Lembram que contei aqui sobre a minha camisa grafitada da Patricia Viera? Virou a minha peça favorita. Já usei mil vezes desde que ganhei e, aqui em Londres, ela não poderia ficar fora dos meus looks. Me inspirei no look lindo que a Mariah já usou e combinei com essa saia rodada em couro cortado a laser também da Patricia Viera. É incrível como as pessoas amam o trabalho dela. Todo mundo que viu amou e veio perguntar de onde era. Nessa hora a gente fala de boca cheia. It’s a brazilian brand!!!
Lalá Noleto veste: Patricia Viera | Sapato: Miezko (coleção de inverno. Já está chegando nas lojas. Para saber mais onde encontrar mande email para [email protected]) ou saiba mais no blog | Bolsa Chanel | Óculos Persol
Que lindaaaa!! Amei o look e as poses… hahaha
Arrasa Lalá!
Aíiii sim !!!!
Agora eu senti estilo de sobra nesse look Lalá! Parabens! A tempos que eu não amava tanto um look teu!!
beijos, dani
Você tá muito CHIQUEEE
Beijos, Keli
Parabéns por ter coragem de ter sair com as pernas de fora rs
Adorei a combinaçao com saia, o look ficou lindoo!
😀 vendemos ZARA 😀
Lalá, ameii a camisa!!!!
É lindaa!
Achei lindo o look,principalmente a saia.Parabéns Lalá.
Adorei o look Lalá!
Lindo seu look.. essa sandália é uma das mais lindas da miezko.
Lalá, que look perfeito, poder de estilo!
Sapato divino. bjs
A camisa é bonita porém não combinou com a saia.Fica a dica.
Lalá, estou amando seus looks com as saias mais compridinhas.
Super chic.
adorei a camisa personalizada <3 http://www.piasoeunamoda.com/
Você é poooooodre de chique!!!tá lindo o look!!!
Tbm concordo com a Renata, amei a camisa, porém não gostei da combinação.
A saia é linda e combina maravilhosamente com o look! especialmente os óculos de sol. Comprou no Brasil?
beijos Ana
Lala, não tá frio aí não? Beijos
Não muito livia! Bjoka
Oi Lalá. Look maravilhoso!!!! Você como sempre arrasa nas produções. Parabéns pelo o bom gosto.
Oi Lalá. Look maravilhoso. Você como sempre arrasa nas produções.
Um beijo.
Look aprovadíssimo!!
Preto e branco não tem como errar, uma combinação perfeita com esse efeito spray. Amei confira: http://www.lazervestevoce.com.br
Oi Lalá estou indo para Londres dia 4/3, como está o clima? Muito frio?
Muda muito! Dias lindos e dias mais frios! Bjoka
Linndo look!
Da uma olhadinha no meu blog tambem!
Adorei tudo!
Seus looks estão ( são)lindos , Porém estão muito mais para primavera ou até mesmo outono .Certamente você terá que tomar bastante vitamina C …rsrs Oh Calor !!!
Gostei do look, mas se tivesse com uma bota e meia calça estaria melhor, London tá MTO FRIO!
Acredito que conheço uma outra cidade chamada Londres que não é essa,pq em Londres fazendo 1 grau niguém sai assim na rua não.
Postando esses Looks vc dá uma impressão errada a suas leitoras,já pensou alguém que nunca encarou essas temperaturas se inspirar nos nesses looks na hora de fazer sua mala?
O inverno já nos propicia a oportunidade de sermos elegantes então não é necessário passar frio pra ficar linda.
Cuidado lalá pra pegar pneumonia é um pulo…dica de quem enfrentou e muito o frio europeu
é Amanda, deve ser mesmo. Tem dias frios, outros nem tanto! Bjoka
Lalá, look fantástico! Tu sempre cheia de charme e estilo. Linda! Amei essa saia! Divina demais.
Está poderosa, gata! Linda!
Lalá amei TUDO, a saia DEUSA, a jaqueta o sapato, seu cabelo, enfim….aiiii como esse povo fala heim! #CREDO 🙁
Lalá já nasceu linda, deixa de pegar no pé dela gentem!!!
Bjos =)
Lalá, sua linda!!!
Amei tudo 🙂
Pelo “amorrrr”, quando você fará um post falando dos seus sapatos hein???rsrs #souabusada
Um mais lindo que o outro, tenho certeza que você é uma viciada (como eu) ou quase isso..kkk
Arrasando em sua viagem viu, beijos!!! Enjoy
amei esta linda look perfeito, deusa!!
Para Garotas antenadas Confiram as T-shirts da moda e preço justo http://www.sweettshirt.com.br curtam nossa fan page
Luxu purinho. Amei Lalá!
Lala, me passa a ref. e tamanho desse seu persol? obg, beijinhos!
Lala, Look lindo… Amei tudoooo!! Um dos mais legais seu… Bjs
Lala, lindo look… Amei tudooo!! Bjs
Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these sl articles and blogs
This was awesome! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
Virou a minha peça favorita. Já usei mil vezes desde que ganhei e*-*hunny
รสนา โตสิตระกูล ในหัวข้อ อะเมซิ่งไทยแลนด์! ค้นพบฟ้าทะลายโจร สมุนไพรตัวแรกในโลกที่ฆ่าเชื้อโควิด-19 ได้ มีเนื้อหาระบุว่า “ความจริงแล้ว เรื่องฟ้าทะลายโจรฆ่าเชื้อโควิด-19 ได้นั้น เป็นข่าวมาตั้งแต่ปีที่แล้ว แต่คนไทยทั่วไปยังไม่ค่อยตื่นเต้นกันมากนัก เพราะตอนนั้นคนไทยติดเชื้อโควิด-19 ยังไม่ถึง 4,000 (ณ เดือนตุลาคม 2563 คนติดเชื้อในไทย จำนวน 3,736 ราย) ตายไม่ถึง 60 คน ด้วยซ้ำ แต่พอใกล้สิ้นปีเก่าเข้าปีใหม่ไม่ถึงเดือน เจอโควิดรอบสอง คนติดเชื้อเหยียบหลักหมื่นขึ้นไปแล้ว คนไทยตื่นตกใจ และหวังพึ่งวัคซีนมาช่วยป้องกันโควิด-19 by wila 12/07
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Honey is the product of nectar from flowers and other sources that worker bees collect. Through the process of physical and chemical transformation and deposited in the honeycomb. Usually, honey has a different smell, taste, color according to the type of plant, so it is possible to identify the type of honey according to the type of plant.
ขิม 13/7
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เพราะแสวงหา มิใช่เพราะรอคอย เพราะเชี่ยวชาญมิใช่เพราะโอกาส เพราะสามารถ มิใช่เพราะโชคช่วย ดังนี้แล้ว ลิขิตฟ้าหรือจะสู้มานะตน by wila 15/07
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What’s past is past time to move on. อะไรที่เป็นอดีตมันก็คืออดีต ได้เวลาไปต่อแล้วนะ
If you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.
ถ้าคุณช่วยพวกเขาไม่ได้ อย่างน้อยก็อย่าทำร้ายพวกเขา
Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do…Really?
ใคร ๆ ก็ยอมแพ้ได้ มันง่ายที่สุดในโลกที่จะทำ … จริงไหม?
“You have to get lost before you find yourself” – Paper Town (2015)
“คุณอาจจะต้องหลงทาง ก่อนที่จะค้นพบตัวเอง”
Margaret Garden
real strong current with Margaret Garden Chiang Mai, where you can see the dark purple, light purple, dark pink margaret flowers23-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:https://ipro191.com/
“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”
– Oprah Winfrey
In the end, we learn how to be strong alone.
quotes from famous people or important people Let’s talk before starting the presentation. Need to increase reliability even more Because there is a quote from someone who listens to know well. by wila 27/07
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Life has turned into a beautiful garden ever since you entered into my life.
ชีวิตกลายเป็นสวนที่สวยงาม นับตั้งแต่ที่คุณเข้ามาในชีวิตของฉัน
Mercedes-Benz awaits EV clarity as officials go mum
Mercedes-Benz Thailand may delay its investment in the electric vehicle industry here after seeing no clear direction from the government to translate EV policy into action.
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Detoxification or detoxify in English means to remove toxic substances from the body, but detoxification does not mean to clean anything. but using a promotion or accelerate the body to detoxify more than usual
By wila 29/07
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Record 61 Covid deaths, 6,087 new cases Friday
ขิม 31/7
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Mercedes-Benz awaits EV clarity as officials go mum
Mercedes-Benz Thailand may delay its investment in the electric vehicle industry here after01-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
last weekend Norwegian media outlet NRK reported that a team of surveyors and biologists from the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) conducted a 10-week survey of the reindeer population on the Norwegian island of Svalbard. The reindeer dropped shockingly. More than 200 reindeer carcasses were also found, presumed to have died due to a shortage of…
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Onitsuka Tiger released the Autumn & Winter 2021 collection inspired by the beautiful nature of the Himalayas. towering in winter and the rock-climbing hikes that flourished in the 1970s.
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Viewpoint – Park in Kanchanaburi
Those who love to pitch a tent to sleep counting stars must not miss “Pom Pee Viewpoint” located in Khao Laem National Park. There is a service area for tourists who bring their own tents. And there are facilities such as bathrooms, shower rooms, available for anyone who wants to go camping, don’t miss it. In addition08-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
“Sometimes people seem to be doing better than you. They may seem to be way ahead of you in hitting some goals that you may not be close to achieving, but never be bothered by it. Just keep on working hard and carrying on with the steady pace that works best for you.”– Chikamso Efobi
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
จงให้อภัยได้ แต่อย่าลืม …จงเรียนรู้จากความผิดพลาดได้ แต่อย่าเศร้าโศกกับมัน
Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret.
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The Death Highway in Um Phang District is the highlight of this trip and don’t be too concerned about the name of the road, because it’s not at all dangerous. In fact, it is the opposite and you’ll have great scenic views if you travel down this road for 4-5 hours. Originally, people were afraid to drive in this road, especially when cold mist blocks its path, thus the name. However, you will find very few road accidents ever occurred there simply because only a few travelers would go through the road as well. Tourists mostly rent a motorbike and drive up and down that road for the view. Public vehicles are rarely seen there.
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Saint Lucia
St. Lucia is an island nation. Located on the east side of the Caribbean. It is a volcanic island and part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago. The water is crystal clear like glass.
เมื่อไรที่คุณสามารถปล่อยอดีตให้ผ่านไปได้ ..สิ่งที่ดียิ่งกว่าก็จะตามมา..
When you finally let go of the past something better comes along.
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จำไว้เถอะว่า ทุกอย่างมีหนทางและความเป็นไปได้ด้วยกันทั้งนั้น
Never give up on something you really want.
However impossible things my seem, there’s always a way.
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Khao Kho Open Zoo
This Khao Kho tourist attraction is the Khao Kho Wildlife Research Station. It is a project due to the royal initiative. The atmosphere is very good, like going on a field trip to the zoo with family. There are rare animals to see such as bulls, deer, deer, porcupines, various kinds of birds, jasmines and many others.15-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Caesar salad was not born in Rome! but born on the Mexican border
Origin of Caesar Salad, which really and was not born in Rome, Italy in any way Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 16/8
Thung Bua Daeng, Yasothon
Finally, come to meet the new attraction of Yasothon province, “Thung Bua Daeng” or Daeng Bueng Bueng. It is a field full of red lotus flowers on an area of more than 100 rai in the middle of the rice field at the end of Thung Kula Ronghai. The red lotus is the flower of Yasothon Province. Causing the province to prepare to push this attraction to become an eco-tourism attraction to keep16-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Sukhumvit is situated at a short distance from Siam. For the tourists in Bangkok, Sukhumvit serves as one of the most prominent nightlife areas. This area covers a large part of Bangkok which is further divided into several smaller sub-areas. One can access this party town via Tu-Tuks or through the Sukhumvit BTS Skytrain line. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
This destination has been a hotspot for the adventure lovers who come to this island to experience the best of underwater sports. The quaint atmosphere of this island makes the visit an amazing experience. In fact, Koh Tao is known as one of the best diving spots in the world and that’s why it is so popular between the adrenaline junkies all over the globe. Apart from scuba diving, one can also enjoy rock climbing and hikers around the different parts of the island.
When it comes to the best islands of Thailand, Koh Tao is one of the best places to visit in Thailand. This island has a world-renowned diving school where 7000 new divers get certified every year. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
Rajavithi Hospital reports the latest symptoms. The protesters were shot. 1 bullet stuck in the brainstem, coma
Rajavithi Hospital reports the latest symptoms. The protesters were shot in #16 August, one bullet stuck in the brain stem, fractures of the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae, a coma. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 19/8
– A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.
แผนที่ดีของวันนี้ ย่อมดีกว่าแผนที่สมบูรณ์แบบของวันหน้า
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Get to the top of the team immediately! Reveals the salary that “Ronaldo” will receive from the Red Devils this time
Became big news in the summer of 2021 when Manchester United announced that they were acquiring Cristiano Ronaldo to join the team again as a second battle.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/
I have fought with all my heart! “Rungrot” lost to the old champion. won a bronze medal in table tennis
I have fought with all my heart! “Rungrot” lost to the old champion. won a bronze medal in table tennisRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 30/8Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/
NSTDA announces measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in examination fields across the country during March
Announcement of the National Educational Testing Institute (Public Organization) on Measures to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Educational Testing for the Year 2021 Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8
Chinese New Year Wishes 2021 Good Auspicious Words with Translation
Chinese New Year greetings 2021 with good meanings and translations for friends and family Relatives and friends on Chinese New Year’s Day Used to speak on Chinese New Year this year. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 30/8
China to make history in astronomy With the launch of the Chang’e 4 spacecraft to explore the far side of the moon or Far side of the moon on Saturday, December 8 to come. for pilots to send radio signals back to Earth for the first time from that area and patrolling the neighborhood to see if vegetation can be grown in a low gravity environment on the lunar surface…
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Tonight if you have the chance Don’t forget to look up at the sky. because the Geminid meteor shower will occur or meteor showers Occurring during December 4-17 of every year This year, meteor showers can be clearly observed from after midnight on the 14th until the dawn of December 15th. The National Astronomical Research Institute predicts that The Geminid meteor shower will have…
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When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.
#Black website : https://ipro191.com/
The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself.
เวลาที่คุณรู้สึกเหงา คือเวลาที่คุณต้องอยู่ด้วยตัวเองให้มากที่สุด
#Black website : https://ipro191.com/
“When the world says ‘Give up!’, Hope whispers, ‘Try one more time.’” BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
the city of Hoi An that I saw was beautiful and made me dream that I want to come and see this cute little town once in my life.by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
minha peça favorita. Já usei mil vezes desde que ganhei e, aqui em Londres, ela não poderia ficar fora dos meus looks. Me inspirei no look lindo que a Mariah já usou e
poderia ficar fora dos meus looks. Me inspirei no look lindo que a Mariah já usou e combinei com essa saia rodada em couro cortado a laser também da Patricia Viera.
Tonight if you have the chance Don’t forget to look up at the sky. because the Geminid meteor shower will occur or meteor showers Occurringby hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
want to travel near Bangkok Will travel in the morning and return in the evening. Or going on an overnight trip, Pak Chong is still the top destination for many people.by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
But the drinks and desserts still taste very good. Like the whole line, like to sip a drink and photography line because there are plenty of photo anglesby hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/
Ban Tha Rane Mangrove Forest
Located in Mueang Trat District, Trat Province, it is an ecotourism learning center with fertile mangrove forests. It is a large mangrove forest with a size of 2,000 rai, over 100 years old, and each tree is very large. It is a rich source of food that the villagers can live in. This forest made a living, catching crabs, fish, shrimps, shellfish about 10 years ago until it became a miracle mangrove forest, one of the Unseen attractions of Trat province. The miracle is that on a 10-minute boat ride to Lan Tabun, we will pass through 3 forests in the canal, namely, Mangrove Forest, Chak Forest and Tabun Forest. which feels like we have entered a primeval forest
30/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite https://ipro191.com/
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”– H. Jackson Brown, Jr. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/
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