Um dos desfiles mais aguardados de toda a temporada de moda é, sem dúvidas, o da Chanel. Tradicional, chic sempre e comandante das tendências que rolam no mundo. Hoje a marca desfilou na semana de moda de Paris e além das roupas, as bolsas são o foco da nossa atenção. O tradicional matelassê aparece na “Boy Bag”, de longe o meu modelo favorito da marca. Fiquei apaixonada pelo shape de Globo. Não é diferente? Adoro esses acessórios que quebram a seriedade do look. A preta de acrílico lembra uma peça do Lego.Não é fofa demais? Qual a sua favorita?
Acho q a primeira eh mais bonita ,mantem um pouco da sobriedade caracteristica da marca e ao mesmo tempo inova na cor. Bj. Lala.
Ai, guria, amei aquela vermelha da quarta foto! O que é aquilo de tão in?
Küssen, amore!
Perfeitaaaaaaaas!!!concordo com você Lalá, essa leguinho tá apaixonante!!!
Bolsas lindas! Amei!!
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Have you ever heard of second life (sl for short). It is basically a online game where you can do anything you want. Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these second life websites and blogs
This was great! I would like you to clean up all this spam though
Second life is literally my second life (pun intended lol). If you would like to see more you can see these second life websites and blogs*-*hunny
modelo favorito da marca. Fiquei apaixonada pelo shape de Globo. Não é diferente? Adoro esses acessórios que quebram a seriedade do look. A preta de acrílico lembra* น้องใหม่
คนที่สูบบุหรี่บางคนมีอายุยืนถึง 90 ปี คนที่กินเนื้อหมูมากๆ ก็เช่นกัน แม้คนที่มีอายุยืนถึง 90 ปีจะเรียกได้ว่าอายุยืนแล้ว แต่จริงๆ มนุษย์สามารถมีชีวิตได้นานถึง 120 ปี เมื่อนำตัวเลขทั้งสองมาหักลบกัน จะเห็นว่าคนอายุ 90 ปี ยังน่าจะอยู่ได้อีก 30 ปี ซึ่ง 30 ปีที่หายไปนี้ แม้จะไม่ได้มีสาเหตุมาจากการสูบบุหรี่เพียงอย่างเดียว แต่ผมคิดว่าถ้าคนเหล่านี้ไม่สูบบุหรี่ก็น่าจะมีชีวิตอยู่ได้นานกว่านี้ อาจมีอายุถึง 100 ปีก็เป็นได้ by wila 10/07
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พ่ออุ้ยหมายกล่าวว่า ตนได้เลี้ยงเจ้าฉลาม หรือเจ้าหลาม สุนัขตัวนี้มาตั้งแต่ตัวเล็กจนโต อายุได้กว่า 8 ปีแล้ว เลี้ยงเหมือนลูก นอนกลางคืนก็กางมุ้งห่มผ้าให้เพราะว่าฉลามก็อายุมากแล้ว ฉลามเป็นสุนัขแสนรู้ ฟังคำสั่งของตนเสมอ บอกสวัสดีก็จะเอาเท้าหน้าซ้ายขวามาแตะที่มือตนเอง บอกนั่ง-นอนได้หมด by wila 12/07
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All roads lead home in the end.
Pogba responds to rumors of a Madrid move after France’s exit from Euro 2020
ขิม 13/7
Um dos desfiles mais aguardados de toda a temporada de moda é, sem dúvidas, o da Chanel. Tradicional, chic sempre e comandante das tendências que rolam no mundo. Hoje a marca desfilou na semana de moda de Paris e além das roupas, as bolsas são o foco da nossa atenção. O tradicional matelassê aparece na “Boy Bag”, de longe o meu modelo favorito da marca. Fiquei apaixonada pelo shape de Globo. Não é diferente? Adoro esses acessórios que quebram a seriedade do look. A preta de acrílico lembra uma peça do Lego.Não é fofa demais? Qual a sua favorita?
เบกกิ้งโซดามีชื่อทางเคมีว่า โซเดียมไบคาร์บอเนตหรือโซเดียมไฮโดรเจนคาร์บอเนต (NaHCO3) เบกกิ้งโซดามีฤทธิ์เป็นด่างอ่อน ๆ ซึ่งหากผสมเข้ากับวัตถุดิบอื่น ๆ ในสูตรขนมอบ ที่มีความเป็นกรดอ่อน ๆ เช่น น้ำมะนาว น้ำผึ้ง โยเกิร์ต ครีมออฟทาร์ทาร์ และวัตถุดิบที่เป็นของเหลว เช่น น้ำ นม ไข่ ก็จะเกิดปฏิกิริยาและปล่อยฟองแก๊สคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ออกมาทันที ดังนั้น หากใช้เบกกิ้งโซดาเป็นส่วนผสมละก็ จำเป็นต้องนำส่วนผสมเหล่านั้นเข้าเตาอบทันที เพื่อให้เกิดฟองแก๊สขณะอบ และฟองแก๊สนี้เองคือความลับของความนุ่มฟูของขนม by wila 14/07
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Um dos desfiles mais aguardados de toda a temporada de moda é, sem dúvidas, o da Chanel. Tradicional, chic sempre e comandante das tendências que rolam no mundo. Hoje
A great man is the man who does a thing for the first time.
ขิม 15/7
Adoro esses acessórios que quebram a seriedade do look. A preta de acrílico lembra uma peça do Lego.Não é fofa demais? Qual a sua favorita?*PM
Adoro esses acessórios que quebram a seriedade do look. A preta de acrílico lembra uma *PM
Better late than never
Dreams don’t work unless you do. -John C. Maxwell
ความฝันจะไม่ได้ผล ถ้าคุณไม่ทำมัน
นับเป็นอีกหนึ่งลิสต์เมืองในดวงใจของใครหลายคน ที่มีความหลากหลายทางวัฒนธรรมสูง นอกจากแหล่งช้อปปิ้งมากมายแล้ว ลอนดอนยังมีที่เที่ยวทางประวัติศาสตร์ สถาปัตยกรรมอาคารเก่าแก่ หรือจะเป็นของกินและแฟชั่น สำหรับใครที่มีโอกาสมาเที่ยวลอนดอนแล้ว จะรู้ว่าอากาศแต่ละวันหลากหลายไม่แพ้กัน บางทีก็หนาว สักพักก็เจอฝน ไม่ก็แดดออกสลับกัน เรียกได้ว่าเป็นเรื่องปกติเอามาก ๆ แต่สำหรับคนเมืองร้อนอย่างเราที่เคยชินกับเม็ดฝน การได้มาซึมซับกับบรรยากาศยามฝนพรำของลอนดอน ก็เป็นอีกหนึ่งความพิเศษที่สัมผัสจากที่ไหนไม่ได้ ถึงแม้ตอนนี้จะไปไม่ได้ เอาแค่ได้เห็นก็ยังดี by wila 19/07
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Don’t give up the beginning is always the hardest.
อย่าเพิ่งยอมแพ้ จุดเริ่มต้นนั้นมักจะยากที่สุดเสมอ
Another story that’s sad and true
I can feel the pain, can you?
You had to be the one to let me down
To color me blue
Hate to see you with someone new
I’ll put a curse on her and you
Ain’t no looking back, now you’re dead and gone
My love is gone too
ขิม 21/7
“Our fate lives within us; you only have to be brave enough to see it.” – Brave (2012)
“ศรัทธาอยู่ภายในตัวเรา คุณแค่ต้องกล้าหาญพอที่จะเห็นมัน”
เกาะสวรรค์ที่พาคุณดำดิ่งไปยังโลกใต้ทะเล ตั้งอยู่ในเขตอำเภอปะทิว มีลักษณะเป็นเกาะหินปูน ซึ่งทั้งสองเกาะเป็นเกาะเล็ก ๆ ที่ยังคงความอุดมสมบูรณ์ของธรรมชาติใต้น้ำ ล้อมรอบด้วยปะการัง ดอกไม้ทะเล รวมถึงฝูงปลาน้อยใหญ่ที่ยังคงความเป็นธรรมชาติแบบสุด ๆ by wila 22/07
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you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow
You made me smiling on the insid *PM
Capsule Boots, beautiful skin, concentrated formula, twist, drop, slap, fresh, clean in 1 capsule
Number Seven (No7), the number one skincare brand from England. Launch of new pre-serum No7 Advanced Ingredients Capsule
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I know I’m not the best I’m trying my best. Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud
“Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it, you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.” — Garrison Keillor
I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
ขิม 27/7
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
นิยามของความวิกลจริตคือการทำสิ่งเดิมๆ ซ้ำไปซ้ำมา และคาดหวังว่าจะได้ผลลัพธ์ที่ต่างออกไป
– – วาทะของอัลเบิร์ต ไอน์สไตน์
The sandwich originated in England in the 18th century. It is said that at that time, Admiral John Montagu, who was at the height of the Earl of Sandwich. addicted to playing cards The type does not waste time stopping to eat at all. So he ordered the chef to cook something that he could eat and play cards.
By wila 29/07
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Thailand wins first Olympic gold
ขิม 31/7
Coughing, mucus, throat irritation is a symptom of suffering and causing a lot of nuisance to patients. Affects work, personality and health because coughing causes insomnia, sore throat, chest pain and many other symptoms. Nowadays, herbal cough medicine is used to treat cough more … Read More » By wila 01/08
Hua Hin Beach
Hua Hin Beach is a popular tourist destination in Hua Hin. There is a way to the beach at Damnoen Kasem Road. There are hotels and souvenir shops on both sides of the beach. Hua Hin Beach is about 5 kilometers long, fine white sand suitable for swimming in the sea,05-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
A classic summertime slasher
After releasing the first film of the franchise last week, the second instalment of Netflix’s teen slasher trilogy films Fear Street: 1978 also recently arrived on the streaming service. Meanwhile, the third and final film titled Fear Street: 1666 is scheduled for release today, so be sure to check out the first two and watch them in order.
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Point out the bags and accessories of Thai brands winter collection from icon craft
ICONCRAFT has pampered fashionistas by organizing “ICONCRAFT’s Accessories & Style” event, introducing the latest collection of bags and accessories from Thai brands to welcome winter Read more >>> By wila
The chic is in the feature on the ‘2 layers’ machine, helping to purify the air, filtering dust ‘2 times better’.
Cube’s selling point, in addition to its ability to capture fine dust at the PM0.3 level with accurate and real-time display. including working through the intelligent system It is in the design of the ‘module’ body that we can put up to 2 Cube machines on top of each other. To help increase the efficiency of air purification faster and cover a wider area.
which in terms of use, we see The design of this kind of Samsung is a very clever idea. Because it helps to save space in the house or condo unit as well. without the need to set up air purifiers to spread in the corners of the room But can use the method of connecting the machines to be stacked up vertically
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Life goes on, with or without you – มีหรือไม่มีคุณ ชีวิตต้องเดินหน้าต่อไป
#Black WebSite
Many people’s understanding still believes that gaming and e-sports are unlikely to suffer much from the COVID-19 situation, or that business may even grow when many countries take measures to keep everyone at home. And playing games is an activity that no one would deny. Online games have become the top Digital Entertainment of the new generation.
until the situation began to escalate And organizing competitions in many countries must be cancelled. Some events have been adapted to online competitions. But national matches where the atmosphere is very important to the contestants and the ‘Virtual Event’ world still doesn’t make people feel emotional with the historic moment inside the offline racetrack. But when the ‘Virtual Event’ is the ‘way Survive is a challenge for the e-sports industry. If you want to organize a national event in the era of Covid-19
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ความกังวลไม่ได้หยุดเรื่องแย่ๆ ไม่ให้เกิดขึ้น …แต่มันแค่หยุดคุณจากการมีความสุขกับเรื่องดีๆ
Worrying won’t stop bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good.
#Black website:
As for the technology in the lithium battery manufacturing industry that is evolving into the solid-state type, EA is being studied as is the case with other operators. This is a collaboration between Amita Technologies Inc., a subsidiary in Taiwan, and the Industrial Technology Research Institute or ITRI, a technology research and development institute of the Taiwanese government. has been carried out successfully Together, they developed a solid-state battery called NAEPE (Networked-Amide Epoxy Polymer Electrolyte) and received the 2020 R&D100 award, a global technology research and development award. and was referred to as The Oscars of Innovation Awards.
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Phayao Kwan
a unique tourist attraction of Phayao Province.”Kwan”is a native Lanna language meaning swamp or large swamp. Which Phayao Kwan covers an area of up to 12,831 rai, located in Mueang Phayao District. It looks like a crescent-shaped swamp014-08-2021 by hunny go to website:
“Lactose free milk”, the choice of people who drink milk and have bloating, diarrhea.
If drinking milk causes bloating, diarrhea, or feeling bloated Try drinking lactose-free milk. Read more >>> By wila 15/8
Authorities prepare for Bangkok ‘car mob’ rally
ขิม 16/8
115489 88983forty individuals that function with all the services Oasis provides, and he can be a quite busy man, he 445806
Thai Vietjet is ready to fly 4 routes across the region, ready to issue promotions, tickets starting at 0 baht!
Thai Vietjet prepares to launch a 0 baht promotion with new routes to connect between regions in Thailand Read more >>> By wila 17/8
The magnificent tourist attractions of Thailand can soak you in the quintessential Thai culture. Pay homage to its glorifying temples – visit the birthplace of traditional Thai medicine and healing – Wat Pho. It is also home to the famed reclining Buddha. Be mesmerized by the three meter tall gold statue of Buddha that weighs 5.5 tons at Wat Tramit. Also, seek blessings at the Wat Benchamabophit. If you’re looking for a sacred site in this stunning land, well, this is surely one of the most peaceful places to visit in Thailand!
BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
In the past, TikTok has ignited a viral trend in the online world, turning it into a fun challenge and re-producing during a time when people can’t go outside to do stunts through a large number of short clips, both waking up ‘Jennun’. Bow’ in the song Super Valentine to return to the media stream again, the legend of Som Yut and Thai people love freedom of Sitangsu Buathong or more recently This with the song Marenabon of English teacher ‘Kru Matsee Sudjai’ who has been covered for many more versions.
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“Mak-Bua” tag team “Prem-Bright” to pass on “Khaosan Unrak” to 3 communities to fight the Covid crisis.
“Mak-Bua-Prime-Bright” leads the “Baan Hub Sub” team to pass on “Khaosan Unrak” to 3 communities to fight the COVID crisis. Read more >>> By wila 21/8
Department of Corrections ready to release prisoners 121 Kratom cases after being released from drug list
Department of Corrections ready to release prisoners 121 Kratom cases after being released from drug list Confirmed for covid test before releaseRead more >>> By ชาเขียว 27/8Go To WebSite
FDA invites Pfizer to speed up registration of a full coronavirus vaccine If approved, it can be sold to the private sector.
The Secretary-General of the FDA invites “Pfizer Thailand” to urgently bring relevant documents to apply for a full registration of the COVID vaccine. Expected to take no more than 30 days for approval
Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 27/8 Go To WebSite
10 ways to prevent “Covid-19”. Do it immediately when you go out and come back home.
if going out No matter how far you go should follow this to prevent covid-19 that comes closer and closer to us Read more >>> By wila 27/8
6 ways to adjust your body during Work From Home to prevent Office Syndrome
Working at home can also be at risk of office syndrome, and it can be heavier than before Read more >>> By wila 27/8
Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people. -Roy T. Bennett
ชีวิตจะง่ายขึ้นและสวยงามขึ้น เมื่อเรามองเห็นสิ่งที่ดีในตัวคนอื่น
#Black website :
Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away.
#Black website :
Mum Sakae Coffee Shop
Stop by to relax and have a cup of coffee. Enjoy the view of the Sakae Krang River. The seats are divided into upper and lower floors. The ground floor focuses on sitting and receiving natural cool breezes. The upper floor is separated into 2 zones, the air-conditioned zone and the outside view zone. The food and beverages of the restaurant mainly focus on Halal menu. Most of the food is chicken and meat dishes such Biryani Chicken (Basmati rice cooked with fragrant spices). tender chicken served with broth), etc. The dessert is frozen roti-song made from Malay flour. not fresh dough Anyone who likes real coffee must try it. Because the coffee of the shop will be sour. If asked about the price It can be said to be young, friendly, and worth the view.
27/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
Party hard, can’t go home When relying on public transport to bring an unconscious body home, it’s the right place. Good or bad, an urgent incident will happen. Whenever you foresee in advance that there is a cause for heavy drinking and possibly forgetful drunkenness. Especially in Rama 9 neighborhood, we recommend you to find accommodation around that area to drop your body, clean, safe, delicious breakfast. It is also convenient to come. Near the hangout source which …
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A familiar image when thinking of visiting Chiang Mai for the author as a human sea voyager is buying Sai Oua. Nam Prik Num from a favorite shop in the market. A visit to the hipster-themed shops and cafes located on Nimmanhaemin Road. which is a favorite activity of the city residents But in fact, the charm of Chiang Mai may not stop at chic coffee shops. or visit the Center for the Arts and Crafts But only t…
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Wat Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan It is a temple with a long history since the Sukhothai period. There are architecture,by hunny go to website:
Wat Phra Ram is a temple located outside the palace grounds. On the east side, Pratuchai Subdistrict, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya District Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province Opposite to Vihara Phra Mongkhon Bophit It is a large and spacious temple. There is a large pagoda clearly visible from a distance. The prang is made of bricks and mortar. It is an architecture of the early Ayutthaya period that was popularly made into a pagoda. because it was influenced by the ancient Khmer style from Lavo City (Lop Buri)
27/08/2021 By ศุภดา Go To WebSite
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” — Eleanor Roosevelt BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” — Thomas A. Edison BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See
It is a temple built on the belief that it is a door or a link between the three worlds: the underworld, the human world, and the heavens, with the Maharatana Chedi Sri Trai Lokthat covering the point connecting the three worldsby hunny go to website:
Fewer curbs soon, says PM
Protesters rally at Government House