Tendências SPFW Inverno 2016 – Acessórios


A SPFW continua em pauta aqui no blog, afinal de contas é o evento de moda mais importante do país, traz muita inspiração e acaba sendo como um “guia” das tendências que mais vamos usar. Fiz um post contando sobre as trends que provavelmente vão pegar na parte de vestuário, quem não viu é só clicar aqui. Agora é hora de falar mais especificamente dos acessórios. Calçados, eyewear, jóias e bijus, bolsas e todos os complementos que deixam nosso look mais bacana!

Vamos lá?

– Metalizados: Tanto prata quanto dourado, nas versões clássicas e também no estilo “metal envelhecido”. No próximo inverno os prateados devem ganhar força em peças oversized monocromáticas. Ótimo para iluminar os looks de cores sóbrias e fechadas típicos do inverno, e que predominaram nos desfiles da SPFW.

tendências acessórios 2016

– Pochetes e mini bags (beeeem mini): As grifes não vão descansar enquanto não trouxerem as pochetes pro status de “cool”. A gente vai observando daqui… rs! Vimos diferentes versões da peça polêmica na Lilly Sarti, UMA, Ellus e Helô Rocha. As mochilas devem continuar em alta, e as mini bags agora vem em versões minúsculas. Mas será que funciona na vida real?

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– Sapatos ultra confortáveis: Nunca se viu tanta papete e tênis assim! É conforto em primeiro, segundo e terceiro lugar. Os calçados variaram entre sandálias baixas bem pesadonas, tênis estilo skatista e flats, mules e outros sapatos fechados minimalistas e clean. Os saltos pequenos e médios também se destacaram.

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– Óculos geométricos: Estamos cada vez mais adaptadas à trend dos óculos com formatos inusitados, né? Não há limites para os shapes dos modelos atuais! E a tendência é continuar nessa saga. O retrô, como sempre, tem presença firme, mas os futuristas também chegam causando. Destaque para as formas geométricas básicas: redondo e retangular.

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– Maxi brinco, maxi colar, maxi gargantilha, maxi anel…: As fãs de jóias de bijuterias statement podem comemorar porque o inverno do ano que vem (assim como o verão que está chegando) serão bem extravagantes nesse departamento! Os geométricos multicoloridos são a principal aposta!

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Vocês tem alguma tendência preferida? Ou que não curtem? Quero saber, me conteeem!!

23 respostas para “Tendências SPFW Inverno 2016 – Acessórios”

    1. Gil, tudo bem?!

      Os maxi brincos pesados já saíram completamente de moda, visto que hoje a grande maioria das pessoas – principalmente as mais velhas, – têm a orelha rasgada, aí as empresas começaram a investir em peças grandes e leves. Trabalho com semijóias e apavoro brincos pesados tb!

      Entra no meu site e dá uma olhada em algumas poucas peças que estão lá http://www.imperatrixbijoux.com.br, ou entre em contato pelo wpp 11 95770-8778.


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  3. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you want to see more you can see these sl websites and blogs

  4. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a game where you can do anything you want. SL is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these second life authors and blogs

  5. Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is essentially a video game where you can do anything you want. sl is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these Second Life authors and blogs

  6. Three Natural Bridges
    Lum Fa National Park 3 Saphan Sawan (Tian Cherng SanQiao) World Heritage Sites One of the most beautiful natural features. Located in Oolong City, Chongqing, China. Caused by the collapse of the crust. This makes up a large pond about 300-500 meters deep and partially hollows through it like a bridge over the mountains.
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  7. Gastown
    The oldest part of Gastown is an area of ​​restaurants, galleries and shops housed in meticulously restored Victorian buildings. Heritage structures, cobbled streets and iron columns give Gastown’s distinctive atmosphere. It originated in 1867 when a man named John Deighton entered the scene. Deighton had a habit of opening up. The long story soon earned the nickname “Gassy Jack,” resulting in the neighborhood becoming known as “Gassy’s Town” or “Gastown.” The owner’s statue now looks after the neighbors in Maple Tree Square, who Visited, stopped for photos with Gassy Jack, and also loved to visit the neighborhood. Steam clock, powered steam every 15 minutes.



  8. Takuapa Walking Street

    It is about 400 meters long, along both sides of the road surrounded by old buildings. Sino-Portuguese style which reflects the prosperity of Takua Pa in the past Held every Sunday evening during November – May of every year. Inside there are strange things. There are many tastings to choose from. Who likes the atmosphere of old buildings Selling food that is hard to find You must come by.
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  9. Tunnel of Love
    Tunnel of Love is one of Ukraine’s most famous tourist attractions. It is a beautifully tree-built railway tunnel located in Klevan, a small town in Rivne region, a province located in western Ukraine. See this romantically, don’t tell anyone. It is recommended to save money and prepare to take a pre-wedding photo shoot here.


  10. Doi Inthanon is the highest peak of Siam 2,565 meters. The last city of Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon, is part of the Himalayas, passing from Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and ending here. The surrounding atmosphere is rich in nature. Whether it’s rainforest, pine forest, mixed forest. It is also cold all year round. If you’re here, you’ll want to be one of Chiang Mai’s must-see attractions.


  11. Ban Nam Muab
    Ban Nam Muab is a small sub-district. in Wiang Sa District hidden in the peaceful nature Surrounded by the verdant mountains of Luang Prabang Mountains. The villagers in the community live a simple life. good-natured friendly Activities when arriving at Ban Nam Muab will alternate in each season. Catch crabs to make crab juice or crab juice. Watch how to make wild yam and break bananas. All of which are the way of life of the people in the community. If visiting during the farming season Ban Nam Muab is verdant with rice fields. It is a very green atmosphere that is worth visiting.
    15-08-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

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