Atendendo a pedidos (rsss) vou contar aqui no blog de onde é a minha calça metálica que acabei de postar no instagram e virou o maior hit! O modelinho é da American Apparel. Vi uma menina na academia uma vez e morri de amores. Comprei mais algumas com a Cláudia da Due ([email protected]) e também ganhei de presente da Metallics Leggings ([email protected]). Tem gente que acha meio Suelen kkkk, pode até ser. Eu acho lindo e na minha academia é sucesso! A mulherada pira! Looks lindos é um bom motivo para ir para a academia mais animadinha, não? #projetolalanoleto
onde eu acho esse tenis?
Lindas , amei !
Quem gosta das bolsas que essa blogueira linda usa???
Vendo réplicas delas no meu blog.
Os contatos para a compra, estão lá =]
Olá Lalá, fui uma das que ficou loooouca por sua legging, e já quero comprar, tipo NOOW!, maas queria saber se ela não fica transparente??
Naoooo! É grossa 😉
Euu viii e amei!!!! Lalá, que isso na foto maior preto na sua calça??haha desculpe a pergunta!! e #todasamamsuellem !haha
Oi Lalá! A calça é linda mesmo! Eu moro na Inglaterra e fico quase louca – hipnotizada rs – quando vou bater perna pela Top Shop e pela River Island, que têm os modelitos de calças (para sair, trabalhar, passear) mais lindos do planeta. Eu escrevi essa semana no meu blog sobre a moda inglesa, sempre descolada e muitas vezes irreverente. Faça uma visitinha ao blog: – lá você encontra tudo sobre tradições e cultura da Inglaterra, passeios e dicas de viagem, curiosidades sobre o estilo de vida e comportamento … e moda também!
Naquelas lojinhas de centro, tipo bem baratinha(citycol, sai de baixo) costumam ter dessas calças, custam em torno de R$10! #ficaadica
Ah, eu amo as calças da American Apparel. Tenho uma há quase 2 anos e não consiga parar de usar hahah 🙂
Calças metalizadas são lindas! Comprei uma dourada também, e até uso pro dia a dia!
Linda Lalá, a azul em especial 🙂
Adorei e já ia perguntar no IG de onde era! Aqui em Aracaju ainda não vi, mas vou procurar! Bjooo
Acho que para academia rola sim, mas para outros looks acho que não dá!
Acho legal! Perfeito para a academia!
Achei q eram da vestem pq lá que comprei a minha
Obrigada Lala. Vou correndo comprar pra mim. AMEI <3
Lala tem muitas metalizadas no site da American Apparel… coloca o link to style certo please 🙂
Lalá, tb adorei a calça metalizada, mto fashion, e o color está em alta, e em vc tudo fica PERFECT!!!
Bjs e sucesso sempre!!!!
É muuuuito Suéllen sim, mas é lindo!! hahaha
como está sua rotina de exercícios Lalá?? Está indo quantas vezes para a academia?? Eu ando faltando muito, estou precisando arrancar uma força daqui de dentro, ahasuashuashasu.
Calça deusa pra ir a malhar empolgada!
Adorei a calça, mas qual o material dela? Será que é adequado para malhar? Bjos
é sim! feita pra isso 😉
Pelo amor de deus, hein? Looks lindos SÃO SÃO SÃO
Onde acho pra comprar???
Ola Lala!! Adorei as calças. A do site american apparel que vc indicou vc comprou pelo site mesmo? Entregam direitinho? E qual o seu tamanho e calça nesse site? Obrigada
Comprei na loja fisica. Uso M
Preciso de looks assim para ter mais vontade de malhar! rs
Ahh!!! E seu tenis é igual ao meu! 🙂
Fiquei feliz em ver alguem tão estilosa usando ele…
Porque ficaram me zoando, falando que era do Tiririca!! rsrsrs
Mas eu nem ligo, sabia que era estiloso e comprei! 🙂
Desvendado o maior misterio do insta hoje hahah
mais um pouco batia a avenida brasil na duvida quem matou o max…
Que lindo o modelo e cai super bem pq o tecido da uma esticada não deixando vulgar.
Mais combinado com um par de pernas todo trabalhando na cadeira extensora fica ainda + perfeito.
Lala queria so tirar uma duvida eu vi que vc ta correndo 8 km em quanto tempo você ta fazendo esse percurso?
Enfim desvendado o maior misterio do insta hoje.
Ninguem quer mais saber quem matou o max e sim da onde é a calça da lala… Um vc pergunta a Lala responde com ela mesmo.
A Calça e linda o tecido da aquela esticadinha que não marca nada e não deixando vulgar incrivel, claro que combinado com um par de pernas toda trabalhada na cadeira extensora fica ainda mais lindo.
Lala queria so tirar uma duvida eu vi que vc ta correndo 8 km so queria saber em quanto tempo vc está fazendo esse percurso?
Oieee Lala!! eu tb adoro ir na academia bem vestida,hehehe
eu procurei essa calça.. por favor confira se é esta do link…
essa rosa linda é de qual?? as outras lojas não tem site? quero muito!!
Esqueci de perguntar… vc ta usando a XS ou a S???
Adorei, você esta linda e muito fashion…Acompanhoa sua page no face, parabéns viu? Beijos!
amei o look
Eu tenho uma igual que comprei na C&A há uns 3 meses!
Acho linda tb!
Eu tenho uma igual comprada na C&A há uns 4 meses!
Tb adoro!
Oi Lalá!!! Vc ficou lindaaaa com essa calça!! Queria tirar uma dúvida… quero comprar, mas estou na dúvida se a calça marca um pouco as gordurinhas e celulites, sei que vc não tem, mas dá pra ter alguma noção, não é?!!! beijooooos!!
Oi Lalá. Eu tbm gosto. Essa sua é linda e o material super favorece a silhueta né… Arrasou!!
Oi Lalá! Muito linda a calça! Estou no site da American apparel, gostaria de saber o modelo da calça e só por curiosidade, qual é o seu tamanho?
IXI! Acho que M! 😉
Linda, Lalá! Amei a azul…
Eu nunca me arrumo para ir na academia, deveria? hahaha Mas adorei as calças! São lindas! beijos
Olá meninas,
Encontre as calças metalizadas da Lalá na run2be – a primeira Fast Fashion Fitness do país. Confira!
Oi Lalá!
Muito obrigada por indicar nosso email aqui.
Estamos sempre acompanhando seu blog! Amamos o post!
Beijos e sucesso!
Achei linda Lalá. bjss
nossa que legal, assim inspira as meninas a malharem beeeem mais fashion! Falando em inspirar, é impressionante o nº de blogueiras q estão se inspirando no seu projeto-digo seu porqeu foi aqui que vi primeiro.Projeto verão da fulana, projeto verão da siclana… todas te copiando. Isso é sinal que seu blog é sucesso
Estilosa até malhando? Para poucas.. Adorei os looks Lala essa calça é sucesso 😀
Adorei !!!
Muito linda,
Estou postando beauty tips e acessorios de Los Angeles,
Take a look:
Comprei uma nesse estilo na Hope e super uso pra ir à academia! Gosto de combinar com uma regata preta ou cinza pra não chamar taaaaanta atenção!! hahahahah!
bjos Lalá.
Lala, a calça é linda!!!! Mas vc tb, né? pooooooooooode usar!!!! rsrsr Belíssima!!!
deeesde que eu vi grazi com uma…DESEJEI! ahahaha
será que sou meio suellen?!
ta linda lalá! xeru p tu!
kkkkk! ADOROOO
muito lindo! tem umas leggs da Live Sportwear que sao demais tambem, Lala
Adooorooo post que falam dos looks de academia…mas estou querendo urgenteeeeeee um post falando sobre looks p curtir baladas(nigth). pra ontem lalá!!!! please. beijos
Olá meninas,
Adoramos o seu post,maravilhoso.
Desejamos a você um ótimo dia.
Recomendamos positivamente seu blog no G+1
Beijos da Glorinha.
Lala, adoro acompanhar sua rotina de exercícios no insta…rsrs!
Look do dia já está no blog, venha conhecer, está lindo:
Oi Lalá!
Você é linda, e seu blog é demais!
Clean, gostoso de se ler e se ver, e com uma “humildade”, se é que posso chamar assim, que várias blogueiras também famosas não estão mais tendo. Parabéns! 🙂
Tu tens uma sandália, que no peito do pé e transparente, e com vários lacinhos pretos… Qual a marca? É Miezko?
Quero umaaaa, rs.
Beijos e sucesso!
Oi, Flor! Obrigada pelo carinho.
Tenho uma dourada que é Louboutin e a preta q é Miezko! Bjoka
Então abafa a Loubotin que não cabe no bolso, to $$$$em tempo, rs.
E a da Miezko é bom o material, boa de usar?
Vou comprar online, e pelas fotos do site parece ser o material transparente dela mei ruinzim, sabe como? duro, sei lá.
Estou errada? (espero que siiiiiiim!)
Obrigada, tá?
Oi Lala!
Descobri a algum tempinho teu blog, e é simplesmente fantástico, adoro, viciei! Parabéns!
Mas olha só, sou gaúcha, formada em Design de Produto e apaixonada por moda!
Gostaria que tu me repassasse algumas informações, claro que, se possível!
Tu é formada em moda né?! És estilista de alguma empresa?
Como iniciou o site/ blog?
Sobrevive disso?!
Estou pensando em apostar nisso também, pois agora moro no MT, e isso aqui é bem raro!
Obrigada por enquanto viu… Aguardo!
Katiane M.
Esp/Designer de Produto
Eu curto bem a calca , já vi a Grazi c ela achei mto linda.
Beijos ( ecommerce de maxi acessórios incríveis)
Lalá, seu projeto foi acompanhado até pela Vivian (do blog fabulousbyvivian) e ela tbm mudou muito o corpo seguindo suas dicas. Hoje ela falou de você no vídeo… Muito legal! bjo
Amei a calça, bem descolada!! Bem o seu estilo né??!! Lindona! Bjos
Nossaaaa… morryyy 1000x, linda, linda, linda!!
É isso msm, estilo até na hr de malhar!!
as mina pira msm. ahahah
Acabei de enviar e-mail para Cláudia da Due([email protected]) e só vende para São Paulo, como não moro em SP:(
No site American Apparel não achei a calça da sua cor 🙁
e a Metallics Leggings não respondeu o e-mail.
Ehhhhhh! Não é para mim não! kkk
E suas camisetas, são de onde?
Lalá!!! To querendo começar um projeto desse tbm.. vc podia postar sua trajetória né? Quero parar de engordar =// Essa dica de ficar bonita na academia é boa… eu sou dessas que quando compro uma roupa, quero usar de qq jeito por mais cansada que eu esteja!
Lalá… amei essa rosa com preto. Qual é a marca dela???
Da AMerican! 😉
AMEI, acho muito bacana ir moderninha na academia, estou aprendendo……pessoal que pratica esporte tem um estilo mais colorido e ousado.Beijinho
Lalá adoro o seu blog…não passo um dia sem dar uma passadinha por aqui. queria pedir pra você que fizesse uns looks usando calça que eu poderia usar de noite p/ baladinhas…não gosto de saias, e já usei tentas combinações com calças p sair de noite que não sei mais o que usar. tenho medo de esta com looks muito repetitivos. te adooooro. beijos
Oi, Karol! Vou pensar nisso !;)
Lala, eu vi essa calca no site da american apparel, mas parecemnser saint “peito”, é isso mesmo? a cintura é nos peitos?
é! kkkkkk Mas vc dobra
Oi Lalá!
Lindas as calças….
Também vendo roupas de gym, dá uma passadinha lá!
Lalá!!!!!!!!! Adorei esse post…adquiri a calça e estou amando…quero todas as cores!!!
Grande beijo e vamo que vamo na malhaçã!
Lalá aonde posso encontrar a calça?? Eu amei!!
Lalá adorei a calça!! Onde achoo para comprar?
Meninas, sou revendedora de leggings e tenho as metalizadas oor um precinhi mara!
Lala, quero comprar uma calça dessas pelo site, mas não sei qual minha numeração nele. Vc veste que número? A M ficou folgada?
Uso M! BJoka
Olá Lala!
E as blusas são de onde?
Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these Second Life websites and blogs
This was awesome! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
Surin Islands National Park. It is an archipelago in the Andaman Sea.
About 70 kilometers from the coast to the west are islands adjacent to the Thai-Myanmar border. It covers an area of approximately 84,375 rai, divided into approximately 20,594 rai on land, comprising 5 important islands: Koh Surin Nuea, Koh Surin Tai, Koh Khai (Koh Torinla), Koh Klang (Koh Pajumba) and Koh Ree (Koh Klang). Stock Island) is an archipelago of beautiful shallow reefs. There are many colorful fish, which is a good place to see coral reefs in shallow water. especially Torinla Island and Pajumba Island. For an area suitable for deep diving
07-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
The Lofoten is a group of islands located in northern Norway within the Arctic Circle. It is home to a fishing village that is very attractive to all fishermen. Fishing enthusiasts come here on vacation to show off the big fish to the world. The world’s deepest coral reef is also here. Of course, the beauty of the northern hemisphere is here.
16-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
kkkk, pode até ser. Eu acho lindo e na minha academia é sucesso! A mulherada pi*H
It is one of Chiang Mai’s most UNSEEN natural attractions. Pha Chor is a natural phenomenon caused by the erosion of wind and rain. until the land is believed to be hundreds of years or a thousand years ago in this area used to be the path of the Ping River The Ping River sediments have formed into layers. Passed through time and was eroded into cliffs and earth pillars with strange shapes. Similar to Phae Mueang Phi in Phrae Province or Ta side in Phayao province There is a beautiful and large pattern with a height of about 30 meters, compared to the treetop canopy. Covering a wide area
20-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
mais lindos do planeta. Eu escrevi essa semana no meu blog sobre a moda inglesa, sempre descolada e muitas vezes irreverente. Faça uma visitinha ao blog20-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
Prof. reiterates strict requirements to reduce
travel “to reduce rashes.-
Public transportation Nationwide,
not more than 50 percent”
suggested waiting to hear each
announcement. The province determines more
+++เดซี่ 20/7/64+++
Live in the moment
Lung Det tea plantation
Cha Lung Det is located in Mae Taeng District. It is a tea plantation that is convenient to travel23-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:
Sea Cliffs, Etretat
The Cliffs at Etretat has become a draw for many tourists.
There is also a beach parallel to the stretch of coastline,
which is also very beautiful.
This national park is a must for you to mesmerize you with its turquoise lake charm. and a waterfall as beautiful as a painting Jiuzhaigou Valley This is located at the southern end of the Minshan Mountains in northern Sichuan Province. In addition to the stunning lakes and waterfalls. This is also the home of many orchid species. and animal conservation like a panda as well
25-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
Tunnel of Love
Tunnel of Love is one of Ukraine’s most famous tourist attractions. It is a beautifully tree-built railway tunnel located in Klevan, a small town in Rivne region, a province located in western Ukraine. See this romantically, don’t tell anyone. It is recommended to save money and prepare to take a pre-wedding photo shoot here.
อดีตเป็นเรื่องสำคัญ แต่ไม่สำคัญเท่ากับปัจจุบัน ซึ่งเป็นหนทางที่ทำให้มองเห็นอนาคต
“Your past is important but it is not nearly as important
to your present as the way you see your future.”
Walk the bridge over the River Kwai, the world’s most important historical monument It is part of the Death Railway, built during World War II by the Japanese army, which is a symbol of Kanchanaburi province.
sandália Chanel. Gata! Preciso de um top cropped
Obrigada Lala. Vou correndo comprar pra mim.28-07-2021 by hunny go to website:
Loei, a natural tourist town surrounded by intricate mountains amidst fog, covers the top of Phu. It is rich in a variety of forest vegetation known as Phu Kradueng. Phu Luang and Phu Rua Cool weather, beautiful terrain Different cultural traditions, including the ghosts of Ta Khan, await travelers to experience the city of the wonderland mountains.
Koh Talu, a beautiful island with a nice atmosphere, crystal clear water, is located in the area of responsibility of Khao Laem Ya National Park. – Koh Samet There is a landmark that anyone who comes to the island must stop by to take a picture of the unseen scenery. It’s quiet and quiet, just like any other popular tourist destination.
For those who are a travel enthusiast and also has a keen interest in history and culture, this place is ideal for them. Thailand is more popular for being a party place, so idea of visiting a place of history and tradition may look less appealing to you. But there are such places in Thailand also where you will get a close glimpse of the tradition and history. Lopburi happens to be one of the oldest cities of Thailand and was one of the former capitals of the country.
This city has a lot to say about the history of the island. There are a lot of old monuments and cultural heritage sites here, through which you can see the history f the country. Apart from this, the place is a home to a lot monkeys. It is advisory to keep your bag and items with you carefully, unless these monkeys will do their work neatly. Not just this, this place too is good for hiking, trekking and rock climbing, so interested people can come with a plan prepared. The historical site of Ayutthaya is very near to this place, so one can go to that place from here very easily. So, it is advisory that either come to this place from there only or go to that place from here and this will be more convenient.
BY-SUNJI Website
Wei Suwat Waterfall experiences a full-on juiciness with water falling from a steep cliff about 20 meters below a puddle and stream. The water is very clear, but during the rainy season there is a lot of water and strong flow, and the water is very cold. 1-08-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:
National parks and important Thai tourist attractions with the highest mountain peaks in the country Located in San Pa Tong and Mae Chaem districts. Chiang Mai Province In the area of Doi Inthanon National Park There are many important natural and cultural attractions. And is one of the routes to see the sea of mist – cherry blossoms in Thailand and flowers blooming in winter. and is also the location of the Doi Inthanon Royal Project A former hill tribe opium farm that our King Rama IX developed into an important agricultural experimentation site in the country. allowing his people to have a legal career It is a breeding ground for rainbow trout in Thailand. At present, in addition to having flower fields and winter orchards It is also the origin of agricultural products “Doi Kham” as well.
The symbol of Buriram and the emblem of the famous football team in the province. It is an ancient Khmer castle that has been well preserved. It is another important place in Thailand. and is classified as a great archaeological and architectural site Located in Chaloem Phrakiat District The base of the site is the summit of an ancient extinct volcano. This is the origin of the name “Phanom Rung” which is distorted from the Khmer language which has a similar pronunciation. It means “big mountain” and represents Khao Krailas, the dwelling place of Lord Shiva. The god of Brahmanism (Siva cult). This stone castle is thought to have been built during the 15th Buddhist century. In addition, every year between 3-5 April and between 8-10 September there will be a natural phenomenon of the first light of day. Go through 15 doors in the morning and between 6-8 March and between 6-8 October there is a natural phenomenon, the last light of the day through 15 doors in the evening, which is a particularly busy season for tourists.
last weekend Colombian President Ivan Duque hosts an environmental summit in Ledicia. Six other heads and governments were in attendance, with seven South American leaders – Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Suriname – signed a joint effort to tackle the Amazon fire crisis. The world’s largest evergreen forest hopes to revive…
Go To WebSite
Life’s real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.”
– Unknown
BY-SUNJI Website
Viewpoint – Park in Kanchanaburi
Those who love to pitch a tent to sleep counting stars must not miss “Pom Pee Viewpoint” located in Khao Laem National Park. There is a service area for tourists who bring their own tents. And there are facilities such as bathrooms, shower rooms, available for anyone who wants to go camping, don’t miss it. In addition08-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
York Cathedral It is a Gothic Christian place of worship. largest in northern Europe (after Cologne Cathedral Beginning in 1230 and completed in 1472, York Cathedral is a structure that incorporates all the essential features of Gothic architecture. One of the most famous and recognizable is the large window, named “Great East Window”, built in 1408. It is the largest stained glass window in the world.
Viewpoint – Park in Kanchanaburi
Those who love to pitch a tent to sleep counting stars must not miss “Pom Pee Viewpoint” located in Khao Laem National Park. There is a service area for tourists who bring their own tents. And there are facilities such as bathrooms, shower rooms, available for anyone who wants to go camping, don’t miss it. In addition09-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
“You have a greater potential than anyone who has ever lived before you! But you’ll never “make it” by sitting on your duff and telling the world how great you’re going to be, starting tomorrow.”– Og Mandino
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
..มันคือเส้นทางของคุณ และมันเป็นของคุณเท่านั้น
คนอื่นอาจเดินไปบนเส้นทางนี้พร้อมๆกับคุณ …แต่ไม่มีใครที่จะสามารถเดินแทนคุณได้..
It’s you road, and yours alone.
Other may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
#Black website:
The reclining Buddha or the Temple of the Reclining Buddha which is it’s other name to the more profound enthusiasts. Over 141 feet long the golden statue is quite the sight to see! The temple was built to commemorate resting or at least that’s what its theme is for. Interesting isn’t it? Most temples are dedicated to gods and saints, but this one is dedicated to the act of resting. You’ll never see that anywhere else, but here!
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province
Beach trips near Bangkok And easy to get to, even without a car, there are quiet beaches. can swim There are many restaurants serving fresh, cheap seafood. with a variety of accommodation styles They range from hundreds to tens of thousands. There are also many interesting attractions such as Park, Hua Hin Night Market, Venezia Hua Hin, Plearnwan and Cicada Market, etc.
12-08-2021 by ศุภดา go to website:
Saint Lucia
St. Lucia is an island nation. Located on the east side of the Caribbean. It is a volcanic island and part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago. The water is crystal clear like glass.
ร้องไห้ให้หนักเท่าที่คุณต้องการ …แต่เมื่อคุณหยุดร้องแล้ว อย่าได้กลับไปร้องไห้ให้กับเรื่องเดิมๆ อีก
Cry as hard as you want to, but just make sure when you’re finished, you never cry for the same reason again. #Black website :
I don’t regret things I’ve done.
I regret the things I don’t do when I had a chance.
#Black website :
Another British attraction, the Lake District, England’s largest national park. It is located in the northwest of the country. in Cumbria The attraction is in the lakes and mountains. which was caused by the eruption of glaciers in the past The image of the water, the image of the mountains, beautiful and mesmerizing. Today, the Lake District is another famous destination for mountain climbers. About 14 million tourists visit each year.
Take you to see the hero’s residence! Nong Tennis Panipak with luxury accommodation in Phuket during the quarantine period
Open the photos of the accommodation of Nong Tennis Panipak, Hero of the Golden Medal, Taekwondo Olympic Games Read more >>> By wila 16/8
The Islands here are categorized in the numbers. Among these islands, the beaches of Koh Miang are the most beautiful. This beach is highly preferred among the couples who want to spend some time in the traditional bamboo bungalows. Koh Tachai Island is known for its pink sunset and sparkling sandy beaches. Richelieu Rock is one of the hotspots for the marine life enthusiasts who come here to spot the Great Whale Sharks. The Similan Islands are closed for tourists between May and October. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
Rayong Aquarium
Rayong Aquarium It is an experimental study place for research on marine animals and various aquatic plants. It is also a collection of rare and beautiful aquatic species. which was located along the bay of Ban Phe Only 20 kilometers away from Rayong city, the interior is divided into 3 parts.18-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
Mu Ko Surin National Park, Phang Nga Province
A diving paradise that everyone wants to experience once in a while, the islands are full of colorful coral reefs. It is a popular diving and shallow dive site around the world. clean sea water And the sandy beach is white and smooth. Look outstanding in the middle of the Andaman Sea. Tell me you can’t miss it The Mu Ko Surin National Park is open to tourists from October 16 – May 15 every year.
Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok
or the official name “Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram” is another important Thai symbol. It is an old temple that dates back to the Ayutthaya Kingdom, where the Emerald Buddha image is enshrined. Amulet of the house – the city of Thailand It is also an important historical and cultural attraction of the nation. This temple is a temple without monks and is a place for important national ceremonies such as the ceremony of holding water for Phra Phiphat Sattaya and being used as a place for ordination of the royal Nagas. For a visit to the interior, it must be dressed modestly because it is in the royal court.
Government approves budget of 9.3 billion, pay 20 million doses of Pfizer vaccine, find 10 million additional doses.
The Cabinet has approved a limit of more than 9 billion baht, payment of 20 million doses of Pfizer vaccine, and acknowledged the purchase of an additional 10 million doses of Pfizer vaccine, expected to be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year. Read more >>> By wila 19/8
– When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
ในเมื่อไม่มีอะไรที่แน่นอน ทุกๆ สิ่งก็เป็นไปได้ทั้งนั้น
#Black website :
Prasat Hin Phanom Rung, Buriram
The symbol of Buriram and the emblem of the famous football team in the province. It is an ancient Khmer castle that has been well preserved. It is another important place in Thailand. and is classified as a great archaeological and architectural site Located in Chaloem Phrakiat District The base of the site is the summit of an ancient extinct volcano. This is the origin of the name “Phanom Rung” which is distorted from the Khmer language which has a similar pronunciation. It means “big mountain” and represents Khao Krailas, the dwelling place of Lord Shiva. The god of Brahmanism (Siva cult). This stone castle is thought to have been built during the 15th Buddhist century. In addition, every year between 3-5 April and between 8-10 September there will be a natural phenomenon of the first light of day. Go through 15 doors in the morning and between 6-8 March and between 6-8 October there is a natural phenomenon, the last light of the day through 15 doors in the evening, which is a particularly busy season for tourists.
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Rose is a flower that is known as The “Queen of Flowers” originated and predates the historical era. Because the fragments of fossil roses were found And there is also evidence that roses were planted for the first time. It has been in Asia for more than 5,000 years and is also known throughout Europe during the Roman Empire as a flower that was used as an ornament to mankind. Read more >>> By wila 29/8
Truffle is a type of mushroom in the Mycorrhizal Fungi group. It has a strong flavor and a distinctive smell. which in the western menu (Especially French food) Truffles are the ultimate condiment. It was nicknamed the Diamond of the Kitchen and was very popular with the French in 1780 after a French chef. Quit using oriental spices. Due to its overly pungent taste and aroma, truffle consumption was peculiar to the elite. because it is very expensive Read more >>> By wila 29/8
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
– Buddha BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
Ban Hua Laem Chedi
Located near the Ban Hua Laem Fisherman’s Wharf. Na Yai Am District Chanthaburi Province An interesting feature is the old white pagoda that sits on a rock in the middle of the sea. “Ban Hua Laem Chedi” is a chedi that is over 200 years old. It is believed that it was built to hold the hearts of fishermen. There is a wooden bridge across large and small rocks extending out into the sea for about 50 meters as a walkway to worship. Ban Hua Laem Chedi
29/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
canoeing See the surrounding mangrove forests and take a walking tour. Stalagmites and stalactitesby hunny go to website:
Chonlamakwithi Bridge
Chonlamakwithi Bridge or the bridge along the seashore in Chonburi Another interesting landmark in Chonburi province. Located in the city, not far from Bangsaen beach and Khao Sammuk. It is a bridge along the sea with a distance of several kilometers. It stretches from Sukhumvit Road to Khao Bang Sai Temple. While driving, you will see the bridge that stretches parallel to the sea. You can see the beautiful sea view flanked. When the sea is dry, you can see streaks of sand alternating with sea water. A picture of a fish cage in the middle of the sea lined up like a painting
29/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. It only saps today of its joy.”
– Leo Buscaglia BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
It’s the second week of the year already. Many of them would have been working together for several days. This weekend, we would like to present 5 worthwhile activities for you to invite your loved ones or close friends out of the house to relax together. Let’s go and see. Historical landmarks of the Krairik family Another family with a Thai name such as Baan Chao Phrayam…
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Kick off the week to welcome the new decade with some light activities, gradually inviting each other to hang out and find inspiration for the beginning of the year. But is there anything worth going? We’ve put it all together here. The New Rijksmuseum What: See a rerun of the Rijks Museum’s chaos documentary. or the National Museum of Amsterdam That used to be closed for renovations, taking a total of 10 years…
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suitable for relaxing. Grab a bite to eat while taking in the beautiful natural scenery of the beach. And don’t miss out on the cool photo corners on the branches that we have to take hunny go to website:
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