesso!
Que ridículo esse comentário.Se não gostou fique quieta. Nem sempre é preciso falar que não gostou deixa a pessoa com seus gostos e que aceite críticas de pessoas que ela conhece não de gente que não tem o que fazer e anônima.
concordo,detestei o make e temos sim que encarar a realidade o maquiador é profissional mas a as veses erra tambem,e vc é minha musa,acerta sempre.
Ficou linda Lalá!!
Lindo vestido, adorei!!!
Cabelo..make e acessorios lindos!!! Mas achei esse vestido mto sem graça! rs Claro que é a minha opnião..e vc deve usar o que se sentir bem né!
Adorei o visu!!! Quero saber onde posso encontrar o vestido, no site não tem. Bjos e sucessooooo!!!
Ficou maravilhosa!!! Ameeei o vestido, to querendo comprar um da Mares pra ser madrinha de casamento! Qual a faixa de preço, Lala? Não consigo encontrar preço deles em lugar nenhum =(
adorei make incrível!!
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Lalá, tá tudo lindo!!!! Tô babando no seu vestido, quero um igualzinho…. bj
É, a boca ficou um pouco pequena mesmo, mas só por causa disso a gente vai deixar de usar? Não mesmo! rsrs
Ficou linda!
Florence Wozniak.
Lalá, tá tudo lindo!!!!
Muito diva né gente?
Faz tempo que não passava aqui, e eu só passava bizoiava e ia embora. Agora quero participar hein!!
Blog lindo, e sempre diversificado, do jeito que eu gosto.
Tá linda maravilhosa uma DEUSA!
Lalá, q esmalte lindo, qual é? Conta pra gente vai!
Amo qdo vc responde (me sinto importante) 🙂
Bjs querida, vc é uma graça!
Oi Lala, acho vc uma fofa e de um ano para cá, tem acertado D+ nos looks, e esse nao foi diferente. Entretanto, o make, na minha opinião, nao ficou legal. Mas, quem tinha que gostar era voce, né? Bjsss
Nao gostei naoooo… Pelo q eu vi dos looks, a galera foi muito mais estilosa, mais glam… Mas esse vestido floral nao ornou c a maquiagem naooo… Dessa vez lalazita vc nao foi feliz, mas tb nao se pode acertar 100%. Vc. Qse sempre arrasa!!! Bjocas
Eu gostei do vestido porém não teve nada haver com o baile e a ocasião,o pessoal usou muito brilho e acho que foi isso que faltou no look,o vestido tava muito belo de verdade,a make ok,porém fiquei triste com a escolha do batom,não valorizou!.Mas a Lala tem que usar o que ela se sente bem,então ahazou
Como faço pra um dia ter o privilégio de participar do baile ? Você paga ou o convite são eles da vogue que mandam ?
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This was awesome! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
Linda camisa e muito original !! Mas achei abusivo o preço cobrado por ela !! E vc linda como sempre !! Bjs*-*hunny
This was awesome! I would like you to clean up all this spam though * น้องใหม่
Vestido e corpo lindos!!!Só não curti o batom escuro,pois diminui tanto a boca…
Mas vc arrasou!bjo* น้องใหม่
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Stay committed to your decisions
but stay flexible in your approach.
When angry count to ten before you speak.If very angry, count to one hundred.-Thomas Jefferson
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na maquiagem forte e que praticamente conectou com os acessórios! Eu adorei entrar na brincadeira do baile! Espero que vocês gostem!
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na maquiagem forte e que praticamente conectou com os acessórios! Eu adorei entrar na brincadeira do baile! Espero que *PM
You can’t change who you are, so why not love yourself.
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na maquiagem forte e que praticamente conectou com o*H
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again this time more intelligently.
Riding high, when I was king
Played it hard and fast, ‘cause I had everything
Walked away, wonderin’ then
But easy come and easy go
And it would end
ขิม 21/7
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More than 10 beauty queens infected with covids from the national stage The dreaded new cluster!
The beauty industry has shaken again. When a beauty queen came out to reveal that addicted to covids on the stage of the biggest contest and has an infection in the lungs
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Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn’t give you credit. -Kamari aka Lyrikal
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Preliminary results from a study in the United States have been reported. Eating broccoli may be beneficial in preventing or reducing the progression of bladder cancer, lead researcher Dr. Steven Schwartz of The Ohio State University, Columbus, reported on a recent lab study.
By wila 29/07
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ขิม 31/7
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Wat Khunaram” is a famous temple and is a popular tourist destination in Surat where Luang Por Daeng’s body contains a glass factory for those who have faith to come to pay respects to be auspicious
01-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
The United Nations has warned that more than 2 billion people in the world are deprived of clean drinking water. Currently, less than 15% of countries are able to provide their citizens with the necessary infrastructure resources, according to a survey of 115 countries, most of them low- and middle-income. Which has a total population of 4.5 billion people, more than 2.2 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water…
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“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you’ve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.”
– Denis Waitley
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Museums in Kanchanaburi Province
Another historical attraction that has gained knowledge and is an important source of historical education. various schools Often organize excursions to visit Kanchanaburi for future generations to know the history of the war and the discovery of an ancient community for more than 1,000 years from ancient skeletons stored in the Ban Kao National Museum.08-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Pay homage to hundreds of temples in Kanchanaburi
There are over 100 temples in Kanchanaburi, demonstrating their faith in Buddhism. and divided into temples from many sects There are different beauty, for example, the temple in the cave has evidence of being a prisoner of war in World War II, or a temple built according to the Mahayana sec09-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
“You have a greater potential than anyone who has ever lived before you! But you’ll never “make it” by sitting on your duff and telling the world how great you’re going to be, starting tomorrow.”– Og Mandino
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The reclining Buddha or the Temple of the Reclining Buddha which is it’s other name to the more profound enthusiasts. Over 141 feet long the golden statue is quite the sight to see! The temple was built to commemorate resting or at least that’s what its theme is for. Interesting isn’t it? Most temples are dedicated to gods and saints, but this one is dedicated to the act of resting. You’ll never see that anywhere else, but here!
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Glass Beach
This glass beach Originally a California garbage dump. Decades have passed, the shards of garbage that have been splashed by the waves have become amazing beaches.
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Another good view point on Khao Kho I can see the vast expanse and mists pass frequently, especially during the rainy and winter seasons. because the air in this zone is always humid Besides the good view During Saturdays and Sundays and festivals, there will be shops serving as booths, reasonable prices, good taste, especially papaya salad, grilled chicken, grilled pork, and sticky rice. Very cool.15-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Review of basil, 20 baht, Hia Oran restaurant
Review of Fried Basil at Hia Oran restaurant. Basil 20 baht that can make you feel full. get in one meal Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 16/8
Wat Phra Phutthabat Yasothon
Wat Phra Phutthabat Yasothon or Wat Phra Bat is the place where a replica of the Buddha’s footprint is enshrined. and Luang Pho Nakprok This temple uses applied art. Therefore, the Ubosot is white with a blue roof. Inside there is also the principal Buddha image cut from white jade, height 3.7 meters, it is the largest white jade Buddha image in Thailand.16-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Nightlife in Thailand
Nightlife in Thailand entirely deserves its international reputation. Thailand Tourism highly promotes the party scenes of the country and attracts a large crowd from every corner of the world. If you are someone seeking endless fun, want to dance among strangers and have some fine craft beer then Thailand is where you should be. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Rayong Aquarium
Rayong Aquarium It is an experimental study place for research on marine animals and various aquatic plants. It is also a collection of rare and beautiful aquatic species. which was located along the bay of Ban Phe Only 20 kilometers away from Rayong city, the interior is divided into 3 parts.18-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Who came? Police helicopter landed on the school football field shop blown Lots of damage
Mayor and President of the Fisheries Association Ask for information from the police who are waiting to pick you up. but received only the answer that The mission of the person traveling with the helicopter was unknown. And what mission did you travel with? Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 19/8
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What will Lionel Messi look like? : Player adaptation of “One Club Man”
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Jasmine is a symbol of Mother’s Day. As a means of gratitude, many children are preparing to buy jasmine flowers to pay their respects to their mother. But have you ever wondered whether Why is jasmine a symbol of Mother’s Day? Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8
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Mother’s Day Poem Mother’s Day poem Mother’s Day poem The representative conveys the love, which is given to mothers on important days Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8
The US-China Controversy About the origins of the COVID-19 outbreak What US President Donald Trump says came from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Where does the 2019 coronavirus really come from? With 3 possibilities from scientific research…
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Today (8 June) Suparerk Karihanon, Head of Academic Service Academic Affairs of the National Astronomical Research Institute (Public Organization) or Sor. revealed that on Sunday, June 21, 2020, there will be a phenomenon. ‘Annular Solar Eclipse’ An annular eclipse lies across the Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia and southern Pakistan. north india and the People’s Republic of China As for Thailand, you will see…
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