Look do Dia – Calça Listrada

Já viu roupa hipnotizar? Aconteceu comigo quando vi essa calça! Pensa em uma peça super diferente do que a gente está acostumada, que provoca o olhar e veste que nem a cinta do Dr Rey? Essa!! De bandagem. Um luxo! Foi só chegar a minha caixinha da Moda Ponto Net que já fiquei louca para usar. Aproveitei o feriadão para colocar para jogo. Combinei com essa camiseta linda e de malha deliciosa que foi presente da Birds and Shoes (Lembram da Carrie com ela? <3) e usei um ‘truquinho’ que estou amando que é fazer a camisa de casaquinho. Essa de botões de spike mais que linda é da Costume. Uso tanto que já vai furar kkkk!! Para arrematar, a nova clutch de spike da LAX Store. Super rocker e com um precinho show!

Eu amei esse look. E vocês? Conta aí!

Lalá veste: Calça Moda Ponto Net | Camisa Costume | Camiseta Birds&Shoes | Bolsa LAX Store | Sapato Luiza Barcelos | Esmalte F Hits cor Blog da Lalá Noleto | Óculos Oakley

190 respostas para “Look do Dia – Calça Listrada”

      1. Oi lalá, eu queria muito fazer uma entrevista com você. Eu adoro seu trabalho, e acompanho diariamente. Você toparia? É super simples, você me manda seu e-mail de contato para o meu: [email protected]

        Para eu te mandar as perguntas, ai eu escolho algumas fotos suas, e pronto! O que me diz?

        Desde já obrigado pela atenção, não aceita esse comentário. Para ninguém “roubar” minha ideia. Haha

        Beijos linda.

  1. Lalá, vc sempre musa né. Loook ficou show, muito lindo. To in love por t-shirts, tô numa febre danada e usando as minhas até um looks mais arrumados. Um beijo, adoro seu blog!

  2. Sem querer ofender, mais como dúvida mesmo…Qual a cor da barra da calça no final do dia?
    Sinceramente, você usa suas calças assim ou usou só para tirar foto? Nunca vi nenhum consultor de moda ou estilista na rua assim!
    Sem contar que não fica bonito visualmente… Se a intenção é alongar as pernas, conseguiu como bônus ficar sem os pés, estilo “patinha de elefante”.
    Não atrapalha para andar?

  3. Bom dia Lalá, faz tempo que visito seu blog mas nunca comentei, conheci seu blog por meio da Camila Coelho.
    Acho você uma linda de bom gosto. Parabéns pelo look, eu usaria numa boua !

  4. Oi, Lalá! De alguns meses pra cá tenho curtido bem mais o blog, acho que ele melhorou muiiiito! Mas, tenho uma sugestão, acho que você deveria abordar mais a temática alimentação/saúde/exercícios, tipo uma categoria pelo menos uma vez por semana. Isso é um grande diferencial que você tem em mãos, mostrar para as leitoras como é possível mudar o lifestyle! Queria muito saber como os primeiros resultados começaram a aparecer em seu corpo, porque para quem está começando na prática de exercícios, esse início sem resultados pode ser bem frustrante. Emfim, parabéns por tudo!

  5. lala, adoro seu blog, sempre entro, vc arrasa é uma fofa!!Acho que é a primeira vez que faço um comentário…..
    me diz uma coisa….essa calça é um show a parte…porem, quem tem pernas grossas como eu deve passar longe neh!?!?Responde ai. Beijinhos

  6. Lalá,
    Amei a calça e vestiu hiper bem. A parte masculina que deve ter amado, vc ficou linda. Vc tem namorado ou está solteira?
    Bjão linda!!!!!

  7. Lala, voce ficou linda como sempre, mais acho que poderia encurtar um pouco a calça, nao curto muito flare batendo no chao. A modelagem dela é Maravilhosa! Beijos.

  8. Lala, amei o look, ficou lindo! Mas acho que para uma pessoa magrinha e com as pernas finas não ficaria muito legal né? Acho que essas listras verticais afinam muito as pernas, to certa ou to errada?

  9. Concordo plenamente com a Romilda, acho super deselegante estas calças super cumpridas, como diria a expressão antiga: “parece que o difunto era maior”. Fora que devem estragar super rápido pelo contato com o chão e devem também ficar sujas com 2 minutos de caminhada, né?

  10. Calça musa, tee linda e bolsa charmosa. Adorei a ideia da camisa como casaquinho, deixou o look mais suave! Só fiquei bastante curiosa para saber o modelo da sua Luiza Barcelos hahaha está um arraso Lala, como sempre :))

  11. Bonita?! Qual o conceito de bonita? Gente, que calça mais feia!!!!! Para o palhaço do circo ficaria perfeita! A primeira foto parece que vc está numa perna de pau. Horrorosa!! comprida demais, embolando embaixo…

  12. Concordo com a Ruth quando olhei a primeira foto.Lalá vc se veste tão bem o que houve hj? Gosto não se discute acho a calça bonita o problema é que ficou estranha na parte de baixo

  13. Oi Lalá !!!Esta calça é um sucesso e ficou deslumbrante em você!!!Adorei te ver de Skazi e espero mais vezes ter esta alegria!hehehe!!Beijo grande,

  14. Já vi a Thássia com a essa calça e achei que você vestiu bem melhor que ela 🙂
    Apesar de não arriscar uma calça listrada assim, achei seu look muuuuuuuuuuuuuuito lindo! E adoro essa coisa de usar camisas como casaquinhos, uso sempre também!

    sistematicas.com.br > rolando SORTEIO

  15. Essa calça é bandagem? Sério.. eu chutaria tudo, menos bandagem. Enfim…. adorei a combinação preta e branca. Eu simplesmente amo essa sua bolsa!! Se um dia estiver inspirada a fazer doação, pode mandar pra Niterói hahaha Essa camisa preta por cima tbm tá tudo de linda!
    Vc podia fazer um post especial falando todos os modelos de óculos que vc tá devendo ne? Ainda não esqueci do ray ban que parece o club, mas não é! rs

  16. Oi Lala! Não gostei da calça não… ela parece que deixa as pernas enormes, pra quem tem muita coxa não da pra usar… Super amei a idéia da camisa como casaquinho! vou por em prática já! bjs!!

  17. Bom dia Lala, queria tirar uma duvida com vc. Aqueles oculos, do tipo mascara, ainda estao usando? Ou estao fora de moda? Por favor, me responda!!!
    Bjoooos e Amei o seu loodk de calca listrada… Pra quem pode ne?

  18. Achei a roupa interessante. Bem cheio de estilo, mas uma sugestão…diminui só um tiquinho o comprimento da calça, pq desse jeito fica um pouco desleixada.

  19. Eu uso flare na altura do calçado e não fica pagando marreco nenhum. Muita feia essa mania do povo da moda usar a calça arrastando no chão, será que o povo não vê que fica feio?

  20. Oi Lalá, o look tá lindo! Mais pessoalmente nāo gosto de calça flare. Já sou baixinha e se uso uma calça assim daí achata de vez 😉 Eu usaria um modelo reto ou slim. Bjos! E parabéns pelo blog.

  21. Lalá, parabéns pela educação frente às críticas recebidas. São opiniões construtivas, mas muitas blogueiras não sabem lidar com isso! Então, pela educação e maturidade te parabenizo! Bjooo

  22. Opinião é opinião, mas se levantasse a barra da calça, ao menos, para aparecer o bico do sapato, ficaria mais elegante. Nem curta d mais e nem comprida d mais. Pegar marreco é uma coisa, como si diz, o defunto era menor.

  23. Lala,
    Gosto muito (muito muito) da tua atitude diante das coisas . Se vc gosta, ponto, usa . Acho que isso diferencias, como diz meu marido, “os homens das crianças”.

    Master fã sua, beijo
    Dani Garlet

  24. adorei o seu blog uma amiga recomendou e eu achei k seria super mulherzinha e não e k me surpreendeu so peço k ponha dicas de lokssssss mais baratinhos pk não da pra andar de grife todos os dias

  25. Lalá, o look está maravilhoso! Também amo a barra da flare desse jeito. Se não for assim perde todo o charme, não achas?
    Fiquei doida por essa calça quando recebi as fotos da skazi para publicar no bloguezito. Mas não comprei a minha ainda…kkkkkk…acho que essa eu vou pular.
    Beijos minha linda. Adoro teu bloguezito.

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  39. Melissani Cave, Kefalonia
    Melissani Cave is a cave located on the Greek island of Kefalonia. Discovered in 1951, several ancient artifacts have been excavated. Inside the cave, there is a brackish lake that is more than 500 meters deep from the sea, which is another popular tourist attraction. Tourists will cruise along the route to see the beautiful nature of the crystal clear water. according to ancient greek mythology These magnificent cave-dwelling nymphs will seduce people with their beauty. And this cave has lured many divers into the world full of natural beauty.
    16-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  40. I’m amazed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a blog that’s equally educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something too few people are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy that I came across this during my hunt for something relating to this.

  41. Sri Lanna National Park covers the area of ​​Phrao District, Mae Taeng District and Chiang Dao District (Mae Ngad Forest, Mae Taeng Forest and Chiang Dao Forest) with a total area of ​​652,000 rai. The condition is generally hill evergreen forest. The terrain is high mountains. The complex extends north and south. It is the source of the watershed that flows into the Ping River. and full of wild animals
    20-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  42. The mammoth Mont Aiguille, almost 7,000 feet high, is one of The French Prealps (Préalpes) mountain ranges located in the western part of the French Alps. Set calm as the background to the below It is the most spectacular view. Whoever is here, let me tell you one word: very hot It must feel like you’re in a secret city with something.
    25-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  43. Tunnel of Love
    Tunnel of Love is one of Ukraine’s most famous tourist attractions. It is a beautifully tree-built railway tunnel located in Klevan, a small town in Rivne region, a province located in western Ukraine. See this romantically, don’t tell anyone. It is recommended to save money and prepare to take a pre-wedding photo shoot here.


  44. Loei, a natural tourist town surrounded by intricate mountains amidst fog, covers the top of Phu. It is rich in a variety of forest vegetation known as Phu Kradueng. Phu Luang and Phu Rua Cool weather, beautiful terrain Different cultural traditions, including the ghosts of Ta Khan, await travelers to experience the city of the wonderland mountains.


  45. Koh Talu, a beautiful island with a nice atmosphere, crystal clear water, is located in the area of responsibility of Khao Laem Ya National Park. – Koh Samet There is a landmark that anyone who comes to the island must stop by to take a picture of the unseen scenery. It’s quiet and quiet, just like any other popular tourist destination.


  46. Coming to Thailand means coming to the places that has all the charm and all the heat within it. Almost all the places in Thailand are beautiful and therefore it is said that the whole country is beauty personified and this is one of the best places to see in Thailand. So, among every other beautiful city that Thailand has, Phuket is the most popular one. This is the most visited place in Thailand. Phuket is known for the incredible night life that it offers to its tourists. You could also go bungee jumping in Thailand and scuba diving in Phuket for adrenaline boost. 1-2 days are not enough for anyone to have a complete tour of this beautiful place. If you are coming to this place then you will have to come with a full proof plan and a list of places and things that you want to explore and do respectively like Kayaking in Phuket is always a fun thing to do.
    BY-SUNJI Website https://ipro191.com/

  47. National parks and important Thai tourist attractions with the highest mountain peaks in the country Located in San Pa Tong and Mae Chaem districts. Chiang Mai Province In the area of ​​Doi Inthanon National Park There are many important natural and cultural attractions. And is one of the routes to see the sea of ​​mist – cherry blossoms in Thailand and flowers blooming in winter. and is also the location of the Doi Inthanon Royal Project A former hill tribe opium farm that our King Rama IX developed into an important agricultural experimentation site in the country. allowing his people to have a legal career It is a breeding ground for rainbow trout in Thailand. At present, in addition to having flower fields and winter orchards It is also the origin of agricultural products “Doi Kham” as well.


  48. The symbol of Buriram and the emblem of the famous football team in the province. It is an ancient Khmer castle that has been well preserved. It is another important place in Thailand. and is classified as a great archaeological and architectural site Located in Chaloem Phrakiat District The base of the site is the summit of an ancient extinct volcano. This is the origin of the name “Phanom Rung” which is distorted from the Khmer language which has a similar pronunciation. It means “big mountain” and represents Khao Krailas, the dwelling place of Lord Shiva. The god of Brahmanism (Siva cult). This stone castle is thought to have been built during the 15th Buddhist century. In addition, every year between 3-5 April and between 8-10 September there will be a natural phenomenon of the first light of day. Go through 15 doors in the morning and between 6-8 March and between 6-8 October there is a natural phenomenon, the last light of the day through 15 doors in the evening, which is a particularly busy season for tourists.


  49. in an area in the south of Thailand We are on our way to a natural cave. which does not allow tourists and the general public to experience The source of abundance is priceless. while what was in it was more invaluable. It is a question that has been in our minds for a long time. What does a real bird’s nest look like? Until we get a real golden yellow bird’s nest that we…
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  50. Viewpoint – Park in Kanchanaburi
    Those who love to pitch a tent to sleep counting stars must not miss “Pom Pee Viewpoint” located in Khao Laem National Park. There is a service area for tourists who bring their own tents. And there are facilities such as bathrooms, shower rooms, available for anyone who wants to go camping, don’t miss it. In addition08-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  51. The best tourist attraction in England must be given to Stonehenge, a large group of rock formations on the Salisbury Plains in the south of the British Isles. Consisting of 112 gigantic stone blocks, the origin of Stonehenge is not yet conclusive. There are just so many assumptions. Archaeologists believe that This mound was formed somewhere around 3000–2000 BC by calculating its age from radioactive carbon. Scientists and historians have speculated that all of the megaliths were drawn from somewhere else. Because the plains there are no rocks. which is expected to come from “Marlborough Fields” located 40 kilometers away, but it is believed that Stonehenge was probably built for the religious ceremonies of the ancients. With all the wonders and mysteries that remain unsolved, Stonehenge is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


  52. The Death Highway in Um Phang District is the highlight of this trip and don’t be too concerned about the name of the road, because it’s not at all dangerous. In fact, it is the opposite and you’ll have great scenic views if you travel down this road for 4-5 hours. Originally, people were afraid to drive in this road, especially when cold mist blocks its path, thus the name. However, you will find very few road accidents ever occurred there simply because only a few travelers would go through the road as well. Tourists mostly rent a motorbike and drive up and down that road for the view. Public vehicles are rarely seen there.
    BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  53. Phi Phi Island, Krabi
    Sailing south to travel to Thailand. There is a famous island in the Thai sea. Beautiful with emerald green seas and crescent moon coves, “Maya Bay” Phi Phi Island is a world-famous marine and snorkeling spot. And classified as another important Thai landmark 16 years ago, Phi Phi Island was used as a setting for the filming of the Hollywood movie “The Beach” after the movie was released. There are many tourists flocking to see the beauty here. resulting in travel Going to stay at Phi Phi Island nowadays is very comfortable. There are also diving schools and diving tours available.


  54. Khao Kho Open Zoo
    This Khao Kho tourist attraction is the Khao Kho Wildlife Research Station. It is a project due to the royal initiative. The atmosphere is very good, like going on a field trip to the zoo with family. There are rare animals to see such as bulls, deer, deer, porcupines, various kinds of birds, jasmines and many others.15-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  55. That Kong Khao Noi
    That Kong Khao Noi or popularly known as Phra That Golden Tray or Phra That Tat Thong It is located in the middle of the rice fields of Ban Tad Thong. This is an ancient community that existed from prehistoric times to the Dvaravati period. The surrounding area has also been excavated many archaeological evidence. During April, there is a tradition of bathing Buddha images and gilding. It is believed that if you do not do this, the rain will be dry that year.16-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  56. The nightlife of Thailand exists in the form of parties in the hidden corners of the towns as well as on the beaches. You can go to rooftop bars, pubs, gogo bars, breweries, enjoy shows of live rock bands, international DJs and artists from all around the world. The cabaret shows, pool parties, full moon parties are what make the nightlife an enthralling and memorable experience. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com

  57. This destination has been a hotspot for the adventure lovers who come to this island to experience the best of underwater sports. The quaint atmosphere of this island makes the visit an amazing experience. In fact, Koh Tao is known as one of the best diving spots in the world and that’s why it is so popular between the adrenaline junkies all over the globe. Apart from scuba diving, one can also enjoy rock climbing and hikers around the different parts of the island.
    When it comes to the best islands of Thailand, Koh Tao is one of the best places to visit in Thailand. This island has a world-renowned diving school where 7000 new divers get certified every year. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  58. Mu Ko Surin National Park, Phang Nga Province
    A diving paradise that everyone wants to experience once in a while, the islands are full of colorful coral reefs. It is a popular diving and shallow dive site around the world. clean sea water And the sandy beach is white and smooth. Look outstanding in the middle of the Andaman Sea. Tell me you can’t miss it The Mu Ko Surin National Park is open to tourists from October 16 – May 15 every year.


  59. Phi Phi Island, Krabi
    Sailing south to travel to Thailand. There is a famous island in the Thai sea. Beautiful with emerald green seas and crescent moon coves, “Maya Bay” Phi Phi Island is a world-famous marine and snorkeling spot. And classified as another important Thai landmark 16 years ago, Phi Phi Island was used as a setting for the filming of the Hollywood movie “The Beach” after the movie was released. There are many tourists flocking to see the beauty here. resulting in travel Going to stay at Phi Phi Island nowadays is very comfortable. There are also diving schools and diving tours available.


  60. Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok
    or the official name “Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram” is another important Thai symbol. It is an old temple that dates back to the Ayutthaya Kingdom, where the Emerald Buddha image is enshrined. Amulet of the house – the city of Thailand It is also an important historical and cultural attraction of the nation. This temple is a temple without monks and is a place for important national ceremonies such as the ceremony of holding water for Phra Phiphat Sattaya and being used as a place for ordination of the royal Nagas. For a visit to the interior, it must be dressed modestly because it is in the royal court.


  61. The Council of Thammasat University has announced the import regulations for medicines, vaccines, and medical supplies. to cope with the covid epidemic
    Thammasat University Council Announcement of regulations on the import of medicines, vaccines and medical supplies in response to the 2019 coronavirus outbreak Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 19/8

  62. Sam Phan Bok, Ubon Ratchathani
    natural wonder “Grand Canyon” in Thailand and is classified as a tourist attraction in Thailand in the unseen style. It consists of more than 3,000 small and small rock pools in the Mekong River Basin. until it is the origin of the name Sam Phan Bok Each basin has a different shape, depending on what the eye sees and the imagination that is born. which during the dry season when the water level in the Mekong River has dropped considerably will see three thousand waving prominently similar to a mountain in the middle of the water In addition, in the vicinity of Sam Phan Bok, there are also other interesting attractions such as Salung Beach, Hong Beach, Hua Hin Phaniang, Stone Lak and Pak Bong Strait.


  63. OFFICIAL: Chiang Mai United grabbed the “Farm” United States Kanyarot to enhance the offensive line in the Thai League.
    OFFICIAL: Chiang Mai United grabbed the “Farm” United States Kanyarot to enhance the offensive line in the Thai League.OFFICIAL: Chiang Mai United grabbed the “Farm” United States Kanyarot to enhance the offensive line in the Thai League.
    OFFICIAL: Chiang Mai United grabbed the “Farm” United States Kanyarot to enhance the offensive line in the Thai LeagueRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/ .

  64. The real “Chanathip”! Consadole Sapporo defeated Kawasaki Frontale 0-2
    Japan J-League Football Match 2021 Consadole Sapporo, 9th in the table, opens the Sapporo Dome, receiving the visit of the leader and former champion Kawasaki Frontale.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

  65. Makha Bucha Day 2021 History of Makha Bucha Day The importance of Makha Bucha Day
    Makha Bucha Day 2021 falls on Friday, February 26, 2021, the 15th waxing moon of the fourth lunar month (4), the year of the Rat, on the occasion of similar On the day that 1250 monks met without an appointment Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8

  66. Medical researchers at the University of British Columbia believe they have discovered an enzyme of bacteria that live in the digestive tract. that has the ability to change various blood types into blood type O, which is considered a universal donor blood group that can be transferred to people with all other blood types (A, B, AB and O) by the research team will…
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  67. Wat Buppharam
    It is the oldest temple in Trat province. From the registration evidence that the Department of Religious Affairs states that this temple was built since the Ayutthaya period. Inside the temple there are many interesting and historic things. Whether it is the Ubosot with ancient murals, art in the early Rattanakosin period, the main Buddha image is “Luang Por To”, a Buddha image with special characteristics. is on your fingers and toes. Craftsman has built The appearance is different from general Buddha images, which is opaque white like a human being. Reclining Buddha Temple Inside the reclining Buddha image is enshrined. The walls are frescoes with floral and animal themes. The museum is a collection of valuable antiques, especially the Buddha’s relics. which is the most auspicious in the country
    30/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/

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